Snowden Took a Job To Leak NSA Secrets? Cool. Let's Have More Like Him at the DOJ, IRS ...

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  • WTF
  • 07-03-2013, 09:01 AM
A no brainer..................... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Poor bastard probably can't even get a decent cup of joe their in that Moscow airport holding tank.
Snowden is a whistleblower; you have gulped the government kool aid by calling him a traitor at this point in the game.

What information has Snowden released that has endangered Americans ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You need to share a cell with him ass hole.. al-Qaida has already changed their way of communicating.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-03-2013, 11:31 AM
Feel free to tell us exactly what Snowden has released that endangers Americans.

What is amazing is after all the lying, deceit and otherwise corruption in the Obama government, you believe anything this administration tells you. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

theres the rub. nobody knows except Snowden and the Chinks ..
LexusLover's Avatar
I betchya if Snowden had the choice of living in Hawaii with that hot little number he was dating or stuck in a Moscow wouldn't be even close! Originally Posted by WTF
Yea. you are probably correct ..

jbravo_123's Avatar
You seem to know more than most;

Tell us LL, what state secrets that endanger Americans has Snowden revealed ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whistleblower assumes some illegal action by the government / corporation was taken.

As far as I know, everything the NSA did was ok'd by Congress, so I'm curious where the illegal action by the government was taken.

Certainly, it's something most people probably don't want to hear about, but I don't believe anything actually illegal was done by the NSA.
The author of the legislation thinks the NSA domestic snooping maybe illegal......................a nd the level of NSA snooping is suspected to go beyond what FISA permitted (as asserted by the NSA).

So Snowden confirms the government is spying on us; something you contend isn't illegal and most everyone suspected, yet you think he is a traitor? Makes no sense.
The thing with whistleblowers; their targets always call the whistleblower all kinds of derogatory names (like traitor) until facts come out proving the whistleblower had a legitimate purpose for exposing their illegal/unethical behavior.

- Daniel Ellsberg
- Mark Felt (deep throat)
- Linda Tripp
- Frank Serpico
- Karen Silkwood
- Mark Whitacre
- Jeffrey Wigand
- Coleen Rowley
- Sherron Watkins

Read their histories and how the powers that be tried to label them as traitors/cheats/scofflaw/ and alike.
jbravo_123's Avatar
The author of the legislation thinks the NSA domestic snooping maybe illegal......................a nd the level of NSA snooping is suspected to go beyond what FISA permitted (as asserted by the NSA).

So Snowden confirms the government is spying on us; something you contend isn't illegal and most everyone suspected, yet you think he is a traitor? Makes no sense. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
When did I call him a traitor?

I just have issue with the term "whistleblower" being used when it hasn't proven yet that the government has done anything illegal.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-03-2013, 01:34 PM
I called him a traitor and will continue to call him a traitor.
Wasn't directed at you jbravo...........but in all fairness, if Snowden isn't a whistleblower than I assumed the label you would ascribe to him would be traitor; otherwise, what else would we call him at this point ?

Aren't whistleblowers the people that believe they have the proof before it gets judicially tested ?

Are you saying Frank Serpico wasn't a "whistleblower" until actual convictions were achieved ?

When did I call him a traitor?

I just have issue with the term "whistleblower" being used when it hasn't proven yet that the government has done anything illegal. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
If the government was doing nothing wrong, then neither did Snowden. So he tells the world that congress passed a law that made spying on us legal for the government to do so, they did, and you are okay with them doing that, but you are not okay with him telling anybody? You people are funny with your hypocrisy.
I never said the government wasn't doing wrong; in fact i suspect the government was/is going beyond what was intended by FISA.

I am glad Snowden confirmed that the NSA is conducting domestic spying.....

Aren't you ?
I never said the government wasn't doing wrong; in fact i suspect the government was/is going beyond what was intended by FISA.

I am glad Snowden confirmed that the NSA is conducting domestic spying.....

Aren't you ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yes! It may be "legal", but it is DEFINITELY unconstitutional. (Didn't mean to quote you, hence the edit if that's why you are asking)
I never said the government wasn't doing wrong; in fact i suspect the government was/is going beyond what was intended by FISA.

I am glad Snowden confirmed that the NSA is conducting domestic spying.....

Aren't you ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Walking it back now whir-a-gig?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-03-2013, 03:57 PM
If the government was doing nothing wrong, then neither did Snowden. So he tells the world that congress passed a law that made spying on us legal for the government to do so, they did, and you are okay with them doing that, but you are not okay with him telling anybody? You people are funny with your hypocrisy. Originally Posted by nwarounder

giving classified information to the Chinese is wrong regardless what the government is doing