Not another BBFS thread... This one is different.

Randall Creed's Avatar
HIV 2???

Damn, what the hell does that do, blow your dick up? Set it on fire??
Any provider that has kids or has had unprotected sex with anyone (boyfriend, husband, etc.) who wasn't tested that very day, has no business lecturing to anybody about BBFS.
Replicant's Avatar
Pssht, sequels are never as good as the original!
Boltfan's Avatar
Magic Johnson is a good example Amber.

But let us examine the era in which he contracted the disease. Magic likely contracted HIV in the 80's. Testing was unreliable at best and not at all timely. The situation described where you might not find out for months or years after contracting the virus applied to this time period and say the next 15 or so years. Magic also contracted the disease in an era where denial and knowledge about how to catch the disease was the norm and very few were educated about how to prevent it. See African countries now where the disease is rampant due to a complete lack of education. Magic likely didn't even know to check out his partners.

As previously stated, testing has advanced significantly to the point where not knowing you have the disease is the extreme exception and not the norm.
Taking the Magic Johnson example, it's worth noting that his wife tested negative for HIV. We also have no way of knowing what his sexual proclivities were. For all we know he was really into anal and liked to bite people.

Condoms reduce risk, they don't eliminate it. Same with regular testing. Anytime you get naked with another human being and rub your junk together, it's a risk. To stand on a soapbox and preach that your level is acceptable while others' is not is silly.

Some people like to ride motorcycles on the highway. Scares the shit out of me, but meanwhile I'll haul ass down one in a sportscar. And ten I know people who won't even get on the road. To each their own.
Any provider that has kids or has had unprotected sex with anyone (boyfriend, husband, etc.) who wasn't tested that very day, has no business lecturing to anybody about BBFS. Originally Posted by Iluvwomen

Any woman that has had children... HAS been tested for HIV and aids. It's a mandatory test. So, yes, even with formally being married, I was tested for it while pregnant. Still doesn't mean, that I would want to find out the I had to be tested because my hubby's (if I had one) test came back positive because he wanted to play around on me and I was being faithful.

It's all about being smart. The point is... is that if you aren't having protected sex in civie land and ESPECIALLY in provider land... you are being careless and very stupid.

Just saying.
I'm not preaching to anyone... if you read carefully.. in every thread I have posted... I state that I personally will not do it, nor will I endorse such a careless and meaningless act.

Surely you are not stating that the sanctity of marriage is the SAME as paying a provider for an hours worth of sex?

As stated above, if you were pregnant and married, different story. That is something that you can do while married and cant be stated as being the SAME thing as seeing a provider who sees two to three random guys a day... who sees two to three random providers a month... who has no testing done... who might be slow one month and do extra for the extra cash without thinking.

All I'm saying, do what you wanna do, but don't come to me with it. My life means more to me than giving a ten minute pleasure with a random dude for a "LITTLE" more money.

I wouldn't want to have to wait for the "quicker" test they are giving now... ONLY to find out it's positive a month later. What I make this month isn't worth what I will have to pay out in insurance, prescriptions to treat it for the rest of my life, my funeral, and the never ending thought that I, myself, killed my childrens ONLY parent for an extra bit of money THIS month.

If you're gonna play... wrap it up.

Just saying
amber rain
Sleepy363's Avatar

Magic Johnson is a very sucessful basketball player who probably didn't have to pay for it, BUT.... Where is he now? SICK as hell.. Originally Posted by Amber Rain
Not to go off the topic, but Magic is not "sick as hell". From everything I've ever seen or read, he's quite healthy with his viral load being practically undetectable. Of course he's taking plenty of medication to get to that point, but he isn't sick as hell. He may well outlive many of us.
Lol, regardless STILL Asleep, would you want to have to live like that... day to day on medications to live? All I'm saying and then I'm done with responding to this thread, to do BB in your real life either casually or just in dating One on One without a significant other that you are EXTREMELY devoted to and loyal to... is stupid. And to do it while just playing around on here... is just out of this world ridiculously insane.

Russian roulette is not my favorite game to play while sitting around singing christmas carols during family events.

I'm done.
Amber Rain
If as you say " it is ok to BB if married", how do you know that your husband or SO is not seeing 2-3 random providers a month who see 2-3 random men a week? After all a significant part of your business is built around men who cheat on their spouses. No matter how much you believe that your spouse is not cheating there is no way to be 100% sure.

Since you had unprotected sex in Civie land would you consider yourself careless and very stupid at that time?

Just asking.
As I said before... I'm done with this thread... It has been beaten to death with stupid answers and excuses... READ THE THREAD right above yours... If you are ONE ON ONE AND LOYAL to your significant other.

Regardless, do what you wanna do. Like I said, it wont be me. EVER. No matter how good the money is. Its not worth it. Nor, is defending the birth of my beautiful children while married to my ex, that were conceived in marriage. Not the same as playing around here. Never will be.

This my last post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amber Rain
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
As I said before... I'm done with this thread... It has been beaten to death with stupid answers and excuses... READ THE THREAD right above yours... If you are ONE ON ONE AND LOYAL to your significant other.

..... Originally Posted by Amber Rain
Amber, read the post right above your last one. Many of the men here are married. Most of their wives would assume that they are "ONE ON ONE AND LOYAL", but they aren't. No matter how much you want to believe it, you can't 'know' that your sex partner is "ONE ON ONE AND LOYAL" in any circumstances, and that obviously includes the sanctity of marriage.
I agree! This illegal industry needs some regulation!
FishGuy13's Avatar
Hmm, kinda feel like I missed this one but here goes. On top of her much higer fee, I wonder how much all the tests are for. I am assuming here that insurance pays for the regular 'slow' test and if you want the rapid test it is an out of pocket expence. I'd rather spend that kind of money on 3 providers here instead of just on one. I'm not sure I would if it came down to it, if money was not an issue, but I do think she is going about it the smart way.
Even when I was in a commited 1 on 1 relationship, I kinda liked a condom to help reduce the mess. My ex had a hystorectomy before I met her and even when I came inside of her there was still a pretty big mess to deal with, I'm not sure if my load if about average or bigger than average -- just sayin'
  • Colby
  • 11-08-2011, 04:12 AM
Hey...if she can get that kind of money from an idiot ... ummm...I mean a gentleman..i say GO FOR IT!