‘If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter’: How a Trump construction crew has relied on immigrants without legal status

Hotrod511's Avatar
He asked me how it works. I told him how it works. I didn't dodge shit. You don't know if I'm breaking the law or not. You don't know who I am hiring and you don't know what I pay. And you certainly don't have what it takes to tell me whose ass to kiss. You said that you were a businessman, too. I think you're a wannabe. Originally Posted by Lapdog
"bambino" must have messed up that beautiful head of hair you say you have
Lapdog's Avatar
So you skewer Trump about it...I see where you're going with this!!

Your statement:
Yeah, Levianon, keep telling yourself that. Uh huh. Yeah. Your hipocrisy shines like a beacon on the horizon.

Since that was your comment about this post:

That has nothing to do with Trump. Contractors are Independent, they don't work directly for Trump they are contracted out for a particular job. The contractors hire the crews if they are illegal immigrants that's beyond Trump's control. Instead of trying to find negativity about Trump in every nook and cranny start worrying about the dummies on the left that are going to represent you and run against him.

And you proceeded to tell me this:

I am glad you asked, bb. I am often asked (recently, more than ever) if all of my employees are documented and legal. I have never been required to show proof to the potential customer, but they have every right to demand it if they so desire. If they ever do, then I will then cross that bridge when I come to it. That's where it currently lies. It could change any day. Or not. Originally Posted by bb1961
I didn't even bring up Trump in my post. You are imagining that. Trump's subcontractors can be required to show proof of their employees' legality and presence in this country, if their contractors so desire. If Trump himself wants to pursue it, he can do so himself, but I bet he doesn't. That is the reason for my answer to Levianon.
Lapdog's Avatar
"bambino" must have messed up that beautiful head of hair you say you have
Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Yeah, Levianon, keep telling yourself that. Uh huh. Yeah. Your hipocrisy shines like a beacon on the horizon. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Yeah, your lack of ability to spell shines like the sun, lol.
Lapdog's Avatar
Last time I saw a beacon, it was shining. You probably thought I was saying "bacon". Silly boy, bacon doesn't shine.
I didn't even bring up Trump in my post. You are imagining that. Trump's subcontractors can be required to show proof of their employees' legality and presence in this country, if their contractors so desire. If Trump himself wants to pursue it, he can do so himself, but I bet he doesn't. That is the reason for my answer to Levianon. Originally Posted by Lapdog
You're just speculating. You've never had a business experience with Trump so you really don't know how he would handle a situation involving an undocumented worker. Besides he probably has so many people involved in projects that there is bound to be someone slipping through the cracks on occasion.
Last time I saw a beacon, it was shining. You probably thought I was saying "bacon". Silly boy, bacon doesn't shine. Originally Posted by Lapdog
No, but you don't know how to spell hypocrisy do ya, lol.
Lapdog's Avatar
No, but you don't know how to spell hypocrisy do ya, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Oh, thanks for pointing that out. Seriously. Spellcheck didn't catch it, even though I thought it didn't look right when I posted it. I normally pride myself on my spelling. My bad.
Lapdog's Avatar
You're just speculating. You've never had a business experience with Trump so you really don't know how he would handle a situation involving an undocumented worker. Besides he probably has so many people involved in projects that there is bound to be someone slipping through the cracks on occasion. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I am sure you're correct, but he could check if he wanted to, and that's where I use the hypocrisy card. He talks the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk. You and I both know this. I'm sure that many of his employees slip through the cracks. I know from personal experience how easily this is possible.
Oh, thanks for pointing that out. Seriously. Spellcheck didn't catch it, even though I thought it didn't look right when I posted it. I normally pride myself on my spelling. My bad. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Enjoy your bacon, lol.
Lapdog's Avatar
Ummmmmm, you do know most employers back in the day hired illegals. It was easy to do under previous administrations.

The company I used to work for hired illegals. A lot of companies in Austin did. But now -under the Trump administration - that's a no no.

Send them back?


Trump and his crime family continue to prove they're nothing but unethical demagogues.

Maybe he can put a couple of them newfangled "show" camps at Mar-A-Lago for the overflow from the Mississippi roundup?


‘If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter’: How a Trump construction crew has relied on immigrants without legal status

Josh Partlow, David Fahrenthold 6 hrs ago
OSSINING, N.Y. —For nearly two decades, the Trump Organization has relied on a roving crew of Latin American employees to build fountains and waterfalls, sidewalks and rock walls at the company’s winery and its golf courses from New York to Florida.

a person standing on a bridge: A Trump-owned construction company that has employed undocumented immigrants did work at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Va.
© Salwan Georges/The Washington Post A Trump-owned construction company that has employed undocumented immigrants did work at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Va.
Other employees at Trump clubs were so impressed by the laborers — who did strenuous work with heavy stone — that they nicknamed them “Los Picapiedras,” Spanish for “the Flintstones.”

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For years, their ranks have included workers who entered the United States illegally, according to two former members of the crew. Another employee, still with the company, said that remains true today.

President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said one worker, Jorge Castro, a 55-year-old immigrant from Ecuador without legal status who left the company in April after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.”

Castro said he worked on seven Trump properties, most recently Trump’s golf club in Northern Virginia. He provided The Washington Post with several years of his pay stubs from Trump’s construction company, Mobile Payroll Construction LLC, as well as photos of him and his colleagues on Trump courses and text messages he exchanged with his boss, including one in January dispatching him to “Bedminster,” Trump’s New Jersey golf course.

Another immigrant who worked for the Trump construction crew, Edmundo Morocho, said he was told by a Trump supervisor to buy fake identity documents on a New York street corner. He said he once hid in the woods of a Trump golf course to avoid being seen by visiting labor union officials.

a truck is parked in the dirt: Jorge Castro, an Ecuadoran immigrant, works at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Va., in October 2016.
© Courtesy of Jorge Castro/Courtesy Jorge Castro Jorge Castro, an Ecuadoran immigrant, works at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Va., in October 2016.
The hiring practices of the little-known Trump business unit are the latest example of the chasm between the president’s derisive rhetoric about immigrants and his company’s long-standing reliance on workers who cross the border illegally.

And it raises questions about how fully the Trump Organization has followed through on its pledge to more carefully scrutinize the legal status of its workers — even as the Trump administration launched a massive raid of undocumented immigrants, arresting about 680 people in Mississippi this week.

In January, Eric Trump, one of the president’s sons and a top Trump Organization executive, told The Post that the company was “making a broad effort to identify any employee who has given false and fraudulent documents to unlawfully gain employment,” saying any such individuals would be immediately fired.

He also said the company was instituting E-Verify, a voluntary federal program that allows employers to check the immigration status of new hires, “on all of our properties as soon as possible.” And the company began auditing the legal status of its existing employees at its golf courses, firing at least 18.

But nothing changed on the Trump construction crew, according to current and former employees.

A spokeswoman for the Trump Organization said Mobile Payroll Construction is enrolled in E-Verify for any new hires. The company is still not listed in the public E-Verify database, which was last updated July 1.

The company did not directly respond to requests for comment about the legal status of the Mobile Construction workers, but said in a statement that “since this issue was first brought to our attention, we have taken diligent steps, including the use of E-Verify at all of our properties and companies."
Read more online. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
themystic's Avatar
Ummmmmm, you do know most employers back in the day hired illegals. It was easy to do under previous administrations.

The company I used to work for hired illegals. A lot of companies in Austin did. But now -under the Trump administration - that's a no no. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you go to the mailbox on the 15th, venture out to any construction site in Austin and play "find the legals". LMAO at you ignorance on the subject
I thank God above every day that you are not a Trump supporter.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you go to the mailbox on the 15th, venture out to any construction site in Austin and play "find the legals". LMAO at you ignorance on the subject Originally Posted by themystic
themystic's Avatar
I thank God above every day that you are not a Trump supporter. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Please review the Trump Putin chat they had in Helsinki. I thank God everyday Im not a Trump supporter. My loyalty is with the United States. Run along now