P 411 Photos !!

Actually the photos on 411 always left something to be desired.
For a fairly expensive site, should have expanded Bio info.
Not renewing mine so far.
Solemate62's Avatar
The sky is falling! Jumping to stupid conclusions is, well STUPID.

They have sent all members a message that they are working on it. Complaining is not helping anyone. Originally Posted by Quark
For that matter, neither does being mute on the topic!
Kimchi's Avatar
................I think it's weird that they don't post something on here to apologize or explain what's going on....... Originally Posted by pacman2
Not sure why you think they should come on this site to post something; you're assuming that all their members are also on this site???


They have sent all members a message that they are working on it...... Originally Posted by Quark
Geeze......that makes sense! I got mine!
Not sure why you think they should come on this site to post something; you're assuming that all their members are also on this site???

Geeze......that makes sense! I got mine! Originally Posted by Kimchi

Gina would post an explanation on here if P411 was having issues.
Unfortunately those days are gone
It also would have been nice if the P411 email gave an estimated time of how long it would take to resolve the issue !
I have a gut feeling that the new owners do NOT have a clue on how to correct the problem that obviously they created !!
Maybe Monday they will send out a new email with a further explanation ...Let's hope !
Buckwiser's Avatar
Pro Global Ltd owns P411.

Since I like to know who has my personal information...

The Owner of P411 makes it known in an image (so company name won't show up in a google search) at the bottom of the P411 Terms of Service (TOS) page--look for Pro Global Ltd.

The image at the bottom of the P411 TOS says this:
"Pro Global Ltd, 2-164, Hunts Pond Road, Fareham, Hampshire, United Kingdom, PO14 4PL"

Go to Companies House, which lists the same address (above) for Pro Global Ltd. (the financial services company) as the Pro Global Ltd. on the P411 TOS:
"Pro Global Ltd, Flat 2-164, Hunts Pond Road, Fareham, Hampshire, United Kingdom, PO14 4PL"

How did an International Financial Services company come to own P411?
Maybe Pro Global got stuck with P411?
Maybe they insured the P411 database and the original P411 owner collected on a policy?
A: Yes.

Maybe the pictures will return, maybe they won't. Pro Global is an international company. P411 won't be at the top of their To-do list on Monday.
petitefunlady's Avatar
Now the site is sending messages.....late.

My messages are coming through like 20-30 minutes after the man presses send..
That's not good !!
I think they are starting to "shut down"
Probably deleting the photos is the first step !!
TailHooked's Avatar
That's not good !!
I think they are starting to "shut down"
Probably deleting the photos is the first step !! Originally Posted by pacman2
If they were going to shut down, I doubt they would start with photos. They would just go dark. Then there is the fact that they have only owned it less than 5 months. If they didn't want it, they would sell it to someone else.
I fucking renewed mine a few days ago, just before this photo mess happened!
That does really suck !!!...Mine is due in February
Gina created a wonderful site and in a matter of a few months it seems to be going down hill...WTF !!
annie@christophers's Avatar
Im sure shes thinking of your wishes daily instead of her own ass... lol
Which im positively sure she has been doing with your stupid asses for quite some time... j.s. annie
NikkiSecrets's Avatar
Oh golly not P411 now!
lovingcamela's Avatar
This is disheartening. Hopefully, it is nothing. I finally got on to this most coveted site after they stopped letting new providers on. I'm P313094 if any is interested in not seeing my photos. LOL. I really enjoy the hassle free nature of not needing to screen.
TeeTaylor's Avatar
Still not fixed
Even when Gina was there, they didn't work weekends.
They better send a MORE DETAILED email tomorrow explaining what the problem is and how long it will take to fix it..IF THEY EVEN PLAN ON FIXING IT !!!