Hotel Check Inn

ANONONE's Avatar
Very good points, Sarge! Thank you.
atlcomedy's Avatar
There are some really interesting points here. The first pointed out in the original post is, in this case things can still get fucked up, even if you "did everything right"/took all reasonable precautions. A hotel employee made a clerical error.

Another is don't lie to your employer. (& if you do make sure it is well thought out and you can play it thru to the end) It can get you fired for cause and that will really cramp your style. There are plenty of reasons why you might want to get a room in your home city. The clerk in the travel department doesn't care. Don't make a bigger deal out of it than need be by creating some elaborate story when simply saying "thanks for the call & letting me know," will suffice. People get themselves into so much unnecessary trouble by offering more information than is required or asked.

Have your affinity program statements sent to your office. If they require a phone number, use your cell. & I hope it goes without saying your old lady shouldn't be reading your emails.

As for expedia/priceline, etc. or even when someone else is paying for the room via some direct bill account kind of thing, I always still present my membership credential when checking in. At a minimum I'll get whatever upgrade my status entitles me to. Sometimes I'll get full points etc. too. At worst I'll get credit for the "stay" & "stay nights" which are usually what are used for getting to the different levels anyway (gold, silver, platinum, etc,). They don't give me the points because the points are based on dollars spent and you are actually spending you money with Priceline, etc. It doesn't cost to ask & even if they give you nothing they know you are a regular guest & all the goodwill that comes with that. They also know that regular guests and "point people" are more likely to fill our satisfaction surveys and the 1st to bitch if something is unsatisfactory

One other word of caution. No matter what she says or how good you are feeling after she just drained every ounce of semen from your body....if the room is in your name, do not let her keep it for the rest of the day/night. Too much can go wrong & you aren't even there to try to control the situation.
I've never had a problem with Hilton, Hyatt or Marriott adding to my rewards when I book through priceline. Just ask at check-in or check out.

Didn't have an issue getting another Reward Program with any of them either.
"Can you tell me if I can make another account? Can you believe my company now counts bonus points and frequent flyer miles as company property?" Anyone standing on the other side of the desk is gonna help you stick it to "the man".

Joe Allen Smith
Brother Electronics
123 Brother Blvd. USA 12345

J. A. Smith
123-123-1234 < fake phone and fake mailing address.
It's online and the reward account is linked to your hobby email. You don't want mail or calls actually coming to you.

LADIES - in particular - should not be using their hobby phone number to book rooms. Several chains are googling phone numbers and emails and checking against reservations. Then they either won't rent or will alert the authorities.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Always give some thought to how you would explain your whereabouts to various constitiuents (wife, boss, coworkers, friends, family) should the need is just a good discipline to adopt.

You get into a fender bender on the other side of town in the middle of a work day?

You see a co-worker after hours in the lobby of the downtown hotel where you are meeting your date?

Your wife is urgently trying to reach you to tell you there was a death in the family, where were you?

If you have given this some thought, even if startled, you are less likely to choke under pressure. And if you give it some thought and there really are no plausible explainations, maybe you should rethink your plans.
grtrader's Avatar
IMO it is one thing to use "Tom Smith's" prepaid room (Heck, my old college buddy Tom prepaid for the room and couldnt make it tonight, so he gave me his reservation number...) and quite another thing to get caught with an ID that is not your name (real ID or fake, In Texas it is a Class C misdemeanor and up to $500.00 fine). If you are worried about phone calls and permament notes, try explaining getting arrested or fined....LOL. It is not illegal to carry someone else's business cards...

My .02

Thanks for the heads up and for the interesting post.

Respectfully submitted,

OldSarge Originally Posted by OldSarge
You are dead right on in this case for most people they do need to consider the point very well. However, depends on what you have to loose and how much chance there is of you getting caught. Example: If your wife finds out and it is going to cost you several million or maybe even hundreds of thousands. You might want to do the most to protect your identity.

Then again. Some people can legally carry a second Identity do to job and security. You would want to ask an attorney and someone who specialises in the area on it. Not sure what Texas law says about it. But the issues usually include agents and companies that involved in matters of national security. Obvious undercover LE.

You will also find lots of famous people use second Identities when travelling. Obvious reasons is to prevent attempted kidnappings and hostage issues and so on.

The best thing to do is ask an attorney.
Or.. the least popular, but most truthfulll answer is to ask you SO if , since she won't do you as often as you wish..if its all right if you seek male solice elswhere, as long as your lying next to her when you retire. (retire meaning when you go to bed each night).

Truthfully..most of my BEST clients love their wives..but don't get even a percentage of what they are looking for when they are at (burrr) home. Hence..I am GAP GIRL.. chic who fills in the gaps between what should be but is not.

And I am quiet about it because I enjoy the inspiration and the education I get from these heart felt guys who just happen to have wives who JUST DON'T GET IT.

just my .17 cents.

grtrader's Avatar
Or.. the least popular, but most truthfulll answer is to ask you SO if , since she won't do you as often as you wish..if its all right if you seek male solice elswhere, as long as your lying next to her when you retire. (retire meaning when you go to bed each night).

Truthfully..most of my BEST clients love their wives..but don't get even a percentage of what they are looking for when they are at (burrr) home. Hence..I am GAP GIRL.. chic who fills in the gaps between what should be but is not.

And I am quiet about it because I enjoy the inspiration and the education I get from these heart felt guys who just happen to have wives who JUST DON'T GET IT.

just my .17 cents.

kisses. Originally Posted by _Jayne_
I kind of wonder what the issue is on the part were so many married men don't get it from their wives.

Ok, I'm divorced now. But, I honestly can't say sex was an issue in our marriage. We were still banging it out like a couple of rabbits pretty much up until we physically separated.

For as bad as our marriage ended the most of it was good. But try getting someone with OCD and perfection order to see that is apparently impossible.

Maybe this should be asked in a separate thread. What do you think the issue is why the sex at home decreases in most cases. I can say only what I seen going on in friends relationships. It wasn't the same for all.

Or maybe that should be discussed on this board because if all the guys fixed their home sex life there wouldn't be as many clients. hehe
I kind of wonder what the issue is on the part were so many married men don't get it from their wives....
Or maybe that should be discussed on this board because if all the guys fixed their home sex life there wouldn't be as many clients. hehe Originally Posted by grtrader
i don't think it's a question of 'fixing' per se -- in my past experiences as a Domme, nearly all the male subs i had came to me or others because their wives had either shot down the idea (and potentially called them pervs) or they 'knew' their wives weren't going to go for it, so they didn't even ask.

for the hobbists -- there must be things you do with providers that you don't do / wouldn't ask of from your wife, no?
for the hobbists -- there must be things you do with providers that you don't do / wouldn't ask of from your wife, no? Originally Posted by kaitlin
Looks like a subject for another thread...
GneissGuy's Avatar
That's an advantage to getting rid of your home phone and having only a cell phone.

Or get a voip/vonage/magicjack number, tell your boss the cell number and don't tell them the new home phone number.
rgvpapi's Avatar
There is also some info floating around (and I haven't checked this with Snopes) that the room key (swipe type) has your personal info encoded into the swipe bar.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Having been a hotel manager for 10 years, and having worked for a number of different chains (both limited service and full service), I can honestly say not a single one of them has personal info tied to your room key. It's too much of a security risk/liability. Imagine all the keys you might see laying around the hotel...maybe by the pool, maybe in the gym, maybe a small stack on the housekeeping imagine that a hotel actually has your personal info programmed on those cards? It would be a security nightmare.

In all honesty, your are at more risk of your info being available on the housekeeping assignment sheets then on your key card. Think about it. They usually have them on a little clipboard on their housekeeping carts. Carts that they usually have parked outside the room while they are inside cleaning. These sheets might not have credit card info, but they show names, length of stay, and how many adults/children are staying in the room. But I digress....

Have you ever had your room key stop working in the middle of your stay? Have you ever had to get your card re-programmed due to late check out?
Have you ever extended your stay and had to bring your key back to be reprogrammed?

It's because the key system is totally unrelated to the property management system. The key programming machine has an internal calender and clock, as do each and every key reader on your room door. If your key stopped working during your stay, it's probably because the clerk didnt program it for enough days, despite what they tell you (the old standby excuse is that you must have had it next to a cell phone or other credit cards LOL) If your key stopped working on the last day of your stay, it's probably because most keys are set to de-program at 12noon on the day of check out (or whatever the hotel check out time is).

just my .02
ck1942's Avatar
For many years I have had a post office box, both for personal and business (RW biz) and all ALL ALL of my hotel, airline, rental cars, etc. bills and reward programs and such are directed there.

None of the above uses my personal phone or my residential address as primary contact data. As do my auto/home insurance, banks, credit cards, etc.

Of course, it is difficult (but not totally impossible) to avoid home data for certain things, such as your DL, auto registration, etc. And Social Security, Medicare, etc. But since the latter don't intersect with hobby.... well.

Hiding DL and Auto from certain prying eyes can be somewhat accomplished by making sure you check the "do not disclose" such data at the tag/DL office.

And, please recall that many hotel properties have cameras in certain areas. Facial recognition software is out there, and while many places are not Las Vegas casinos, ya just never know where data can end up.
rgvpapi's Avatar

LADIES - in particular - should not be using their hobby phone number to book rooms. Several chains are googling phone numbers and emails and checking against reservations. Then they either won't rent or will alert the authorities. Originally Posted by babee
I can assure you, this is the exception and not the norm. The only time a manager is going to be interested as to the validity of a reservation is when it is a high demand time period. I have never heard of a manager weeding through every reservation to find out if there are escorts or criminals staying at there hotels. Trust me, as a hotel manager, you dont have that kind of time. If they do so DURING your stay, well it's probably because you have given them a suspicion to do so.

Prior to your arrival, managers are only worried about if you are actually going to show up or not. They are looking for that "perfect sell" - a night when every room is sold and occupied by end of day reports.

Trust me, this is harder then you might think. On even a normal night, there are usually a handful of reservations that do not show up to check in. 99.9% of the time, it's because the guest didn't notify the hotel as to a change to the reservation, such as a cancellation or change of arrival date. Managers, and even front desk clerks often get bonuses for having these "perfect sell" nights. Point being, it's normally only on sold out nights that pro-active managers and front desk clerks might make a call or send an email to verify your stay info.

This can be easily avoided by giving a call to your hotel on the day of arrival and verifying your stay info, as well as notifying them that you are in fact going to be checking in.