Confirmed: 4 ISIS terrorists apprehended at southern border in last 36 hours

HAHAHAHHA............of course you believe these lying bureaucrats that populate the Obama administration....

You are a fool.............

You probably believed the Obama lie that Benghazi was about a you tube video or that you can keep your doctor. period.......

And just today we learned Carny lied to the American public regarding the WH knowledge/involvement in the Cartagena incident. Carney is now pitching the same spin and lies to viewers at CNN.

Why are you so gullible ?

You must watch CNN

The department of homeland security said that he does not know what the hell he is talking about. They call his claims totally bogus Originally Posted by BigLouie

4 ISIS Terrorists Arrested in Texas in Last 36 Hours

by JUDICIAL WATCH October 9, 2014

Islamic terrorists have entered the United States through the Mexican border and Homeland Security sources tell Judicial Watch that four have been apprehended in the last 36 hours by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.

JW confirmed this after California Congressman Duncan Hunter, a former Marine Corp Major and member of the House Armed Services Committee, disclosed on national television that at least ten Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) fighters have been caught crossing the Mexican border in Texas. The veteran lawmaker got the astounding intel straight from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Homeland Security agency responsible for guarding the 1,933-mile southern border.

"If you really want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure the southern border," Hunter proclaimed on a national cable news show this week. "It's that simple. ISIS doesn't have a navy, they don't have an air force, they don't have nuclear weapons. The only way that ISIS is going to harm Americans is by coming in through the southern border - which they already have." The three-term congressmen went on: "They aren't flying B-1 bombers, bombing American cities, but they are going to be bombing American cities coming across from Mexico."

In late August JW reported that Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources confirmed to JW that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.

Back then intelligence officials said they had picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to "carry out an attack on the border," according JW's sources. "It's coming very soon," confirmed a high-level government official who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as "ISIS and Al Qaeda." Two days after JW's report ran, Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, implemented increased security measures. The Department of Defense (DOD) attributed the move to vague "security assessments" and the constant concern for the safety of military members, families, employees and civilians.

However, military experts told JW that the increase in security indicates that Ft. Bliss is a target. Military installations in the U.S. only make changes to security measures when there are clear and present threats, according to retired Army Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, former commander of the Army's elite Delta Force who also served four years as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. "That means they're getting a threat stream. Ft. Bliss had to have a clear and present threat," Boykin said. Following that news, federal law enforcement sources in El Paso revealed that U.S. Congressman Beto O'Rourke telephoned the area offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) in an effort to identify-and evidently intimidate-sources that may have been used by JW to break the ISIS in Juarez story.

Read more: Family Security Matters
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Remember a few months ago when alocal head of the border patrol union told the media that they were being overrun with Central American kids and were spending more time taking care of the kids than doing their job?

It received quite a bit of media coverage until the Obama administration told him to shut up or lose his job.

And people wonder why the President's credibility is in the tank and "it's the Republican's fault."
Got a link to them telling him to shut up? Just curious.
lustylad's Avatar
I am skeptical. How do you pick the ISIS guys out of the flood of illegals coming in? They don't exactly carry membership cards. If ISIS wants to attack us, they will train and send back a team of radical American Muslims with US passports who don't need to sneak across the border. Also, if they arrested a group of ISIS terrorists, the story would be too big for the incompetents in the Odumbo administration to suppress. The media would be all over it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2014, 10:22 PM
I am skeptical. How do you pick the ISIS guys out of the flood of illegals coming in? They don't exactly carry membership cards. If ISIS wants to attack us, they will train and send back a team of Americans with US passports who don't need to sneak across the border. Also, if they arrested a group of ISIS terrorists, the story would be too big for the incompetents in the Odumbo administration to suppress. The media would be all over it. Originally Posted by lustylad
cowboy8055's Avatar
If thousands of unaccompanied children can make it across the border then it's reasonable to assume that trained terrorists could do so as well.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Obama is considering ISIL as the 58th state. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Interesting, thanks..
I am skeptical. How do you pick the ISIS guys out of the flood of illegals coming in? They don't exactly carry membership cards. If ISIS wants to attack us, they will train and send back a team of radical American Muslims with US passports who don't need to sneak across the border. Also, if they arrested a group of ISIS terrorists, the story would be too big for the incompetents in the Odumbo administration to suppress. The media would be all over it. Originally Posted by lustylad
It is those damn black flags they carry.
LexusLover's Avatar
Ebola wasn't going to get into the country either.

We are safe!!!!!

BTW: The Aussies captured a group of them a couple of weeks ago, and the Brits just grabbed another group. Both groups were "tasked' with beheading random victims off the streets. I think WTF calls them .... "lightning strikes"!!!!
If thousands of unaccompanied children can make it across the border then it's reasonable to assume that trained terrorists could do so as well. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Which is something completely different than making up a story that several confirmed ISIS terrorists have been arrested at the border. You understand that, right?

Does anybody truly believe that if there was even the slightest hint of a fact that supported this fairy tale that it wouldn't be all over every news outlet in the United States?

Duncan Hunter is a bomb-throwing whack-job Republican trying to draw attention to himself.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LowRider69 sounds like a Dan Patrick ad.

Fear and smear, with a few lies thrown in for good measure.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If thousands of unaccompanied children can make it across the border then it's reasonable to assume that trained terrorists could do so as well. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Absolutely - either through the Southern border, on airplanes with fake documents, inside trucks (just like women are trafficked), in through Canada, on cargo ships, etc. It may not be too many, but it is doable.
Have you ever been to a border crossing? It is chaotic. So are shipping terminals. Also, you know that trucks get pre clearance now through NAFTA, right?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-10-2014, 08:25 AM

BTW: The Aussies captured a group of them a couple of weeks ago, and the Brits just grabbed another group. Both groups were "tasked' with beheading random victims off the streets. I think WTF calls them .... "lightning strikes"!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I call is seeing the Boogie man in every nook and corner.

Number one it was a lie.

Like lustyladyboy said , it would have been front page news. They'd be marching these four ISIL guys around to show how effective Homeland security is.

If you believe this story you also probably believe that our government was in on 9/ that wtf you believe LexusLover?

We all know you believe that if you offer to pay for a hooker with a check you can't be charged with solicitation of prostitution because a check is not money. Do you also believe that if you ask a undercover cop if he is a Cop , he has to tell you so?