Obama Drones Another American

This cum-brain claims to be a Independent but has supported the Ozommunists 99.9% of the time... just ignore him, he's a little confused Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Sorry whiffy if you can't tell calling someone on BS from supporting someone. Just wanting to increase the post count?
I guess you forgot that a few years ago Obama was bragging him personally selecting targets. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No barleycornball, just the diff on the strategy of a operation and who actually carries it out.
  • DSK
  • 04-25-2015, 06:44 AM
Are you aware that drones were used in the Bush adminstration with innocent casualties - oh wait a minute despite the fact that drones have killed innocent Muslim children and women at 100 times the rate it has killed Americans I guess the one or two Americans it has killed is far more important than the innocent Muslims right?

So let me ask you a question had the Obama administration killing led to the death of 1 or 2 seal members but still killed the main target of OBL would you be posting that it was a failure? You do know shit happens don't you ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Occasionally you make sense. We have to take the good with the bad. If we are going to drone strike and bomb people, bad stuff is going to happen. The Middle East isn't some sanitized suburban bounce house where everyone signs a waiver but expects to sue if little Javier or Sheniqua gets a boo-boo.
  • DSK
  • 04-25-2015, 06:47 AM
Sorry whiffy if you can't tell calling someone on BS from supporting someone. Just wanting to increase the post count? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You have a rather impressive post count yourself. Congratulations!
  • DSK
  • 04-25-2015, 06:51 AM
I guess you forgot that a few years ago Obama was bragging him personally selecting targets. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He has had to backpedal on that, unfortunately. However, we need the drone program and he is administering it well under the circumstances. Obama is a decent though not great President.
His money printing program is the most lucrative in US government history!!
Accident? Someone (wonder who?) gave an order. Understand, gave an order! This was no accident. Kiling the wrong people might be inadvertant but it was no accident. I have to ask all those dems who claimed that Bush lied because he didn't have accurate data. It's this the same thing? Another important point that the left wants to gloss over is the two intentionally dead Americans who were denied their civil rights. Obama tries to get around this by saying they hit a building and not a particular person. That is a lie. Obama gave orders to kill two Americans on purpose and two civilians inadvertantly.

By the way, the UK Guardian has put forth the numbers that for Obama to get 41 terror leaders he killed over 1,000 civlians in collateral damage....wait! Since we are not at war there is no such thing as collateral damage. So I guess they were murdered on orders from Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I guess you forgot that a few years ago Obama was bragging him personally selecting targets. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So what you're saying is that Obama has now given permission to the CIA to kill Americans without due process. That makes me feel good as I write this on a tablet. Two notable terrorist we're Americans. That makes three. You lose again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Firstly, is it possible for you to make one post that is free of syntax errors? If it is, I haven't seen it.

So now you want to give the terrorists quarter? If Obama didn't go after the terrorists, you'd be bitching about that. Instead, he goes after them and you complain about that. The one terrorist who was killed that was american was Adam Gadahn. He was a known terrorist. He was their mouthpiece and had made many videos.

As for permission to kill americans, no. Permission to kill terrorists, yes. It's called targeted killing.

"Obama authorized the CIA and the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) to fire on targets based solely on their intelligence "signatures" — patterns of behavior that are detected through signals intercepts, human sources and aerial surveillance, and that indicate the presence of an important operative or a plot against U.S. interests."

So the guy is actively pursuing terrorists where they are and suddenly that's a bad thing? I remember in his first four years, conservatives complained he wasn't doing enough. Now he steps it up and suddenly they have a problem with that. As I've said before, nothing he does will ever satisfy you. You have a problem that goes beyond the man himself.

And you didn't address your biggest fuckup; you apparently didn't know that inadvertent and accidental were synonyms. Your general lack of knowledge and your tenuous grasp of the english language, coupled with your wild conspiracy ideas, make you someone that simply can't be trusted when it comes to much of anything that matters. Prattle on though, I know you will.
You have a rather impressive post count yourself. Congratulations! Originally Posted by DSK
It ill time job debunking the bullshit here.
This cum-brain claims to be a Independent but has supported the Ozommunists 99.9% of the time... just ignore him, he's a little confused Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Unfortunately Eva "bottom percentile" is on ignore on my account, but not on others.

I guess you forgot that a few years ago Obama was bragging him personally selecting targets. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Exactly JD. His "Terror Tuesday" meeting Obama boasted about personally approving every target that could be droned. When al-Awalki's 16 yo son was droned by the CIA the White House said that somehow it "slipped thru the cracks."

The time to do a "review" was when al=Awlaki's son was killed. This is like a white cop shooting an unarmed black kid in the back claiming it was an accident and then a year later doing the same thing. "My bad!" wouldn't be acceptable then or acceptable now.

So what you're saying is that Obama has now given permission to the CIA to kill Americans without due process. That makes me feel good as I write this on a tablet. Two notable terrorist we're Americans. That makes three. You lose again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD is correct again. Those two al Qaeda members were Americans. It hasn't been reported if they were approved for execution via drone by the "Terror Tuesday" process. According to reports the drone strike was authorized by the CIA when it was reported that an AQ commander was in the structure but they didn't know specifically who. Again, I find this just incredible.

He has had to backpedal on that, unfortunately,,,, Originally Posted by DSK
Please link me to were Obama has publicly reneged on his "Terror Tuesday" process. The process itself was approved by a secret panel of judges who, last time I checked, has not ruled against the White House.

Again, if Bush was the responsible President, the uproar would be deafening.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Unfortunately Eva "bottom percentile" is on ignore on my account, but not on others.

Exactly JD. His "Terror Tuesday" meeting Obama boasted about personally approving every target that could be droned. When al-Awalki's 16 yo son was droned by the CIA the White House said that somehow it "slipped thru the cracks."

The time to do a "review" was when al=Awlaki's son was killed. This is like a white cop shooting an unarmed black kid in the back claiming it was an accident and then a year later doing the same thing. "My bad!" wouldn't be acceptable then or acceptable now.

JD is correct again. Those two al Qaeda members were Americans. It hasn't been reported if they were approved for execution via drone by the "Terror Tuesday" process. According to reports the drone strike was authorized by the CIA when it was reported that an AQ commander was in the structure but they didn't know specifically who. Again, I find this just incredible.

Please link me to were Obama has publicly reneged on his "Terror Tuesday" process. The process itself was approved by a secret panel of judges who, last time I checked, has not ruled against the White House.

Again, if Bush was the responsible President, the uproar would be deafening. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Civilians will always be casualties in war, but Odumbo proffered his people didn't even know who the targets were when they launched the strike -- and that's a serious problem; especially when there is a special procedure in place for targeting rogue Americans ... a procedure that was not followed in this case making this particular action illegal under U.S. law.

White House admits: we didn't know who drone strike was aiming to kill

The targets of the deadly drone strikes that killed two hostages and two suspected American members of al-Qaida were “al-Qaida compounds” rather than specific terrorist suspects, the White House disclosed on Thursday.

The lack of specificity suggests that despite a much-publicized 2013 policy change by Barack Obama restricting drone killings by, among other things, requiring “near certainty that the terrorist target is present”, the US continues to launch lethal operations without the necessity of knowing who specifically it seeks to kill, a practice that has come to be known as a “signature strike”.

Unfortunately Eva "bottom percentile" is on ignore on my account, but not on others.

Exactly JD. His "Terror Tuesday" meeting Obama boasted about personally approving every target that could be droned. When al-Awalki's 16 yo son was droned by the CIA the White House said that somehow it "slipped thru the cracks."

The time to do a "review" was when al=Awlaki's son was killed. This is like a white cop shooting an unarmed black kid in the back claiming it was an accident and then a year later doing the same thing. "My bad!" wouldn't be acceptable then or acceptable now.

JD is correct again. Those two al Qaeda members were Americans. It hasn't been reported if they were approved for execution via drone by the "Terror Tuesday" process. According to reports the drone strike was authorized by the CIA when it was reported that an AQ commander was in the structure but they didn't know specifically who. Again, I find this just incredible.

Please link me to were Obama has publicly reneged on his "Terror Tuesday" process. The process itself was approved by a secret panel of judges who, last time I checked, has not ruled against the White House.

Again, if Bush was the responsible President, the uproar would be deafening. Originally Posted by gnadfly
LMFAO right turd fly right, you fucking moron.