Obamacare explained!

flghtr65's Avatar
NO! The purpose of the law is to change our current healthcare to a socialized health care. Socialized healthcare DOES NOT WORK!!! Originally Posted by therock18
Rockhead18, the purpose of the law is to insure those who are uninsured, about 30 million people. These people can't get insurance where they work or in the individual market. People with pre-existing conditions can't get insurance in the individual market. Health Insurance companies in the current system don't insure unhealthy people. If you work at a large company like ATT, IBM, Google you will continue to get your health insurance at work through the group plan your company has set up with some health insurance company, like Atena, Blue Cross /Blue Shield, Humana etc. The prescription drug plan implemented by Bush helps seniors pay for their medications. Is that socialism? You have to purchase an Obamacare policy from the government exchanges. The Obamacare policy is NOT FREE. Stop spreading the rightwing propaganda.
What does it matter when these people will NOT be able to afford the new increased in healthcare premiums AND the cost of treatment!!!! They are still fucked. And its not propoganda!!!!



Canada's Health Care

Why Canadian's Come to America for their Health Care

Libtards are the ones who are spreading lies and propoganda!
Rockhead18, the purpose of the law is to insure those who are uninsured, about 30 million people. These people can't get insurance where they work or in the individual market. People with pre-existing conditions can't get insurance in the individual market. Health Insurance companies in the current system don't insure unhealthy people. If you work at a large company like ATT, IBM, Google you will continue to get your health insurance at work through the group plan your company has set up with some health insurance company, like Atena, Blue Cross /Blue Shield, Humana etc. The prescription drug plan implemented by Bush helps seniors pay for their medications. Is that socialism? You have to purchase an Obamacare policy from the government exchanges. The Obamacare policy is NOT FREE. Stop spreading the rightwing propaganda. Originally Posted by flghtr65
flghtr65's Avatar
What does it matter when these people will NOT be able to afford the new increased in healthcare premiums AND the cost of treatment!!!! They are still fucked. And its not propoganda!!!!



Canada's Health Care

Why Canadian's Come to America for their Health Care
Originally Posted by therock18
You mean to tell me that a 27 year old who makes $25,000 can't afford to pay 80 per month for health insurance? If this person needs to have a surgeon remove his appendix, he will be covered. Premium rates vary by state. In the state of New York the rates went down from last year. You did not answer the question about the prescription drug plan that was implemented by Bush and cost $800 billion. If you make less than the poverty level ( A family of 4 that makes less than $20,000 you will be on Medicaid). You will not be able to afford an Obamacare policy if you make less than the poverty level. The Medicaid program already exist at the state level.
It is NOT going to be $80/month. Apparently you have NOT looked at the rate increases by state. Its $80/month now going to $160 or $240 / month under Dumbamacare!.
You mean to tell me that a 27 year old who makes $25,000 can't afford to pay 80 per month for health insurance? If this person needs to have a surgeon remove his appendix, he will be covered. Premium rates vary by state. In the state of New York the rates went down from last year. You did not answer the question about the prescription drug plan that was implemented by Bush and cost $800 billion. If you make less than the poverty level ( A family of 4 that makes less than $20,000 you will be on Medicaid). You will not be able to afford an Obamacare policy if you make less than the poverty level. The Medicaid program already exist at the state level. Originally Posted by flghtr65
@flghtr65 - This articles explains the current prices people are paying and the new prices they will have to pay

chefnerd's Avatar
And obviously like the total idiot that you are, you have not looked at the difference in coverage. Most of the current differences you are talking about involve differences in coverage. However, it appears you are incapable of understanding that concept, whether because of political brainwashing or you have just not beeb exposed to any thing relating to an intellectual concept regarding free thought!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
you really should look up the definition of socialized, you dumb fuck.

people BUYING insurance from a PROFIT based company is on the most distant end of the spectrum from socialized Originally Posted by CJ7
Ok. So it's a fascist health care system. Happy now?
chefnerd's Avatar
Ok. So it's a fascist health care system. Happy now? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Based upon what? Sounds more like a CAPITALIST based For-profit system. Or perhaps you have other facts to contradict it.
flghtr65's Avatar
@flghtr65 - This articles explains the current prices people are paying and the new prices they will have to pay

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000...%3Dinteractive Originally Posted by therock18
From the link that you have provided.
Compare insurance premiums for the lowest-cost ‘bronze’ plan for a 27-year-old single person with the current lowest-cost option for a man in a metro area in 36 states where the federal government will oversee exchanges. Some people may be eligible for subsidies towards the cost of coverage.

Again, A single person who makes less than $64,000 will get help to pay their premium. A family of 4 that makes less than $80,000 will get help to pay their premium.

Last time I am going to explain this to you. The Health Insurance companies will now have to offer policies to people who have pre-existing conditions (basically unhealthy). By doing this insurance companies are taking on more risk. The probability of unhealthy person submitting a claim is much higher than that of a healthy person. This is why the rates can go up. Unhealthy people need heath insurance too. Offering health insurance policies to these people is not Socialism. By the way I did not see in chart the prices for state of New York. The rates for the sate of New York went down. In the Auto Insurance a bad driver ( someone who has 2 accidents in 1 year) will be forced to go on the Assigned risk plan (the driver is still covered by an Auto insurance company) but their rate will go up. The state makes sure that every auto insurance company participates in the Assign Risk plan. No one company is forced to take on an unfair percentage of high risk drivers. This is similar with Obamacare, unhealthy people will be allowed to purchase health insurance.
Obamacare is going in. There is nothing you or the repubtards can do about it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
none of you jack wagons have explain how the government prospers as a result of this. no public option means no government insurance agency. Medicare is socialized medicine and world. Medicaid is administered/fucked up at the state level. No profits for the Feds there either.

You stupid dicks can't really explain what it is that doesn't work about ACHA. Can't prove an across the board rise In premiums or produce the names and number of doctors who are being shut down by it.

just,threats, doom and gloom and caterwauling like little whiny bitches.

I invite all of you to STFU until,we know how it's going.

or you can continue your relentless attack on the irrelevant.

(Any guess what'll be?)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Based upon what? Sounds more like a CAPITALIST based For-profit system. Or perhaps you have other facts to contradict it. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Government is forcing you to buy a product you may not want from government approved vendors. Hmmm . . . Sounds fascist to me.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-30-2013, 12:19 AM
Government is forcing you to buy a product you may not want from government approved vendors. Hmmm . . . Sounds fascist to me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy