I like the idea and would join, however they wanted way to much personal information.
If you have at least two excellent provider references, you need not give us any of your real life info. We only want to ensure you are a legitimate hobbyist, we truly are not concerned with exactly
who you are. Not to mention, anyone signing up with two provider references is eligible for a free 6 month trial, no credit card needed, no strings attached.
I don't want my personal information (name and employer) being stored by a third party.
IF you submit employment info during the verification process, it is deleted AND destroyed once your application is approved. Only your client id and email address is kept on file, everything else on your profile you control. We only want to ensure you are a legitimate client, we don't care who you are (and I sleep better at night knowing that your private information is not on our servers, since hacking IS a legitimate concern).
I also am not a fan of giving over personal information to someone or some business just waiting for a court order to turn over the info to public record
We're 100% Canadian owned and operated, there will be no such court order (guaranteed).
How much is it increasing this time? For me, it's not worth $129 and certainly not worth more.
The increase referred to is the increase from $89/yr to $129/yr. It is a substantial increase percentage wise, and the goal is to avoid another membership increase for many years. The reality is that when we started out, we set the rates too low (from a business perspective) and I was creeping the rate up slowing, which wasn't working on our end very well and caused everyone some pain with each increase ($50-$60-$69-$89). So this will be the last jump to where we need to be, to be stable and comfortable, and able to continue as we have for the past 9 years.
Thanks to everyone for your questions and for your support. Please know that I am always available to address any concerns or questions you might have privately as well (email is best!), as sometimes I miss threads.