What to do when a well known hobbiest manipulates u into things you would never do. In other words- "I'll make you a star!!"

He may be a douchebag, but you let him take the pictures so I find it hard to feel too sorry for you.

I was inspired by Lazarus' comments above. I think a thread on reviewers that are full of shit and want everyone to think they are important rather than just another fucktard would be most awesome. Since I only have two points, what forum should I start it in?
Iaintliein's Avatar
Unfortunately, I've heard of much worse demanded in the name of "I'm a big shot on the board".

IMHO, anytime membership here is used to make unsafe, or improper demands the offender should be reported to the mods. True, they are not he "hobby police", but if the board is being mis-used, they should know about it.

It certainly doesn't do the rest of us shutterbugs any good when shit like this happens.
Still Looking's Avatar
The only thing BIG about me is my waist line! The pictures have been removed and deleted! I have the day planned with wonderful "INDEPENDENT" providers. I'm not going to let you ruin that for me! So I will respond later when I have time! Mean while Katie feel free to embarrass yourself some more. So YOUR the agency owner and you still let me take pictures. Then you had a session with me? A discounted session? OMG!? Go aheaAD do your thing. Get it out of your system. Girls gone wild? WTF? You obviously didn't read the nation thread!
That is a shame, I hate it when guys do stuff such as that. If you took the time to write all of that about the situation that occurred, while I am sure it is appreciated, then you should also put this guy's handle in it as well. Only bad thing about that is, unless you received a PM prior to your setting an appointment with him, this guy could have told you that he was any handle his wished to choose. However, it looks like he outed himself in the post above mine, now it will be interesting to read his side of the story.
The only thing BIG about me is my waist line! The pictures have been removed and deleted! I have the day planned with wonderful "INDEPENDENT" providers. I'm not going to let you ruin that for me! So I will respond later when I have time! Mean while Katie feel free to embarrass yourself some more. So YOUR the agency owner and you still let me take pictures. Then you had a session with me? A discounted session? OMG!? Go aheaAD do your thing. Get it out of your system. Girls gone wild? WTF? You obviously didn't read the nation thread! Originally Posted by Still Looking
That wasn't your attitude last night when you kept going on and on about how girls phones were ringing off the hook after you and how one bad review knocks down 20 good reviews. As for a discounted session, I gave you my hhr rate back when I did half hours. I suppose I should've charged more for the way you treated us.

My reason for allowing the second session was protecting Allison. I care more about her reputation regarding this than my own since she's so new and some bad drama about being only given half a session by you (even tho you spent 15-20mins driving around a small complex and the rest giving us your spiel on your tour, and then complaining that it takes you less than a minute to take 4 photos) Sorry for taking a little more time on the photos since they are advertising material and all. I'm glad I don't get to see the photos you took of me since you obviously know nothing about photography.

We gave you other options like leaving the shirt with Allison and I and we could take our own pictures with my Nikon and have them to you by the end of the night but No that wasn't an option. We would have been perfectly happy with that and taken some more time to pin the huge unflattering shirt in places and I would have actually had time to do my hair. I didnt come to the apartment with an appt in mind. I came there because Allison called me sounding like she needed help. Also no I don't read the national forum, if I read at all its in the Dallas forum.

And once you left the first thing I did was call Allison and apologize for putting her in that situation and that nothing like that would never happen again and that most hobbiests in Dallas are not like that.
Oh and Still Looking, not to be too immature but the reason I took the last few days off was because I have/am getting over the flu. My friends convinced me that getting drunk would make me feel better. I guess it did because you couldn't tell I was sick. I guess it also made me make some bad decisions in letting you take pics of me.

The ones I took myself of Allison and posed her myself (in a rush using my hands to position her instead of explaining/using a pose book with examples like her first session making her a little nervous, I told her I wasn't hitting on her but shes a cutie and I cant wait to get into a doubles with her ; ), and using nice angles that I know look good (How couldn't they? Shes young gorgeous and tiny? She's the perfect model)

Now wouldn't that suck if you came down with the flu. I probably got it from a hobbiest myself since I'm an obsessive hand washer and sanitizer and avoid huge crowds. Girls next on the tour be careful!!! I'm feeling fine this morning just a little weak but Still Looking might be feeling like crap in the next few days lol

Well anyways, I'm off to tan. I only get one week every six weeks to tan because of this damn laser hair removal I'm getting in certain intimate parts. I didn't listen to their tanning warning last time and ouch that hurt and some of y'all might've seen the burns to prove it lol. Well sorry for messing up the next girls gone wild Still Looking by being a party pooper but I look out for my girls first, we really are friends, its not just an agency name.
ilikepie's Avatar
I'm trying to figure out why a session happen in the first place. If you had to be called to the call location and it went down like you said then why did you not end it right there. I find myself wondering why you would have Allison do a seesion with him after she was not comfortable. To top it off you then did a session with someone you make these claims about. Your story does not add up at all. Sounds like you were just worried about making a dollar. If your account of the situation is correct then Allison may be better off working for another agency that doesn't have her doing calls she isn't comfortable doing.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
The only thing BIG about me is my waist line! The pictures have been removed and deleted! I have the day planned with wonderful "INDEPENDENT" providers. I'm not going to let you ruin that for me! So I will respond later when I have time! Mean while Katie feel free to embarrass yourself some more. So YOUR the agency owner and you still let me take pictures. Then you had a session with me? A discounted session? OMG!? Go aheaAD do your thing. Get it out of your system. Girls gone wild? WTF? You obviously didn't read the nation thread! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Oh and Still Looking, not to be too immature but the reason I took the last few days off was because I have/am getting over the flu. My friends convinced me that getting drunk would make me feel better. I guess it did because you couldn't tell I was sick. I guess it also made me make some bad decisions in letting you take pics of me. .... Originally Posted by Katie Foxx

Your concern for your customers about the diseases you pass on is duly noted...
I ALWAYS ask my girls if they are comfortable with sessions and tell them they can turn any guy away. I told her if she wants to go thru with it this would be good practice for dealing with the assholes but it was her choice. I admit I wasn't in a perfect mindset, I have repeatedly said I was out with my friends and was drunk but not too out of it to make decisions.

Allison agreed to the session and is reading this thread as I type. Hell if I forced my girls into stuff she wouldn't have the big certain races not allowed thing that guys are trying to take advantage of and showing up while I tell her to turn them away if she isn't comfortable and I will email them. Which I have. One is now scheduled to see me next week instead bc I diffused the hostile situation.

Hell if it were about me making a dollar I wouldn't have told her she could drop half of the agency share on the next two appt's. I made nothing off her appt and not much off mine. I was just trying to turn a bad situation into something okay and not create drama related to our agency. Which is why I am now requesting the thread closed.

It was started as a way to warn girls and ask how they themselves would've handled it and it turned into everyone bashing either the guy who did it, not my intention which is why I didnt name his handle and I was unaware of the national forum thread on the tour until now and also a way to bash my management capabilities.

Just so you know, as many of you don't who haven't met with me, my BA is a double major in psychology and sociology, I have a masters in conflict management (am a licensed mediator) and am currently working on my doctorate in clinical psychology. I am very qualified to run a business like this and am open to suggestions but not bashing but those most likely less qualified themselves to do what I do on a daily basis.

I am doing my best to be non-hostile but I'm not going to lay down and take shit from people hiding behind a keyboard also. Still Looking, our session was pleasant and I'm sorry to shed you in a negative light, Allison and I both just felt coerced into your way or bad review. If that was not your intention I apologize.
berkleigh's Avatar
Lol @ DED

& Katie be safe ... I admittedly was faced with one of those assholes and clammed up.
Instead of standing up for myself, I thought about my job as Provider and how "I service those in need"...and among other reasons when all the warning signs were there, I too should have gone with my gut feeling.
I can't stand guys like that who push anyone around, make someone else feel uncomfortable or take advantage.
Or those who claim such a high status on Hooker Board as if we should bow down.

Stay safe
agreed berkleigh and thank you for understanding, was hoping to hear from more providers in this thread, tho hobbiests opinions are duly noted and I will keep them in mind. And as for clamming up I completely understand why you would, some guys can be pushy as hell and very intimidating (not talking about just u still looking). But even tho I'm naturally shy (had to take beta blockers to teach my required classes as part of the doctorate program), I feel like its my job as a manager to protect my girls, esp someone as sweet as allison.
bojulay's Avatar
After reading and re reading this post it's obvious that the deal was
that Katie had no idea who SL was or anything about his tour.
Big mistake on his part, he should have got with them before hand
and went through the details of what he wanted and expected
out of the meeting. Big mistake NO 2 was not calling it off when
it became obvious they were not really down for it. And possibly
implying that they might get a bad review if things didn't play out
correctly. katie then felt the need to post her account of the
incident for the purpose of damage control in case he did a bad

What should have been done, he should have walked away and
left it as poor judgement and/or she should have said no and
left it at that, but because of the fear of a bad review retaliation
she tried to appease the situation, and went through with it.

Don't think that anyone is really a real bad guy here just really
bad judgement was used. Some on both sides.

It's a bad deal that the fear of a bad review would ever cause
anyone to feel like they had to do something they are not
comfortable with, and a guy should never use that as any
sort of manipulation tool against a girl, or the idea that he is
somebody on here and can have some kind of special influence.
After reading and re reading this post it's obvious that the deal was
that Katie had no idea who SL was or anything about his tour.
Big mistake on his part, he should have got with them before hand
and went through the details of what he wanted and expected
out of the meeting. Big mistake NO 2 was not calling it off when
it became obvious they were not really down for it. And possibly
implying that they might get a bad review if things didn't play out
correctly. katie then felt the need to post her account of the
incident for the purpose of damage control in case he did a bad

What should have been done, he should have walked away and
left it as poor judgement and/or she should have said no and
left it at that, but because of the fear of a bad review retaliation
she tried to appease the situation, and went through with it.

Don't think that anyone is really a real bad guy here just really
bad judgement was used. Some on both sides.

It's a bad deal that the fear of a bad review would ever cause
anyone to feel like they had to do something they are not
comfortable with, and a guy should never use that as any
sort of manipulation tool against a girl, or the idea that he is
somebody on here and can have some kind of special influence. Originally Posted by bojulay
I agree babe, but as soon as the pictures were brought up Still Looking was said- Are you kidding me?? I drove 3 hours for this and Gia knows about it. While Allison and he were in the session I called Gia and she said no way did he mention it because she knows agency policy regarding pictures. She even asked me to give her a second and re-read the email chain and confirmed it was never mentioned.

I agree, it may have been best to ask him to leave but he was already hostile so there could have been a post on that, I asked him to please give me an Allison some alone time to discuss what to do when it turned out picture time and finding the incall time was not included in the hour (it is guys, just so you know; and if you want to spend the first 30 mins dancing around in a chicken suit thats ur time, I'm not a clock watcher if I dont have somewhere to be but thats not always the case) I just wanted to do whatever to make sure he left happy, I suppose I'm too much of a pleaser.
It's assholes like SL that push valued Providers out of the business...and you guys defending SL and telling Katie she handled it wrong are wrong yourselves...suppose the guy got mad because he wasn't getting what he wanted and then decides to turn violent...really think these girls could have physically defended themselves?
The Fact is, she didn't want the pics taken; he forced them on her.
Allison is new, Katie was giving SL the benefit of the doubt and he took FULL ADVANTAGE of them...hmmm...kinda like rape.