Providers and MSOG limits

If you would have noticed, I did say the exception is in non BCD activities. Providers are just that, providers for the companionship, if a guy asks a provider to accompany him to a social event or anything non-BCD related, he should be aware that by her doing so, it is not free, UNLESS she says it is free. I am actually talking about time BCD, which 99% of the time is the case when it comes to paying for time vs. services.

And it is bullshit when a provider says that she gets paid for just her time, I even gave you examples of why. Let's take a look at your p411 profile for example , looking at your biography section, you have two rates for the same block of time, 260 for FS and 200 for "rub rates" and additional 50 for fetishes. So I ask you, THN, are hobbyists paying for your time or are they paying for your services during that time? Originally Posted by davidfree986
Ya but I'm still getting paid for my time though so how is it bullshit?

I see your point but the basis of time for money and the difference in rates is more of a courtesy to those who don't want FS. I guess I could just charge 300/hr regardless of what happens but then that opens a whole other can of worms.

I thought offering a lower FBSM rate was the right thing to do. And I've never upcharged for msog.

Damned if I do - Damned if I don't.

Saw Entourage last night - bought it from iTunes, I'd suggest renting it, if you're a fan of the show it's good because they have the entire original cast. As far as the show goes it's good (meaning it's no Godfather but it continues where the series left off). Originally Posted by TheEccie214

Oh thank you!!! I'll have to see if it's on Xbox then later.
  • grean
  • 08-26-2015, 12:26 PM
I think the rub here, pardon the pun, is that each girl is different and que bobby brown " its my prerogative".
There was a time & it still happens, when you'd pay for an hour but if you popped in ten minutes, well thats too bad. They are out the door. Or you are in some cases....

Most ladies now, dont pull that.

The FBSM or FBSM+ L2 thing is a bit confusing. I know some girls are trying to be UTR, but they dont use any hands when massaging your johnson. Then there are the ones who just give a massage. Then theres that actually do both or will just suck you off at your request if you ask when you get there or at least after a 2nd visit.

It's the game. Get use to it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I don't mind how many times a guy wishes to climax on any given appointment. I'm an all inclusive type of service. Grin.

On the flip side, this is MY problem that I see a lot.

Someone will tell me that they wish to orgasm 2 or 3 times during an appointment and I'm like, "Great!" No problem on this end.

BUT ... and everyone that I know has experienced this ... sometimes a guy has some good aspirations but the reality is that he needs more refractory time to go a second, or third, time.

So then, I have this guy who has had a fairly quick orgasm, and he is having hell trying to get a second climax. That experience has the potential to turn off an appointment that should have been great.

And THAT happens a lot.

Whereas, if I had teased him and kept his attention (!) for the whole time withOUT an initial orgasm, his time with me would have been more intense.

Like THN said above, "You're damned if you do and damned if you don't." Well, she wasn't the FIRST person to write that but you know what I mean.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I have never been a pop, now please get out the door kind of girl. If you book 30min with me, we have 30min. So whatever happens in that time, is what happens. With that said, I'm a mature gfe companIon. I enjoy getting to know my gentleman friend and enjoy lots of foreplay, with lots of kissing.

If you're experiencing girls that are showing you the door after your first pop, I'd suspect they are probably high volume younger ladies who book guys back to back and see men as walking ATMs. Just my opinion
SelenaAce's Avatar
You can go as many times as you want within the time you're spending with me. We can just have a msog fest for all I care, means I'm doing something right, right? Lol. Get it !
Iaintliein's Avatar
I honestly can't remember a time when I could recharge within an hour. For me MSOW would be great.

Multiple Shots in One Week ;-)
MSOG is certainly a given with me..but I agree with the ladies that have said, if you can pop easily...pop all you want, but if you are a guy that needs 45 mins to recharge then another 30 mins to pop again..please don't expect me to kill myself to make that happen for you if your time is up or it becomes painful for either of us.

I am far from a clock watcher...but if I am in pain...or if I sense that you are just milking (no pun intended) me for every second you can get, to no real ending...then I more than likely will not see you again.

Luckily my guy friends are in this for more than just the amount of times they can get off in an hour or two. For me, that is what I like. A fun appointment. Full of just natural, sexual fun.

If it turns into a tally board competition.. then it is no longer fun.

I guess that is why the acronym WALDT exists. If you walk into a session with me..with a script and a tally board...then more than likely, I will feel uncomfortable and then..blah.. who has any fun at that point?

I have never kicked a guy out after he pops... what is up with that? An hour is an hour.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I've always offered MSOG in all my sessions and have never told a guy no he couldn't go again if he wanted to. The only session I don't offer MSOG is BnG...

Basically, my sessions are either GFE or PSE... both include MSOG just PSE includes an extended range of services offered for a higher donation.

Different rates for a time block is not uncommon at all. In my business, I actually have 3 different hourly rates. They are based upon the level of service and skills a specific type of customer is likely to need. The lowest rate is the amount needed for me to spend my time on a task no matter how easy. typically things many competitors can do. But the more of my skills and knowledge that are needed, the more one pays.

so, your paying for time but your also paying for skills. Its not one or the other.

As to MSOG, once your screened, ASK If its important to you. You have no right to be disappointed if she never said she offers any specific service and you fail to ASK. And be careful going by activities in reviews. Given one of the well documented fakers of reviews has already commented on this thread, its up to you, the consumer to insure you will be offered what you want.

Oh, and the whole payment is for time only bs is an attempt by some who think that disclaimer will help if they get busted. It won't by the way.
playerplano's Avatar
I'm not a twice in one session kind of guy and I definitely want the foreplay to build so the finish is intense ! I know there are providers who think the session is finished when the guy pops but it's bad form to stop playing with 30 mins left on an hour. Even if the guy can't pop a second time playing, touching and talking should fill the rest of the time.

THN has a valid point about guys who book a half and then expect multi pops. I imagine most providers have experienced the book a half hour and go over the time limit customer. It can be a subtle manipulation to get more than they paid for .
flanker1017's Avatar
I don't really contribute to these threads very often, but, I believe the main things clients have to realize is that communication is key. If there are things the provider needs to know about you tell them and if there are questions about services you are interested in, talk about these things up front. I make it a point to do this and I am seldom disappointed.
But the more of my skills and knowledge that are needed, the more one pays.

so, your paying for time but your also paying for skills. Its not one or the other.

Given one of the well documented fakers of reviews has already commented on this thread...... Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing

Thank you, OBSG, this goes directly to my point that no person pays for just time only, they are paying the time for the service/skills, as well as having to pay more for better or more service, but for the same time frame.

As to the well documented faker of reviews, please call him out name him AND other than your opinion or opinion of others, also link the well documented proof you have that even one of his reviews are fake (e.g. he said so, the provider he reviewed rebuked the review of her by him, ect.) as members of this site should not tolerate guys that write fake reviews , unless they are ad reviews of the provider to bait business in the door for her when she is new or has not had any reviews in long time, then that is okay . But, if you cannot show proof, maybe you are the one that needs to be called out . Speaking of which, I do have a saved documented text conversation of you contacting a provider I have seen for a session and asking her to say it is fake and she told you she would not do it, and the other members of this site should not have to put up with that from a member either. Too bad we cannot post private communications tho. That would be another thread tho.

Back on topic, I agree with most of ladies that have posted on here about MSOG with the no limit on number as long as it is within the time frame given which he has paid for and for the BCD service. The ladies who are the one shot or one hour, whichever comes first type of providers are out there, but to post on this particular thread would be a waste of time for them. Nothing wrong with that type of service as it is her body, her rules, but that needs to be clearly noted on their profile and/or other communications with the hobbyist so there is no confusion. The guys who are quick on the trigger would be well advised to not set with these ladies!
... Speaking of which, I do have a saved documented text conversation of you contacting a provider I have seen for a session and asking her to say it is fake and she told you she would not do it, and the other members of this site should not have to put up with that from a member either. Too bad we cannot post private communications tho. That would be another thread tho.

...! Originally Posted by davidfree986
Really? And we should believe you? Of all people? Put up or shut up. Pray tell, what is the name of this provider? Ask her to post about this. I have no problems with a public discussion of this as its completely made up on your part. Go ahead, start a thread and prove it. Your such a stickler for proof. Prove it or go back to jerking off to low grade porn.

Oh, I get it, you thought I was talking about you. Well, if the shoe fits....
Not sure about other gents but i know how many i can do.

Sometimes its 3 in an hour other times its one and done.

Sometimes two..... it depends and how geared up and how long its been.

MSOG is great but fellas should be realistic of their capabilities.
I have never done more than 2 with a provider and that only a couple of times. At my age, I typically think of ED as the great culprit. And medical issues will have an effect even to the extent of preventing a finish at all. (I can hear you young pups smirking out there. Just wait, you will find out what it means to get old) But, given my recent experience with a lady friend, having someone in bed with you who really wants to be there because they like you can be unbelievable.

I have some really great experiences with some really great ladies out there. Some I even consider friends. Some I really do think enjoy my company all most as much as my money. But I have to tell you, IOP with never beat true passion, true desire, true attraction. No matter how skilled a provider may be, nothing can beat the real thing. That "reality check" we always caution about comes with a price. I think many, including myself, get so caught up in this lifestyle, we some times forget how satisfying a role in the hay for fun can be. Not saying love, but a real, true FB. I had more sex in two days with her than I have had in the rest of the year

And the best part is I see her again tonight and wake her in the morning