What would you do? :)

Out of pure curiousity, I'd like to know what you all would do in a situation like this. As a hobbiest, I read a lot of reviews and take interest in a lot of local providers. As many of you know, some providers do or don't reveal their face for security reasons. But what happens if you bump into a provider at a grocery store or the mall? Providers, what would you do if you saw your regular client at the grocery store.. Alone or with their S.O. Would you greet them as friends or simply exchange glances and continue on your way? How would you react if the other person approached you when you didn't want them to?

Today I was shopping, and I asked one of the clerks a question. Then all of a sudden I noticed that she matched another provider's physical description. This provider doesn't reveal her face, but there have been hobbiests who've given names of celebrities of the various sorts to provide a clue as to how she looks. Of course I didn't bring anything up out of respect for the provider's security and privacy, if it had truly been her. But I'm curious to know how many would take that plunge and what kind of a reaction you providers would give if some stranger approached you about being a member on eccie, assuming he/she wasn't LE.

I'm eager to see how you all will respond.. Originally Posted by DFWSal321
Clearly you're fishing for encouragement to go back and say hi. She doesn't want to talk to you about her private life in public. Some of the questions you asked are downright stupid. You're wondering if a provider would greet a hobbyist with their SO as friends? You're an idiot.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Oh thank God! (clutches pearls)

There for a moment I thought perhaps your account had been hijacked by some much kinder and gentler man Mr. Hardcore.

I was afraid you had left me forever, it's good to see you back and in your usual fine asshole form haha!
deerwhisperer's Avatar
i keep running into the same client at restaurants. The same guy, 3 different times. He is the only client I've run into in public. We have not spoke during these chance encounters. I would never do that, unless they came up to me and started it.
FoulRon's Avatar
Ok, true story. I'll swear to it on a stack of books, etc. You gotta believe me, this one got away.....

Many moons ago, I picked up a copy of our local TAG mag, and thought, the girl on the cover looks familiar, and as usual there were many more nice pictures of her inside. Smoking hot little spinner girl. However, I couldn't place were I'd seen her before, because i hadn't been going to strip clubs for a while, and that seems to be their usual source of models.
Well, a few days later, I go into one of my local retail stores to pick up a few things and there she is at the checkout line, with the same funky hair and even the same name on her name tag. Just smiled and exchanged our usual small talk. She still works there and I still haven't ever mentioned having seen her layout - much as I'd like to find out if she works in the hobby.
She still works there and I still haven't ever mentioned having seen her layout - much as I'd like to find out if she works in the hobby.
Why not ask in a polite manner and let her know you enjoyed the "article."

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.
I actually saw a provider once who got upset with me because I didn't wave at her when we saw each other. I told her that I thought she wanted to be discreet.
FoulRon's Avatar
Why not ask in a polite manner and let her know you enjoyed the "article."

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
Kind of difficult to come up with the right phrasing, esp. with co-workers in earshot. Might bring it up if I meet her in the aisles, but point was discretion suits us all.
Why not ask in a polite manner and let her know you enjoyed the "article."

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
For him perhaps but it's guaranteed to make her life a lot less comfortable.
No matter how polite he may be in outing her all she's going to hear is ..

"I'm some unknown monger who knows your real name (Assuming she has a name tag), Knows where you work and I can use this information to suit my unknown purposes. I also have the power to ruin your life whenever I so desire if I should become displeased or unstable which is likely as I'm obviously standing here outing you.
In addition since I clearly don't respect boundaries I'm probably likely to follow you home from work one night just to see where you live."

If her right to a secure life and peace of mind is irrelevent to you then sure nothing ventured nothing gained.
I actually saw a provider once who got upset with me because I didn't wave at her when we saw each other. I told her that I thought she wanted to be discreet. Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
Waving at someone you know on the street is a wee bit different than outing someone who doesn't know you from Adam at their place of employment. Just saying
FoulRon's Avatar
My basic thoughts, particularly at this late date. It really was some time back that she was in the mag.
I'm not sure I would call it outing her, since she used her real name with the same unique spelling in the photo set, and was still sporting the unique dye job at the time. She took a risk at the time, but her co-workers and management either never saw it, or didn't care.
But yes, I don't want to come off as a creep either.