changing of the guard

  • Ivory
  • 12-11-2010, 05:50 PM
Seems like 70 of the good people just got together for one hell of a party and fund raiser..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Beauty, or in this case, the good of people is in the eye of the beholder. I am sure there were many good people know what they say? A few bad apples spoils the entire bunch. That's the reason I declined when asked if I would attend.

If those good people being lost cared about the "Community" they would get over themselves and learn that there is fun to be had for all....

That most everyone CAN and DO coexist......
Originally Posted by Whispers
This is probably a good time for self reflection Whispers to really think about what you just said and how you can apply that statement to your own actions here on ECCIE.

You have repeatedly said yourself that you are only being nice for the time being because of the holidays, after which you have promised to go back to your normal ways, and that tells us exactly the kind of person you really, if YOU could follow your own sage advice, and allow for the coexistence of everyone around you, then this place would be a better community....and until then? It will be your self coined, "Whispers World".

As for me? I have been busy busy busy and am leaving in a week for the holidays, and besides, this is no community I really want to be a part of anyway. Why? 99 percent of the men I meet from ECCIE have never even posted here, because as they say, "those guys are a bunch of assholes", their words, not mine...but I do agree that some are. The ONLY reason that I continued to post on ASPD as well as here on ECCIE was simply because of these silent gentleman who are the real hearts of this community.

The atmosphere created by a select few do NOT allow for the coexistence of others, so many of these voices are silenced before they have even spoken, and that is the real shame of ECCIE.

Merry Christmas!
Whispers's Avatar
.......But they are drifting to other places, not actually leaving. At least that's what I've been told ........ by them. Originally Posted by nuglet

it was inevitable to lose some.... Just as it was inevitable for change to occur in an environment more dedicated to the information than in stroking egos....

It is certainly not the same playground as it was just a few months ago.
Originally Posted by nuglet
You are right.... But the "playground" has a lot of new players.....

Some of the "old Guard" simply refused to accept them and let them play in the playground......

I'm sick and tired of hearing there is no sense "community" around here.....

We went from having luncheons with 20-30 guys and 2-3 Providers present once every 3 months to 3 parties in less than 2 months and every time there are new faces and more providers participating.... And attendance grows......

And the Providers present are ladies that the new players participating WANT to meet.... They make those decisions based on reviews, personalities, referrals etc....

Guys are stepping up and bringing ladies to introduce to other guys..... maybe it excludes some but whose fault is that?

Only ONE Provider has ever been declined an invitation and that was to insure that the other ladies present were comfortable.....

Originally Posted by nuglet
Excuse me... But isn't the basis of a Hobbyist's credentials as determined from some of the elitist arses that make up that "old Guard to be based on their participation in the Hobby over the previous 3 months?

What has she done around here lately?

2 reviews in 6 months and 9 in a year?

Why are there such double standards comparing the credentials of a Hobbyist and a Provider

There are ladies around here now that get talked about more in a week then some of these that are leaving do in a quarter....

isn't that what irks some of you the most? You lost your spotlight...

....Attitudes are a good thing when deserved, and EARNED.

Just saying.. the "scorched earth"attitude" you seem to have lately, isn't necessary, or reflective of your fun side, and it reflects poorly on you Whispers, I thought you were above that type of thing. Originally Posted by nuglet
Actually.... I left the "attitude" alone for a while to try to help put together a rockin party and fun raiser as well as to lighten up the boards for the holidays..... I've left a lot of threads and comments alone as well as encouraged others to do so as well because I felt the board was at a tipping point and we could just let loose and have some fun.....

She's done nothing to deserve that statement. Originally Posted by nuglet
Her "losing good people" comment is what irked me..... I feel it was disrespectful of some of those here today that are trying to make this much more of a community than it has been in the last 12 months.....

A lot of ladies have taken some chances and stepped outside the "Party Line" and found a willing line ready to party with them as well as others.....

There are things happening all over town... people getting together and having fun.... people opening their minds and becoming more tolerant of each other.....

Sorry of a few of the "Adorables" chose to not adapt and don't want to play anymore in this playground....

Ya know what?

Go wherever you want.... They have bigger and better toys here..... Ya know why?

Pussy is easy to find. Originally Posted by nuglet

....I'm just saying that issuing statements like that, are a good way to drag this group down. Originally Posted by nuglet
I'm sorry......

But In My opinion.....

The party here is just now staring and will only get bigger and better....
greymouse's Avatar
One thing you can count upon from Whispers, aside from turning up in every thread and using several fonts, font sizes and colors, is being absolutely consistent. Much like a stopped clock is totally consistent in what time it claim it is. And it is right twice a day. I would have put an exclamation point after that but Whispers has used up all the locally available supply, sorry.

By the way, did you know you can "like" your own post? Yes, it is true.
sixxbach's Avatar
The atmosphere created by a select few do NOT allow for the coexistence of others, Originally Posted by Ivory
I have other things to comment on (other posts) but found this rather interesting and short on time (UFC tonight baby!). There is co-existence. the OP stated that people like Natalie, klovve, Maddie (doesn't post that often IMO) have emerged. I could also throw in Maci Lynn and Sophie Bella (who has been around longer than "the newer gals"

Ivory, did you mean hobbyists or providers when you said the atmosphere does not allow for the co-existence of others? I had a very popular provider tell me at the luncheon how it's great to see the community come together and I agreed. I have been told by many providers that at the socials and luncheones its really the same guys who attend. You stated that these ECCIE members who see you at the clubs but dont post say "those guys are a bunch of assholes". If that is the case, that its the same hobbyists attending the socials and luncheons, what "others" is not being allowed to co-exist because of the atmosphere.

Just curious is all...

Whispers's Avatar
I am sure there were many good people know what they say? A few bad apples spoils the entire bunch. That's the reason I declined when asked if I would attend. Originally Posted by Ivory
Wow... I would love to know who invited you because all invites of ladies have to be approved BEFORE being issued and noone put your name forward....

You probably WOULD have been approved (Some of us get a kick out of the Novelty Acts) but there are rules for the parties and either you are full of shit (the most obvious answer)... or some guy on the list needs to be removed......

As for me? I have been busy busy busy and am leaving in a week for the holidays, and besides, this is no community I really want to be a part of anyway. Originally Posted by Ivory
Just go already darlin.... You've been singing that song and retiring for a long ass time.....

The ONLY reason that I continued to post on ASPD as well as here on ECCIE was simply because of these silent gentleman who are the real hearts of this community. Originally Posted by Ivory
yeah they sure stayed "silent" on that thread you started didn't they darlin... Has to be embarrassing to have your "Signature Piece" from your golden days on ASPD get no notice whatsoever over here on ECCIE huh?

The atmosphere created by a select few do NOT allow for the coexistence of others, so many of these voices are silenced before they have even spoken, and that is the real shame of ECCIE. Originally Posted by Ivory
unfortunately you still haven't learned that SOME voices..... Just are not what anyone wants to hear anymore.....
  • Ivory
  • 12-11-2010, 06:15 PM
Ivory, did you mean hobbyists or providers when you said the atmosphere does not allow for the co-existence of others? I had a very popular provider tell me at the luncheon how it's great to see the community come together and I agreed. I have been told by many providers that at the socials its really the same guys who attend. If that is the case, its the same hobbyists attending the socials and luncheons, what "others" is not being allowed to co-exist because of the atmosphere.

Just curious is all... Originally Posted by sixxbach
I was talking about the coexistence that goes on here on this forum and not with a very select group at a luncheon. I was also talking about the fact that the vast majority of members of ECCIE do not post, and as a mod, I am sure you are at least somewhat aware of that. I simply gave the oft repeated reason that I hear as to why many of the men and women that I meet and as to why they do not post here, and why they do not consider ECCIE a community.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I think there are a couple guys in this thread that want to go ski poling together.
sixxbach's Avatar
I was talking about the coexistence that goes on here on this forum and not with a very select group at a luncheon. I was also talking about the fact that the vast majority of members of ECCIE do not post, and as a mod, I am sure you are aware at least somewhat aware of that. I simply gave the oft repeated reason that I hear as to why many of the men and women that I meet and as to why they do not post here. Originally Posted by Ivory
Gotcha but it is a community. Quite a few of the providers at the luncheon see those same members who don't post. A couple of the providers who attend the luncheons won't even see me (well a review from me at least) but we can co-exist. I seriously doubt EVERY member who attends a luncheon or ck's socials agree with each other on various hobby topics. They are co-existing IMO. Just because a member goes to a luncheon does not mean they agree with Whispers or if they go to a social do they see eye to eye with CK

Well it can be a challenge to co-exist no doubt but that is the responsibility of each member. Natalie and others do put threads out in co-ed. They have decided to take the initiative and do something about it. No one can make anything post something they don't want but in the end its up to the MEMBERS on how these forums grow and evolve. If someone doesn't like what's out there, post your own thread. EVERY member is welcome and ENCOURAGED to do so.....

Whispers's Avatar
...... If someone doesn't like what's out there, post your own thread. EVERY member is welcome and ENCOURAGED to do so..... Originally Posted by sixxbach

But when no one is interested in what you have to say... don't go whining all over the place....
  • Ivory
  • 12-11-2010, 06:38 PM
If someone doesn't like what's out there, post your own thread. EVERY member is welcome and ENCOURAGED to do so.... Originally Posted by sixxbach
I would very much disagree with that statement. Encouraged? Perhaps TECHNICALLY speaking. Just read Whispers last post to me, telling me over and over that I should just leave the board along with his usual and tired insults. He does it to others as well. He calls men who are respectful of women in general "wusses", and the list goes on. His actions encourages others to act in the same manner.

This kind of behavior is certainly NOT encouraging ALL of us to coexist, and is EXACTLY why I posted that the THOUSANDS of people I have met from ECCIE and ASPD over the years, that maybe one percent were active posters, and ALL of the non posters gave a uniform answer as to why they do not post, as I previously stated and is the namesake of this very post.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-11-2010, 06:43 PM
The only thing I have to say is it's spelled: Alderaan.

Can we all at least agree to endeavor to improve our spelling in the midst of our rancor? It's the one thing that separates us from the animals and beasts of the field.

Well, that and a lot of other things.
Whispers's Avatar
Just read Whispers last post to me, telling me over and over that I should just leave the board along with his usual and tired insults. Originally Posted by Ivory
But read Miss SpinDoctors Post as well to put it in light...

She's like those never ending Going Out of Business Furniture Store Commercials with the over and over and over announcements of her leaving.....

If your leaving....

Just Fucking Leave.....

If your staying...... well... personally I would rather ya just leave.....

But if you are sticking around?

I just invited Taylor Maiden to hang out some night club hopping as a kind of retirement party for her.... Your welcome to join us....
sixxbach's Avatar
this is no community I really want to be a part of anyway. Why? 99 percent of the men I meet from ECCIE have never even posted here, because as they say, "those guys are a bunch of assholes", their words, not mine...but I do agree that some are. Originally Posted by Ivory
You also posted this as well. You are entitled to your opinion but you could have worded this differently. Stating "these guys are a bunch of assholes" and saying they are not your words but you argree that some are is a pot shot IMO just as much as much as Whisper's comments and are BOTH uncalled for and not needed in thread to make a point.

I would very much disagree with that statement. Encouraged? Perhaps TECHNICALLY speaking. Just read Whispers last post to me, telling me over and over that I should just leave the board along with his usual and tired insults. He does it to others as well. He calls men who are respectful of women in general "wusses", and the list goes on. His actions encourages others to act in the same manner.

This kind of behavior is certainly NOT encouraging ALL of us to coexist, Originally Posted by Ivory
I can def see your point Ivory but I will add my own insight and experience to this as well. When I became a mod, it was a shit storm. Threads in co-ed and other areas. In fact even as recently as early November, I had been subject to an Austin provider's taunt's in chat. She made comments that she directed at me but was trying to be sly about it. In fact, I was told by more than one provider that she was encouraging women to not see me b/c of various things in the chat room and via PM. That is wrong also. What did I do about it? Nothing, I have never let anyone dictate to me how I hobby or my participation on a hobby board. I could care less if its that provider who was being that way with me or Whispers, I will be a member on this board how I choose to see fit. I encourage others to do the same too...

  • Ivory
  • 12-11-2010, 07:17 PM
Stating "these guys are a bunch of assholes" and saying they are not your words but you argree that some are is a pot shot IMO Originally Posted by sixxbach
Actually I do NOT agree with the statement that "those guys are a bunch of assholes" because that assumes that ALL of the guys posting are assholes, and that is why I amended it with my agreement that SOME are assholes, because well, that is one of the reasons that many voices are kept from being heard. Nothing personal.

She made comments that she directed at me but was trying to be sly about it. In fact, I was told by more than one provider that she was encouraging women to not see me b/c of various things in the room and via PM. That is wrong also. Originally Posted by sixxbach
You mean like when Whispers uses his exaggerations and lies to try to convince men not to see me? You mean like when Whispers encourages others in private channels to poke me and others with a stick to watch us scream? You mean like when Whispers posts his threats to talk to management where I dance in order to try to get me fired? You mean that kind of wrong?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Is there some extra cheese on the taco this month?