Democide: What if the system, writ large viewed killing a human being as more profitable than extracting profit?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
is it time to dump moderna stock?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
is it time to dump moderna stock? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Dunno. That would be a personal decision. Though I can tell you what the personal/business decision of their CEO is at this eccie post

You just slip out the back, Jack. Make a new plan, Stan. You don't need to be coy, Roy. Just get yourself free
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
To understand the below data, one must also understand the VAERS database. Actually, what is important to remember is how the CDC/FDA has been reporting from VAERS. They kept moving the goal posts to eventually not count deaths from the covid vaccine, until up to 30 days of their last dose (as far as I understand it) and to not count it unless "fully" vaccinated, which changed along the way. Essentially, if you got injected and died immediately or within 30 days - it was an unrelated coincidence. That is what THEY publish.

This guy is a data analyst. He culled through the number to show what the data is actually saying and it's somewhat shocking.

One other factoid about VAERS: The left-tard bunch will say VAERS is voluntary and anyone can enter data, therefore it is over-reported. Data scientists find the data to be a small fraction of actual deaths from adverse events and therefore grossly under-reporting. Ironically, this means the left-tard bunch believes that everyone else spends their entire waking hours entering false data at an alarming rate. I'm guessing it's part of their cocoon of self deception.

COVID19 vaccines are killing younger people and killing them sooner

Jason Morphett PhD: My PhD is in Computer Science. I’m a retired analyst having worked as both a researcher and analyst for a FTSE 100 high tech business in the UK for 22 years.

...Age groups

From the US domestic VAERS data up to 2021-11-23, there were 627,141 Adverse Events (AE) reported. The median age across all reports (removing ‘Unknown’ ages) was 54.

VAERS holds information on vaccination date, dose (1st, 2nd etc.), vaccine manufacturer, number of days to onset of symptoms and if the patient died, the date they died. Using data on the last vaccination date and the date the patient died, across all age groups, we can begin to get a picture regarding the distribution of time between last vaccination and death.

The median reported age of those who died was 75 (interquartile range [IQR] = 64-84) with the median time to death being 22 days [IQR=5-92]. That’s ~3 weeks between vaccination and death! Now I know the age group is skewed towards the older population and that some deaths are recorded as non-vaccine related (e.g. suicide), but the temporal link between death and vaccination is very concerning (see Bradford-Hill for more on qualifying cause and effect in epidemiology).

Let’s break this down a little further.

Cumulative frequency

Accumulating the probabilities from left to right from the histogram above, we get the following graph.

This shows the same information as the histogram, but accumulates it and normalizes the y-axis. You can see the minimum time to death was 0 (the same day as the vaccine) and the maximum was 491 days (where the curve crosses 1.0 up the y-axis).

If it makes things easier, think of the y-axis as % of people such that if you trace 0.5 (50% of cases), or the ‘median’, across y and then go down to the x-axis, you are saying that “50% of deaths occurred 22 days or less after the last vaccination”.

Of course, this is for all 7,719 deaths across all ages, so let’s look at some summary statistics for each age group.

Deaths by age group

Disaggregating the above graph by age group shows us how the distribution of days to death after the last vaccination varies by age.

Where: med=median days after the last vaccination to death and n=count of patients in each age group. The red line shows the median time to death for each age group.

Switching back to histograms, the same data can also be plotted like this.

Note the shape of the distributions - something I will return to in another post.

People under 40 die twice as quickly as those over 40

Those under 40 (median=32) make up 4.3% of the overall deaths but their median time to die after their last vaccination was just 10 days compared to 23 days for those over 40 (median=76). The following graph is perhaps the most insightful. It shows age along the x-axis and days to death up the y-axis. I have also added a regression line and a shaded area to show the standard error (confidence) in the analysis.

  • Tiny
  • 03-17-2022, 08:12 AM
There is an embedded video (7m, 42s in the link) where he starts out talking about his economic forecast for the remainder of this year. Hint: ICK! He's mainly an economist. The rest is written below. The article also has some other URLs

Edward Dowd on Future Recession, Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data and Democide

Fresh off a 7-day suspension from Twitter, BlackRock Whistleblower, Ed Dowd is back, with a horrifying report on Steve Bannon’s War Room.

Ed enlisted the help of an insurance industry expert to parse out the CDC Excess Deaths data. He says, “We were looking for other things but what we found was pretty shocking…He broke it down by age and he created a baselines for each age group to come up with excess mortality.

“And the money chart is really Chart 4, which shows that the Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.

Millennials actually saw the highest increase in excess deaths of any other age group, due to the mandates imposed upon them, in order to keep their jobs – 7 times higher than the Silent Generation, (those aged 85+).

“Just to give you an idea, when you look at Chart 4, you see when mandates and boosters hit, the acceleration into the fall and then it re-accelerated into the end of the year. The drop-off in that data we see there’s reporting issues. It takes time for Millennial-aged deaths to be reported, because they’re usually not hospital deaths, so that data’s going to be updated and it’s probably gonna show that continued disturbing trend.

“So, just to put some numbers on this, starting in the summer into the fall, with the mandates and the boosters, there were 61,000 excess Millennial deaths.

“Basically, Millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021. 58,000 people died in the Vietnam War, US troops [over the course of 10 years], so this generation just experienced a Vietnam War [in 6 months].

“I think this is the smoking gun: that the vaccines are causing excess mortality in all age groups and it’s no coincidence that Rochelle Walensky refuses to answer Senator Ron Johnson’s letters. They’re hiding. Fauci’s gone. She’s gone. They’re hiding.

“So, I’m going to put a word out there. It’s an old word but it should be re-introduced into the conversation. It’s called democide: Death by government. So the government, through the mandates has killed people.”

Ed says that his insurance expert collaborator will not be doing any press conferences but he is taking this report to a financial group that’s on the wrong side of this fraud and that through them, his identity will be made public.

Ed also says that a very senior chief risk officer/actuary just reached out to him, wanting to compare notes, so he thinks this is only the beginning of the response from the financial community.

“If you’re on Wall Street and you still think Pfizer and Moderna are good buys, I’ve got news for you: there’s some catalysts coming that are probably not going to be good for holding those stocks.

Dowd does not see the liability protections afforded by the US Government to vaccine manufacturers protecting them, this time.

He says, “I’ve done a lot of work into the clinical data with [Ventavia whistleblower] Brook Jackson on the prima facie evidence that the FDA wanted to hide the data for 75 years, which points to clinical fraud.”

On his GETTR account, Dowd is posting the tables for the other age groups. The excess mortality rate for the GenX cohort, aged 45 to 64 also shows a clear early-fall mortality spike, consistent with that of the Millennials, with 101,000 excess deaths since August 2021.

The over-65 Baby Boomers saw 306,000 excess deaths, which he describes as a “World War II” event, saying, “291,000 people died in World War II from the US.”

In another interview Ed did yesterday with Infowars, he told Alex Jones, “It’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my life…

“We’ve had 1.1 million excess deaths since the pandemic began, many of which occurred in the second half of [2021], which is, again all you need to know.

“1.1 million excess deaths equates to 4,000 World Trade Center events.

“The media wants to talk about Ukraine and we just literally had a war, here on our own soil. We’re at war with someone and it’s occurring.”

When Alex asked him what could possibly have been the motive for this “democide”, Ed responded, “This is speculation on my part but since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the system writ large – not any one individual – but the system viewed the human being as a center of profit.

“If we think about the debt bubble that I’ve talked about, the sovereign debt bubble and all of the liabilities associated with both unfunded and funded medicare, pensions, what have you, what if the system, writ large viewed killing a human being as more profitable than extracting profit?”

Being that he’s a high-level market analyst, both interviewers asked him about his predictions for the economy, with yesterday’s announcement of a 7.9% rise in inflation in February, which of course, the Democrats are chalking up to “corporate greed”.

Ed predicts a recession in the Third Quarter or definitely before the end of this year.

He reminded Alex Jones that Joe Biden’s first act in office was to cancel the Keystone Pipeline and, “There was a plan to shut down energy production in this country and the high oil prices we saw before the war were due to that and also monetary inflation and also supply chain issues from these stupid mandates…We’re going to see food riots in the fall. It’s going to be like the Arab Spring but across the globe…Once food becomes 50% of your disposable income, food riots ensue.”

He told Steve Bannon, “We’re at a very critical point in history, where a lot of the inflation over the last ten years went into assets and now, we’re going to see inflation in things we need and deflation in those assets. So, it’s a one-two punch – and that’s coming.

“We also have what I see as supply shocks that are different from monetary influences. This is the first spike in commodity prices since ’83 that we’ve seen without a corresponding rise in interest rates. So, this is supply shock-driven, so it’s gonna be a disaster over the next 12 months, in my humble opinion…

“The more we wake up and convince that they were literally just poisoned, the more of a chance that we have for these guys to go down literally without a fight, because they need their useful idiots to believe their lies.

“The American Revolution really only started with about 5% of the population that were active. If we can get to 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, it’s over. We win.

“I’d also like to make a plea to members of the Cult in the mainstream media – because, it came out recently that they were getting paid off by the Government to spread these lies. That’s now fact…

“My plea is this: ‘The people who you supposedly work for poisoned you, through mandates, through whatever. It’s time for you to figure out where you stand on the side of the fight and do your part, within these institutions to get the word out to the rest of the people.’”

Pic related:

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I thought this was a thread about exterminating Democrats. Guess not.

Is Dowd spouting bull shit? If the answer is no, then why was the excess mortality rate up in 2020 as well as 2021? Other than the spike around October of 2021, it looks like the excess stayed in a band between 25% and 50%. If it were the vaccine that was killing people then why was the excess mortality up in 2020?

So maybe it was some combination of things like overdoses, suicides, poorer health care, and COVID (the disease) deaths that caused the excess, IF Dowd's numbers are correct. I'm too lazy to look up causes of death of Millenials to see if this might be right. I remember suicides weren't up for the entire population in 2020 versus 2019, but maybe they were for millenials.

Btw, I was waiting for LexusLover to come back with something like what I wrote in the previous paragraph when we were arguing about excess deaths, but he never did.

Anyway, 60,000 deaths, IF that's right (and I suspect it's not) is small compared to 950,000 deaths from COVID.

You've got a great point though. The lockdowns and social isolation that came with COVID had big drawbacks. Some places (not where I live) went way overboard. We should have all worn KN95 and N95 masks, gotten vaccinated, and gotten about our business instead!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I thought this was a thread about exterminating Democrats. Guess not... Originally Posted by Tiny
Well... a lot of Demonicrats did get the jab, early and often, so there is still a flicker of hope.
...Is Dowd spouting bull shit? If the answer is no, then why was the excess mortality rate up in 2020 as well as 2021? Other than the spike around October of 2021, it looks like the excess stayed in a band between 25% and 50%. If it were the vaccine that was killing people then why was the excess mortality up in 2020?

So maybe it was some combination of things like overdoses, suicides, poorer health care, and COVID (the disease) deaths that caused the excess, IF Dowd's numbers are correct. I'm too lazy to look up causes of death of Millenials to see if this might be right. I remember suicides weren't up for the entire population in 2020 versus 2019, but maybe they were for millenials.

Btw, I was waiting for LexusLover to come back with something like what I wrote in the previous paragraph when we were arguing about excess deaths, but he never did... Originally Posted by Tiny
I have another article or two about DOD slow-walking a disturbing "mysterious" death rate on one base in particular. But they are also trying to claim a data glitch, yeah - that's the ticket, in the overall reporting of the previous 4 years, compared to last year. Still running that angle down.
...Anyway, 60,000 deaths, IF that's right (and I suspect it's not) is small compared to 950,000 deaths from COVID.
You've got a great point though. The lockdowns and social isolation that came with COVID had big drawbacks. Some places (not where I live) went way overboard. We should have all worn KN95 and N95 masks, gotten vaccinated, and gotten about our business instead! Originally Posted by Tiny
Also, the Wu-Flu actually started, most likely, around Sept-Oct 2019. But yea, when you combine items that you mentioned it does creep up on you. PLUS...there are likely many deaths that were not correctly attributed to the covid and like Dowd mentions (and others) VAERs is likely under reporting heavily. Variety of reasons, from people simply not knowing and others not wanting to report it - such as Doctors. A good example is the UK undertaker that discovered micro-blood clots after seeing an unexplained increase in deaths, which were not reported as the covid or the vaxx. He had to perform a specialized test, name escapes me ATM, but what he found were loads of very small blood clots throughout the major organs.