Great news in the fight of over population

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...A decline in the over population of our planet is great news. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Only downside for you is you would have to go to one of the Demonicrat shit-hole locations where self discorporation is legal.; like NJ, Washington DC, KKKomifornia, yet strangely also Montana as they never had laws against it. Might I recommend this sound track to carry you over the threshold?

Pleasant journey to you and thank you for providing this service to us and our planet.
winn dixie's Avatar
Closed minds will not solve over population. 500million is the earth's carrying capacity for sustainability.
Any argument against is selfish.
Closed minds will not solve over population. 500million is the earth's carrying capacity for sustainability.
Any argument against is selfish. Originally Posted by winn dixie
They'll achieve it by killing people. That's what depopulation is. It's already happening in China.
winn dixie's Avatar
They'll achieve it by killing people. That's what depopulation is. It's already happening in China. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Wrong. Please read more about china's responsible family planning. It was a great success .
winn dixie's Avatar
I wish people would read/educate themselves on this important subject.
Reaching the goal of 500million would be easy to do. With smart family planning and responsibility. No murder or killing involved.
Only greed and irresponsible religious leaders are against population control.
One day population control will be mandated. It will be too late then.
Wrong. Please read more about china's responsible family planning. It was a great success . Originally Posted by winn dixie
China was on a campaign to reduce family size. For the world population to go from 7 Billion to 500 million in the natural course of things it would take over 200 years to reach the 500 million mark. The elites aren't going to wait that long.
500 million was the world total population in the year 1600.

Where did the "target" number of a sustainable population come from?
The causes you list have all been around been around as long as humans and many you listed cause fewer deaths now than historically.
It's going to end up being the responsibility of the governments to figure out the best methods to achieve zero growth. Anything than causes a quick change in population numbers isn't going to be good for anyone.
This is not a problem we can fix on twitter. Saying we have to keep the gov out of the solution isn't the solution.

The target number is 500 million. So between Wars, Disease, poisons in our food and water, vaccines to induce infertility and more disease the population has no choice but to drop. Originally Posted by Levianon17
winn dixie's Avatar
500 million has long been thought to be the maximum carrying capacity for earth. Many scientists groups and organizations have studied and agreed.
This number can easily be obtained through responsible family planning.
Last I read it can be obtained in half a century.
500 million has long been thought to be the maximum carrying capacity for earth. Many scientists groups and organizations have studied and agreed.
This number can easily be obtained through responsible family planning.
Last I read it can be obtained in half a century. Originally Posted by winn dixie
What's responsible family planning? Two children, one or none. We aren't seeing large families much anymore. Most couples are only having one or two children three at the most. A 500 million population isn't realistic. There were 61 million deaths world wide in 2023 and that same year 134 million births world wide. 500 million world population isn't going to happen naturally even with "Family Planning". The death rate would have to out weigh the birth rate by 2 to 1 at least. That would be done by euthanasia methods pure and simple.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
500 million has long been thought to be the maximum carrying capacity for earth... Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thought?!? Whom has "thought" the world has been over populated for 400+ years? Is this some model from Niel Furguson? And when did having the government get involved with family planning and responsibility ever sound like a good idea to anyone except in a communist, dictatorship, country?!? Seeing where as you are unwilling to let it begin with you, I figured you might have a better method in mind, that at least included you. Heck fire, I would go to your composting service. Maybe even take a little bit of compost for my cactus garden even.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This has been said for 100 years. It was bullshit then and is bullshit now.
I agree with you. Right now,the Earth is supporting @ 8 billion people. People won't pare their numbers without some type of authority or framework in place since the alternative is unworkable.
Like you would let me decide that or I would let you be in charge isn't going to happen.
Moot point.
We'll be long gone before over population is an issue in the US. I don't buy the 500 million number.
Does anybody have a link that explains the reasoning behind that number?

This has been said for 100 years. It was bullshit then and is bullshit now. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
winn dixie's Avatar
I agree with you. Right now,the Earth is supporting @ 8 billion people. People won't pare their numbers without some type of authority or framework in place since the alternative is unworkable.
Like you would let me decide that or I would let you be in charge isn't going to happen.
Moot point.
We'll be long gone before over population is an issue in the US. I don't buy the 500 million number.
Does anybody have a link that explains the reasoning behind that number? Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Search any number of population control sites. Most agree on this well studied number.
Search any number of population control sites. Most agree on this well studied number. Originally Posted by winn dixie
The number isn't well studied, it's how they'll arrive at it that is.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...One day population control will be mandated. It will be too late then. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Well considering your unwillingness to be the change you seek, it might take awhile. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised that you're not going with ye age olde: "killing two birds with one stone" approach. Supposedly, the Southern boarder "invasion" is reportedly people escaping climate change (from 160 different countries), apparently to our country which seemingly doesn't have the climate change - which you claim is caused by overpopulation. That is your stated "thought" process (sic) above. One could easily presume that they must be bringing the climate change with them. Why not solve the problem with a minor tweek to hunting bag limits in the Southern States for climate change carriers, aka the ones infested with the climate change?