I love how quick it moves... no waiting 90 seconds between posts!!
Schmafty's Avatar
I must admit. The more I come here, the more that I am liking it better than ASPD.
maxhaleys's Avatar
Its similar to getting a new car. Very exciting and fun to drive.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I must admit I too hate change but I am liking it here already feels like home...
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Sorry double post..guess I really like it here
ferdburf's Avatar
It feels like I'm cheatin on ASPD (and yes, I LOVE IT!).
gman45's Avatar
I agree, I do Love this site!
Very Fast... Not laggy... This change my be good...
And it has spell check lol.....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This interface, board and overall atmosphere was enough to bring me back to the community. I applaud the owners... I say applaud, because I just don't think clap would be an appropriate term.

The Rider is back!
I too, am apparently so excited I double posted.
I think I agree! It's really nice to log in and not have to scroll down past the same rows of banners I'd never have the opportunity to purchase (am I the only one completely baffled as to why the admin lacked the basic business sense to fix what could have been one of the largest sources of revenue for ASPD?) and then half a page of stickies before you get to the actual active forum. Eccie's aesthetics are much simpler (which is great in my opinion) and the showcases are a wonderful touch.

Is it publically known who the founder/s of this site is/are? All signs point to them having been involved with ASPD... They just took the initiative and improved upon an already good idea. This is the site ASPD should have made back in February when they were hacked and offline for, gosh, what was it, 2-3 months? Alas, they didn't. C'est la vie! Anyhow, whoever's baby Eccie is, thank you!
layzieb36's Avatar
I was trying to join aspd during the "last days" however the registration was closed. At first I was a bit discouraged, until I came across this website and it seems even better to me as well even though I only lurked on aspd for a short while.
Amazing isn't it how this site just seemed to appear (at least to me anyway), right when aspd shut the door. I often resist change but so far this really seems like the new and improved version.
guest031812's Avatar
LOVE this site too its great to have around with aspd down and it does already feel like home!!
I think I agree! It's really nice to log in and not have to scroll down past the same rows of banners I'd never have the opportunity to purchase (am I the only one completely baffled as to why the admin lacked the basic business sense to fix what could have been one of the largest sources of revenue for ASPD?) and then half a page of stickies before you get to the actual active forum. Eccie's aesthetics are much simpler (which is great in my opinion) and the showcases are a wonderful touch.

Is it publically known who the founder/s of this site is/are? All signs point to them having been involved with ASPD... They just took the initiative and improved upon an already good idea. This is the site ASPD should have made back in February when they were hacked and offline for, gosh, what was it, 2-3 months? Alas, they didn't. C'est la vie! Anyhow, whoever's baby Eccie is, thank you! Originally Posted by Austin Liv
The Banners on ASPD couldn't be fixed...they were perma fucked since one of the site crashes...just like the front page was.

ECCIE is owned by TBONE and The Original Becky. They started ECCIE back when ASPD was hacked and was down for several months. It was started mainly because it seemed ASPD was gone for good. The owners are committed to the success of ECCIE and have been around the hobby for a very long time.

Amazing isn't it how this site just seemed to appear (at least to me anyway), right when aspd shut the door. I often resist change but so far this really seems like the new and improved version. Originally Posted by favoriteman
There's no doubt that ECCIE took off like it was on fire shortly after Amber passed away, and even more when they new owners announced ASPD was turning the lights off and going home.

rekcaSxT's Avatar
ASPD was like the old rebuilt hotrod. It had the "patina of a bygone era". But near the end it was more like the old Chevy Camero up on blocks in the grass in front of the trailor.

"That's my dream car I had one just like it in high school. One day I am going to get it up and runnin' again"

Eccie is like, well, this...