Why Did Trump Steal Nuclear Secrets Informattion

  • Tiny
  • 09-07-2022, 09:39 AM
Why did Trump steal nuclear secrets information and hide and retain it at Mar a Lago? What possible reason would he have for taking that.... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Maybe memorabilia for the Trump Presidential Museum? Or maybe Melania wanted it for decorating. A top secret document would look great on a coffee table next to a big picture book of landscapes! Say you were invited over to the Trump's for evening cocktails. Would you want to leaf through a photobook of Yellowstone or Trump golf courses? Or a top secret nuclear document? No contest counselor!

Now I'd bet my bottom dollar that the country in question is France. And my favorite theory is that Trump did this to have leverage. Remember National Lampoon's Vacation? Clark Griswold shows up at Walley World with a bb gun while the park is closed. And he forces them to take his kids on all the rides. Well, I figure Trump was up to something similar. Show up in Paris and make them close down the Louvre and Versailles for private family tours. They'd have to if he knew all their nuclear secrets.

You're just way too paranoid Blackman. When you hear the word "Trump", I bet a picture of Hitler goes through your mind. You should be thinking of Clark Griswold instead.
winn dixie's Avatar
Common sense tells the liars of this story the feds would have seized this long ago.
No sir
What Trump has is proof of the election steal and info on hunter and hillary

Nuclear info... More fear mongering. Just like the puddin eaters speech. Divide with lies.
Absoulety agree with most of what you said but the obsession with Trump is not healthy as previously stated he's a dumbo but whats new about that in the world of politics? If he did the crime do the time! No one is above the law take your pick Clinton Bush Obama Trump Biden skeletons in every closet whats disturbing is the world and our economy and lives go to hell in a handbasket but the news is Trump Trump Trump
Yall are just playing to his game whcih in turn keeps the heat off of senile Joe I'm just poking this beehive for the fun of it and wasted enough time today Cheers!!
Too funny Tiny I'm getting my old Daisy pump action out of the closet right now, hope the PoPo don't show up with a warrant i just bought a new box of BB's
  • Tiny
  • 09-07-2022, 10:02 AM
Yes Bighoo, sometimes a man just has to show up with a bb gun and kick ass!
Maybe memorabilia for the Trump Presidential Museum? Or maybe Melania wanted it for decorating. A top secret document would look great on a coffee table next to a big picture book of landscapes! Say you were invited over to the Trump's for evening cocktails. Would you want to leaf through a photobook of Yellowstone or Trump golf courses? Or a top secret nuclear document? No contest counselor!

Now I'd bet my bottom dollar that the country in question is France. And my favorite theory is that Trump did this to have leverage. Remember National Lampoon's Vacation? Clark Griswold shows up at Walley World with a bb gun while the park is closed. And he forces them to take his kids on all the rides. Well, I figure Trump was up to something similar. Show up in Paris and make them close down the Louvre and Versailles for private family tours. They'd have to if he knew all their nuclear secrets.

You're just way too paranoid Blackman. When you hear the word "Trump", I bet a picture of Hitler goes through your mind. You should be thinking of Clark Griswold instead. Originally Posted by Tiny
That was art my friend.
  • Tiny
  • 09-07-2022, 12:03 PM
That was art my friend. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The one grain of truth in what I wrote Blackman is that Trump isn't the grave threat pundits on the left view him to be. He and his strongest supporters won't steal elections. Rather, unfortunately in my view, they'll cause Republicans to lose them. Look at the Republicans who didn't run for re-election, because they figured they'd lose in the primaries -- Jeff Flake, Pat Toomey, Larry Hogan, and Charlie Baker, to name a few. And all the weak candidates in purple districts and states, who had to express belief in the Big Lie in order to become the general election candidates. Many of them will lose. Trump really is more like Clark Griswold than Adolph Hitler.
I agree they won’t “successfully” steal elections. But the damage is just in the stealing, it’s in the knocking over shit while grabbing stuff in your house. That’s these people. They’ll destroy plenty of more valuable stuff along the way.
The one grain of truth in what I wrote Blackman is that Trump isn't the grave threat pundits on the left view him to be. He and his strongest supporters won't steal elections. Rather, unfortunately in my view, they'll cause Republicans to lose them. Look at the Republicans who didn't run for re-election, because they figured they'd lose in the primaries -- Jeff Flake, Pat Toomey, Larry Hogan, and Charlie Baker, to name a few. And all the weak candidates in purple districts and states, who had to express belief in the Big Lie in order to become the general election candidates. Many of them will lose. Trump really is more like Clark Griswold than Adolph Hitler. Originally Posted by Tiny
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 09-08-2022, 07:00 AM
Trump has always used flaunting the authority of institutions to charge his base and to display his "Nut Sack". I hear impotent chimp screams getting quieter.
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WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-09-2022, 06:03 AM
The one grain of truth in what I wrote Blackman is that Trump isn't the grave threat pundits on the left view him to be. He and his strongest supporters won't steal elections. Rather, unfortunately in my view, they'll cause Republicans to lose them. Look at the Republicans who didn't run for re-election, because they figured they'd lose in the primaries -- Jeff Flake, Pat Toomey, Larry Hogan, and Charlie Baker, to name a few. And all the weak candidates in purple districts and states, who had to express belief in the Big Lie in order to become the general election candidates. Many of them will lose. Trump really is more like Clark Griswold than Adolph Hitler. Originally Posted by Tiny
Trump is not dangerous if not in office....I believe Trump is a grave danger if he were to get elected.

Just like Charlie Manson did not kill Sharon Tate and company, his followers did. That is the threat to this country. His followers. The ones I know are certified nuts.

They are worse than the Reagan lovers who brought us 30 trillion dollar debt. 30 trillionvdollars in debt and Trump steals classified material. He should be charged for fiscal fraud for generating 9 trillion of debt in 4 short years.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I agree they won’t “successfully” steal elections. But the damage is just in the stealing, it’s in the knocking over shit while grabbing stuff in your house. And burning it to the ground That’s these people. They’ll destroy plenty of more valuable stuff along the way. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

And by "these people", you mean BLM and their supporters who did just that all summer long in 2020, with little to no prosecutions but it's good to know that you would have shot ALL OF THEM! I agree with you! ........... but for some reason, I don't believe you.
And by "these people", you mean BLM and their supporters who did just that all summer long in 2020, with little to no prosecutions but it's good to know that you would have shot ALL OF THEM! I agree with you! ........... but for some reason, I don't believe you. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I know it's longer than most like to read... https://apnews.com/article/records-r...f2fdd3345dace8
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