Useless Rant That Will Change Nothing

omg_lol's Avatar
You’re right, that rant was useless...
You’re right, that rant was useless... Originally Posted by omg_lol
AND changed nothing!
Some games you win, some you loose. Some ... get rained out.
A hard dick makes a fella try again, and again and even again.
Some pussy is just good. Some is damn good and some is GREAT!
Kinda like Southern Classic Chicken. It’s so good, it brings you back. Frustration and all.
Ats jus me.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The OP should just concentrate on Rosie Palm since he cannot figure out how to hobby successfully. Originally Posted by pyramider
I thought he was talking about Rosie
burkalini's Avatar

I'm in no way trying to start an argument with you but may I ask the question, "Why did you wait so late to request them?". You had the money, knew what time you were looking to see someone, why did you wait until the evening to try booking? Of course, you can say, "You didn't know you would be available.". And that is more than acceptable. There is no right or wrong answer here. I'm simply trying to understand your logic.

In an normal event, scheduling a doctors appointment and being seen doesn't usual happen in the same day. More so if the doctor's office you are trying to book is high volume. I'm a planner, I plan my day out to the smallest detail. I can switch things up but for my normal day to day, I know when I'll be leaving for work and when I'll be coming home for the day. What I am saying is this, "The more time a person has to expect your company, the more likely you are to be seen." It never hurts to book in advance as well.

Usually, I am at work when I am contacted, it might take a while for me to respond because I am on the floor dealing with customers. This could mean, I reply in 30 seconds to an hour wait. I had a recent request when a guy contacted me and asked me if I was available. He wanted to see me as soon as possible. I explained that I was at work and that the soonest I'd be available would be sometime after 3 p.m. He responded that this was no problem and I asked him where he was located. He was an hour drive from me and wanted me to come to him. Gainsville. I have never been to Gainsville and on such short notice, I called him and explain that I was sorry but I wasn't comfortable driving out to a place I had never been on such short notice. I apologized deeply but wished him well and he did the same.

I understand the demanding "work ethic" of "They should be available when I want" but realistically, that is not always possible. I do hope you have better luck next time and I am sorry for your disappointment. Originally Posted by ClaireBarsett

I agree with most of what you said but the one thing that sticks out is if you call late the provider should say she's not available rather than just not calling back after they say they would. It's the same for men who set up an appt and suddenly their aunt died or they had a car wreck. Both instances show the lack of respect for others. I for one won't work hard to see a provider since I'm the one funding it. I just figure that anyone who does this is removed from me seeing them ever and move on.

ClaireBarsett's Avatar
You are not wrong and I agree.
Texanbychoice's Avatar
The OP should just concentrate on Rosie Palm since he cannot figure out how to hobby successfully. Originally Posted by pyramider
Come on Pyramider, everyone has different quirks im life. No need to be smug. I know I have a quirk or two folks probably find annoying as I am sure you do also. If the OP is venting how about giving him a tip or two instead of being condescending.
I will just say this when i started this business... I got so worriedi could not fathom someone saying they would be here at 1 and 2 not here.. So I called ARE YOU OK..WHAT DID THE DOCTOR SAY? Did the police give you the ticket???and the not so gentleman is like wait what?? What are you talking about..and I'm like you had a 1 its 2 so your not in a coffin because i am talking to you so your either at the clinic or in cuffs?? The guy is like oh no I'm ok i just couldn't make it forgot to call????????? Really ???? I was taught one of the 3 c's better have happened if you do not make contact of a missed time setting. Coffin, clinic or cuffs if not conciquences will happen if not by the person by Karma because you just fucked with father time. So when you see a girl that looks way older than her age bet shes disrespectful of father time..
Guess that's why I look way young cause father time as kissed me with generosity because I respect other people's time.... I was with a girl in Springfield and I saw 6 guys make an appointment and not 1 showed up just a few days ago not 1 did text didnt call and 2 where members here.. SO YOU MAY BE A GENTLEMEN GOOD SIR but not everyone is like some ladies double book and first come first serve in case one is a fuck off.
Suzanna Turner's Avatar
Do or do not, there is no try.
pyramider's Avatar
Come on Pyramider, everyone has different quirks im life. No need to be smug. I know I have a quirk or two folks probably find annoying as I am sure you do also. If the OP is venting how about giving him a tip or two instead of being condescending. Originally Posted by Texanbychoice

The OP whining kills any interest I had in assisting ... there was not much to begin with.

Do or do not, there is no try. Originally Posted by Suzanna Turner
Say it in baby Yoda voice ... please, you know you want to ...