Six Plainclothes Cops Attack and Arrest University of Virginia Sorority Woman After She Buys Water From Grocery Store

LexusLover's Avatar
"When a half-dozen men and a woman in street clothes closed in on University of Virginia student Elizabeth Daly, 20, she and two roommates panicked."

Like other confrontations between police and citizens published in the media ... until all of the facts get laid out along with any video it is probably a good thing not to get to judgmental about who was right or wrong ... when 7 officers are present at a convenience store to "observe" a "coed" or three leaving there are other things happening or a history ... and while I agree that there are plenty of reasons today why three young ladies ought to be careful about "stopping" for an unidentified "gang" of people ... there is a "large" question of why those same 3 ladies, who in fear for their welfare, would start up their vehicle and leave a public place where they could just as easily retreat back into the store with their "water" while calling 911 ... driving into any one is not a good option when there are others.

LexusLover's Avatar
The same could be said of good ole George Zimmerman. That is why the stupid SOB is going to get convicted. Originally Posted by WTF
That's because .......

The Political Forum: Trayon Martin’s Gun and Pot photos:
Post # 176 by WTF:

“The case will be won or lost in jury selection.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-29-2013, 10:56 AM
That's because .......

The Political Forum: Trayon Martin’s Gun and Pot photos:
Post # 176 by WTF:

“The case will be won or lost in jury selection. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are a broken clock....a creepy broken clock.

Your boy Zimmerman is going down and you will scream bloody murder when he does. That is because you are a latent racist.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Come now SSOB, that is your name. Accept it, embrace it you low life.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-29-2013, 11:32 AM
Come now SSOB, that is your name. Accept it, embrace it you low life. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't you have some government benifits you need to go try and get us to pay for, you freeloading bitch?

Didn't I pay for your education? Boy did I get fucked! I can't wait until we start cutting you shitbirds federal pensions. My hope is the Tea Party leads the way to cutting that waste in government spending.
LexusLover's Avatar
Didn't I pay for your education? Originally Posted by WTF
Apparently you forgot your own while you were bitching.
  • Laz
  • 06-29-2013, 08:55 PM
"When a half-dozen men and a woman in street clothes closed in on University of Virginia student Elizabeth Daly, 20, she and two roommates panicked."

Like other confrontations between police and citizens published in the media ... until all of the facts get laid out along with any video it is probably a good thing not to get to judgmental about who was right or wrong ... when 7 officers are present at a convenience store to "observe" a "coed" or three leaving there are other things happening or a history ... and while I agree that there are plenty of reasons today why three young ladies ought to be careful about "stopping" for an unidentified "gang" of people ... there is a "large" question of why those same 3 ladies, who in fear for their welfare, would start up their vehicle and leave a public place where they could just as easily retreat back into the store with their "water" while calling 911 ... driving into any one is not a good option when there are others.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
What I inferred from the report is that while it was a public place it was not well lit and there were not a lot of people around. If the cops behaved as described the girls were smart to start the car and leave. Getting out of the car and they could have been killed if the armed people were not cops.

Also I completely agree that the cops had no grounds to stop them. No one should have to justify to the police what they are doing unless the police have reason to believe they are committing a crime. Simply carrying bottles with a liquid substance is not adequate grounds.
If the girls were black, they were profiled. If they were white, they were lying, GPS bitches. If they were latinas, please provide pictures and possible contact information.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-29-2013, 09:17 PM
What I inferred from the report is that while it was a public place it was not well lit and there were not a lot of people around. If the cops behaved as described the girls were smart to start the car and leave. Getting out of the car and they could have been killed if the armed people were not cops.

Also I completely agree that the cops had no grounds to stop them. No one should have to justify to the police what they are doing unless the police have reason to believe they are committing a crime. Simply carrying bottles with a liquid substance is not adequate grounds. Originally Posted by Laz
That sounds a lot like what the Martin family is saying about Zimmerman.
LexusLover's Avatar
Simply carrying bottles with a liquid substance is not adequate grounds. Originally Posted by Laz
Tell that to TSA the next time you board a flight.

As for the existing situation ... it depends on what they were doing with the "bottles with a liquid substance" in them ... one has to "assume" that was is printed in the media is 100% accurate of what actually happened and has included every detail of the event ....

... and you can't actually believe that to be the case.

If these "bad guys" were going to kill them .... as you suggest they might .... would they statistically be more likely to do it in front of the convenience store or down the street in a DARKER area? Some call it ... "jumping from the frying pan into the fire"!

Perhaps one day we will get the rest of the story, if they file a civil suit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's definitely part of HIS war on society. Now I expect some shit from the "OBAMA KOOL AID" drinkers. Originally Posted by mad469s
Please explain how one has to do with the other. Otherwise, you deserve all the shit you get.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I fully understand their fear.. I also fully understand the defense of the liberals who state that there actually exists idiot government workers.
The fact that the biggest idiot of them all is the CEO of the USoA.

speeedracer's Avatar
I'm guessing that if she would have cooperated..........nothing. Originally Posted by Doove
um,..hello? maybe, if she had known they were cops. all she knew is that she was being bum rushed by a bunch of guys looking to jump her/rape her/kidnap her, etc... you woulda done the exact same thing she did.

first instinct is to protect yourself and get out of the situation, not to stick around to see what's going on. that's how you end up dead.
JCM800's Avatar
um,..hello? maybe, if she had known they were cops. all she knew is that she was being bum rushed by a bunch of guys looking to jump her/rape her/kidnap her, etc... you woulda done the exact same thing she did. Originally Posted by speeedracer
they were plainclothes Alcoholic Beverage Control agents (with one of them being a women), so yeah i'm guessing she didn't know they were cops, unless they identify themselves... which i'm guessing they probably did.
The fact that the biggest idiot of them all is the CEO of the USoA. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Correction: The biggest idiot of them all was the CEO of the USoA until January 20, 2009.