Trump's own DOJ says not to release memo

  • grean
  • 01-25-2018, 09:30 AM
Evidently you can. Where's a link?

Mr No Cred. Look out Louie, he's coming for your title. Originally Posted by gnadfly

The actual letter by Stephen Boyd, Asst. AG, is posted on numerous websites.

The congressional panel agreed, in order to obtain the info given in the memo, to only disclose the memo to nunes, who wroteaches it, and the ranking minority member on the panel.

If various agencies can't trust congresses promises to keep something under wrap when requested and offer valid reasons for making the request, they may not be as open to Congress.
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  • 01-25-2018, 09:45 AM

The actual letter by Stephen Boyd, Asst. AG, is posted on numerous websites.

The congressional panel agreed, in order to obtain the info given in the memo, to only disclose the memo to nunes, who wroteaches it, and the ranking minority member on the panel.

If various agencies can't trust congresses promises to keep something under wrap when requested and offer valid reasons for making the request, they may not be as open to Congress. Originally Posted by grean
The only link gnad can find is nevergivesitathoughts little sausage link.

Look, I hope they release all the will expose Nunes as a distorting SOB.

His narrative makes no sense....but if it is wtf he says it is, he should go Eric Snowden and just release it.

He is like Geraldo Rivera and the Al Capone vault or Mad Cow Maddow and her Trump tax return.

LexusLover's Avatar
I’m talking about the ones in a leadership role you dipshit. Like Rosenstein and Ohr. The corrupt ones Mr DICKtater. Those are the types with something to hide. Not the new field appointees. Originally Posted by bambino
Why is WhatThaFuckDoIKnow talking about "U.S. Attorneys"?

Does he actually believe the lawyers in the DOJ are "U.S. Attorneys"?

That's the stupidity one cannot make up .... WTF's!!!!!!

That's why he's called .... WhatThaFuckDoIKnow

Trump DIDN'T APPOINT ANY OF THEM!!!! If he actually thinks so...

then he can name one of the Attorneys in the DOJ he appointed (other than Sessions!).
LexusLover's Avatar

The actual letter by Stephen Boyd, Asst. AG, is posted on numerous websites.

The congressional panel agreed, in order to obtain the info given in the memo, to only disclose the memo to nunes, who wroteaches it, and the ranking minority member on the panel.

If various agencies can't trust congresses promises to keep something under wrap when requested and offer valid reasons for making the request, they may not be as open to Congress. Originally Posted by grean
What the fuck does a letter from Boyd have to do with shit?

Congress is HIS BOSS!

So you think he's gonna tell "his boss" what to do?

The information in the INFAMOUS MEMO was OBTAINED FROM THE FBI .... so now they want to edit it????? Fuck them. The FBI tells the DOJ who to prosecute under Obaminable so you think the FBI tells Congress what information to release under Trump!!! Or would you rather have the "Secret Society" make that decision????

If they aren't "open" with Congress then cut off their funding!
what the dims do now is

every time americans speak their minds on twitter in a way the dims don't like

they convince their idiot followers via msnbc and nbc and cnn that the russians did it

in addition they view twitter and facebook as extensions of themselves and minions to do their bidding
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The Curious Case of Adam Schiff

The one man in America uninterested in whether the Steele dossier is true or not.

By William McGurn
Jan. 22, 2018 7:09 p.m. ET

Has there ever been a more incurious congressman than Adam Schiff?

The California Democrat serves as ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, a powerful oversight panel. Recently this committee succeeded in wresting key documents from the Justice Department and FBI after months of being stonewalled, and Republican staffers have summarized the info in a classified four-page memo. Those who have read the memo say it includes evidence of abuses by Justice and FBI officials handling the investigation into Donald Trump’s alleged ties with Russia, most salaciously summed up in the infamous Steele dossier named for the former British spy who compiled it.

But whether it’s material submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for a warrant on a Trump campaign official or conveniently missing texts between an FBI agent and his FBI mistress—who both hated Mr. Trump and would each serve on the special counsel’s team - Mr. Schiff exhibits no interest. Saturday on CNN he implied that the only ones who are interested are Russian bots on Twitter.

When CNN’s Ana Cabrera asked him why not let the American people see the info and decide for themselves, Mr. Schiff went full Jack Nicholson: “The American people, unfortunately, don’t have the underlying materials and therefore they can’t see how distorted and misleading this document is,” he answered. Translation: The American people can’t handle the truth.

It makes no sense. If the American people lack context, that’s an argument for more disclosure, not less. But it fits a pattern. Mr. Schiff tells us there is “more than circumstantial evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow. But he never produces it.

To put it another way, Mr. Schiff appears to be the only man in America who doesn’t seem to want to know whether the material in the Steele dossier is true or not. All along he has stood against getting relevant information - fighting subpoenas for Justice, fighting subpoenas for the FBI, and fighting the subpoena for the bank records of Fusion GPS (which ultimately prompted the admission that the Clinton campaign had helped fund the Steele dossier).

Last week offered a good example of the Schiff standard in operation. Democrats wanted the House testimony of Fusion co-founder Glenn Simpson made public, and Republicans on the Intel committee joined them to vote in favor of releasing it. But when it came to making the classified memo available to any congressman who wished to read it, Republicans alone stood for transparency. Every Democrat, led by Mr. Schiff, voted to keep the memo secret.

On the Saturday following this vote, the chairmen of three key House oversight committees - Devin Nunes (Intel), Bob Goodlatte (Judiciary) and Trey Gowdy (Oversight) - met to discuss the way forward. They released no statement. But as more of their members see the memo, the rumbling to make the information public will only grow.

Meanwhile, even Democrats not on the Intel Committee have been infected by the same lack of curiosity that afflicts Mr. Schiff. In the few days since the memo became available to every member of the House, roughly 190 Republicans have read it, compared with only a dozen Democrats.

Congress - especially the oversight committees - is supposed to act as the people’s watchdog. Mr. Trump is routinely slammed for his indifference to reading, especially the endless memos and policy papers that find their way onto a president’s desk. But what does it say when the ranking member of a vital oversight committee appears uninterested in what his committee has unearthed about a matter that speaks to the integrity of our highest institutions of law enforcement?

The Beltway standard for comparison for scandal today is Watergate. It’s now been nearly five decades since men affiliated with Richard Nixon’s Committee for the Re-Election of the President were nabbed while breaking into Democratic headquarters at the Watergate complex. The purpose of the break-in was to plant a bug and gain embarrassing intel on the Democratic Party and its presidential candidate, George McGovern.

If Mr. Trump and his team worked with Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton, it would indeed be as scandalous as Watergate. But it would be just as scandalous if a Democratic administration’s Justice Department and FBI used unsubstantiated opposition research - parts of which were quite possibly drawn from Russian disinformation - to obtain warrants to spy on members of a Republican presidential campaign.

In 1972, Nixon press secretary Ron Ziegler dismissed the break-in as a “third-rate burglary.” Today Mr. Schiff routinely dismisses the House Intel Committee findings about Justice and the FBI’s handling of the Steele dossier as “a profound distraction” - while he too fights an investigation into a presidential election. Could that be why he’s so opposed to letting the American people see what he’s seen?
bambino's Avatar
The IG has found the FBIs missing 50,000 texts! The ones the FBI said were gone and couldn’t be recovered!!!!! He must have found them in Capone’s vault!!!
But what does it say when the ranking member of a vital oversight committee appears uninterested in what his committee has unearthed about a matter that speaks to the integrity of our highest institutions of law enforcement?

yeah it says he knows the danger there to his political bosses
LexusLover's Avatar
The IG has found the FBIs missing 50,000 texts! The ones the FBI said were gone and couldn’t be recovered!!!!! He must have found them in Capone’s vault!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Is that the same "vault" where THE BLUE DRESS was found?

It should be embarrassing at least for the alleged greatest law enforcement agency in the world to lose text messages in their own system! No wonder the FBI asked the DNC/Hillary Campaign to be responsible for gathering and assembling the "DOSSIER" ... so they wouldn't lose the contributions!!!! Before their bullshit gets sorted out this will get comical ... and have the "flavor" of ...

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  • 01-25-2018, 12:18 PM
Now the FBI is corrupt according to you numbnuts!

you boys love your fuhrer

What the fuck does a letter from Boyd have to do with shit?

Congress is HIS BOSS!

So you think he's gonna tell "his boss" what to do?

The information in the INFAMOUS MEMO was OBTAINED FROM THE FBI .... so now they want to edit it????? Fuck them. The FBI tells the DOJ who to prosecute under Obaminable so you think the FBI tells Congress what information to release under Trump!!! Or would you rather have the "Secret Society" make that decision????

If they aren't "open" with Congress then cut off their funding! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Congress isn't his boss. AG Jeff Sessions is, and President Trump is Sessions's Boss. Once Sessions and Boyd were approved by the Senate, the Senate lost all authority over them.
bambino's Avatar
Congress isn't his boss. AG Jeff Sessions is, and President Trump is Sessions's Boss. Once Sessions and Boyd were approved by the Senate, the Senate lost all authority over them. Originally Posted by papadee
The DOJ and FBI are a part of the Executive branch. Trump is the head of the Executive branch. Congress has oversight responsibility over the FBI and the DOJ. It’s called checks and balances. The Congress has the authority to obtain documents from the FBI and DOJ. They can’t deny Congress the information they request. So, Congress does have some authority over those departments. Congress can also withhold full funding of those departments if they choose to do so.
LexusLover's Avatar
Congress isn't his boss. AG Jeff Sessions is, and President Trump is Sessions's Boss. Once Sessions and Boyd were approved by the Senate, the Senate lost all authority over them. Originally Posted by papadee
Sorry! Wrong, again!

Congress has OVERSIGHT! Congress can "impeach" Sessions. The Judiciary Act created the office of the Attorney General for which the Senate has the right of approval. With the right of "APPROVAL' comes the right of "removal"!

Where I came from the one who hires can fire.

You folks who learned your Constitutional Law from Obaminable will be challenged for years to come!
LexusLover's Avatar
The DOJ and FBI are a part of the Executive branch. Trump is the head of the Executive branch. Congress has oversight responsibility over the FBI and the DOJ. It’s called checks and balances. The Congress has the authority to obtain documents from the FBI and DOJ. They can’t deny Congress the information they request. So, Congress does have some authority over those departments. Congress can also withhold full funding of those departments if they choose to do so. Originally Posted by bambino
And the Senate can "impeach" whomever they approve for office.

"He who giveth can taketh away!"

Congress is their boss when it gets down to the ugly and dirty.

The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 4
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  • WTF
  • 01-25-2018, 02:33 PM
And the Senate can "impeach" whomever they approve for office.

"He who giveth can taketh away!"

Congress is their boss when it gets down to the ugly and dirty. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover the poor fool , fooled by secret society texts...civil servants are removed after conviction of certain crimes. The Senate is not the judge nor jury for civil servants.

Come on dude pull your partisan head out of Trumps ass.