Terrorist attack inside the US

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets try to make this a little plainer, did they kill the ambassador in Benghazi the night they blew a hole in the wall? No! Did they come back later and kill the ambassador when they say the non-reponse? Yes!

Try not to be so stupid.
LMAO here we go if you can't defend your position change it.
Seeing you are a know it all what is your take on this?
If there was more damage done to communications than the power grid which was their target? Which was a ruse?
JCM800's Avatar
A few years back they struck in Kansas City when three (they usually strike in threes) lumber yards were burned down. Look it up. I spoke with Jeff Lanza (FBI) and he comfirmed my suspicions that that was how the case was being worked. I could not interest the KC Star though. I think they wanted to see uniforms and manifestos. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
did you let Lanza know about your door hinge removal skills?

you never know ..they could probably use someone at the FBI with that ability.
He never did say how much brig time he served for breaking into ships store's.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually I was in the middle of writing a paper on domestic terrorism. So it was right up my alley at the time. I see that Eva can't see the forest for the bears. They killed dozens of transformers and not lights. Maybe you can respond to that moron. They were aiming at transformers. You sould like the idiot in Silverado. Danny Glover is hitting everything around the posse and the idiot says that he ain't hittin anything. John Cleese says that he's (Danny Glover) hit everything he's aimed at.

See the difference?
eva bieber...Why, does it bother you that we are talking about this? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

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  • 02-09-2014, 08:57 PM
When the power goes down we won't be talking about anything....online. After every man caused disastor there is always a discovery that there were warning signs. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What do you propose JD? We start another TSA type agency to protect the transformers? Then you will bitch about how much it costs. What about giving the NSA more power to try and deter this attacks? Then you will bitch about the government spying on you!
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  • 02-09-2014, 09:00 PM
WHY? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Because you will bitch about anything proposed done to try and counter these type of things. What do you propose the government do?

What do you propose JD? We start another TSA type agency to protect the transformers? Then you will bitch about how much it costs. What about giving the NSA more power to try and deter this attacks? Then you will bitch about the government spying on you! Originally Posted by WTF
Could they be "GUN CONFISCATION" zealots???
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  • 02-09-2014, 09:13 PM
And they could be gun zealots out drinking and shooting up transformers. My question is , What to you propose we do about it?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
And they could be gun zealots out drinking and shooting up transformers. Originally Posted by WTF

Wake up, dipshits... From the WSJ:

"This wasn't an incident where Billy-Bob and Joe decided, after a few brewskis, to come in and shoot up a substation," Mark Johnson, retired vice president of transmission for PG&E, told the utility security conference, according to a video of his presentation. "This was an event that was well thought out, well planned and they targeted certain components."

"...surveillance cameras at Pacific Gas & Electric Co.'s nearby Metcalf substation picked up a streak of light, apparently a signal from a flashlight. Snipers then opened fire. The shooters appear to have been aiming at the transformer's cooling systems, which were filled with oil. If that was their target, they hit it. The system leaked 52,000 gallons; the transformer overheated and began to crash. Then there was another flash of light, and the shooting, which had gone on almost 20 minutes, stopped. The assault knocked out 17 giant transformers that feed electrical power to Silicon Valley... it took 27 days to get the substation fully working again."
Actually I was in the middle of writing a paper on domestic terrorism. So it was right up my alley at the time. I see that Eva can't see the forest for the bears. They killed dozens of transformers and not lights. Maybe you can respond to that moron. They were aiming at transformers. You sould like the idiot in Silverado. Danny Glover is hitting everything around the posse and the idiot says that he ain't hittin anything. John Cleese says that he's (Danny Glover) hit everything he's aimed at.


See the difference? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You really are stupid, they shot cooling systems for the transformers. Had they shot the transformers they would have exploded. They did not shoot at any lights. Did you even read the op you put up?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Did you know that Pearl Harbor was predicted? Yes, the establishment in the War Department and the Capital said they were taken completey by surprise but people like Billy Mitchell predicted the how and why a decade before the event.
The military was protecting the battleship and the politicians were protecting the status quo. Japan was our friend, our little friend. They were a good trading partner but they did not have the resources to mount such an attack. Everytime a new ship was built the navy and politicians turned a blind eye like the little child that hides under a blanket from the monster under the bed. To take official notice would require a commitment to building a stronger navy, a stronger navy around the new technology of aircraft carriers and that costs money. Better to hide under the blanket.

We are at war with a very powerful enemy. They don't have aircraft carriers, tanks, and nuclear missiles (yet) but they have fanaticism. When a single individual is willing, no, desires to lose their lives in the pursuit of the goal then we have a problem. JFK once said that anyone willing to give up their lives can get to the president. That goes for the VP, Speaker, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, or any other competent authority or expert. We are wide open. In spite of some idiotic comments that does not mean becoming a police state. What that means is that we have to constantly entertain the notion that an isolated incident is more than that. That a man started forest fire maybe more than some drunken fool smoking dope. That an act of vandalism more be a dry run for something greater. The actor James Woods has gone on record that he was on a flight a couple months before 9/11. A number of Middle Eastern looking men got up and moved around the cabin, changing seats, and requesting seat belt extensions. They all seemed to be acquainted with each other. Woods got a visit from the FBI. He asked if they didn't get thousands of tips and do they interview everyone. They told him that they only interview the credible ones. They were pretty sure that Woods witnessed a dress rehearsal for that day. An idiot would just pass it off as some poor third worlders being uncomfortable on a plane and order another drink.

The 9/11 Commission said that our greatest weakness was the inablity to connect the dots or to recognize the dots in the first place.
JCM800's Avatar
Did you even read the op you put up? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
that's asking a lot from JD.