If the global warming crowd has lost Walter Cronkite then they've lost the war

  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 02:32 PM
What are we doing as humans to speed up that process? I just got to hear this.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You normally seem like a reasonable guy, so I'm going to try this with as little patronization as possible. Ready? here goes:


Go to the scholarly articles and read them, none of that sunday times bullshit.

is geology a scientific degree?

but who was talking science? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yes it is. And the one's with any credibility, they're the ones talking science. You see, science is unlike your religion bullshit, because, you see, science actually has PROOF. PROOF is actually the fundamentals of the criteria on which science is accepted or rejected. I don't see any criteria in the mumbo jumbo you posted above

Let me guess you do.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Are you attempting to out me? Yes, I do. I don't think I should be discussing my lifes work on a hooker forum board.
two words
jim jones Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Three words... eat a dick
gfejunkie's Avatar
Yes, I believe in climate change.

They're called "seasons".
I B Hankering's Avatar
You fucking wanker, this is what I posted, just three posts above your ignorant rant:

Seems like Dick Cheney's Drone-bot has not been programmed to read properly yet.
Originally Posted by shanm
Perhaps your stupid ass didn't notice how you subsequently remarked that it was necessary to have a "scientific background" to garner that bit of knowledge, shamman, so it was necessary to disabuse you of your stupidity.
^guaranteed that none of these idiots commenting on climate change have a scientific background whatsoever Originally Posted by shanm
And it's guaranteed that most of the "scientist" who are advocating all of this are getting some type of Government Grant to spread the word, or propaganda as it may be.

Yes it is. And the one's with any credibility, they're the ones talking science. You see, science is unlike your religion bullshit, because, you see, science actually has PROOF. PROOF is actually the fundamentals of the criteria on which science is accepted or rejected. I don't see any criteria in the mumbo jumbo you posted above

. Originally Posted by shanm
one word

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-05-2015, 02:49 PM
And it's guaranteed that most of the "scientist" who are advocating all of this are getting some type of Government Grant to spread the word, or propaganda as it may be. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie that can be said of Defense threats....Welfare almost everything politicians want to spend tax dollars on.

How credible were the sources in the 2003 invasion of Iraq? How is the war on drugs, poverty going? It is a never ending world of experts spreading bullshit. We pick and choose which to believe. ..
Three words... eat a dick Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
sorry to turn you down, but dont let it affect your feeling of self worth
  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 02:59 PM
one word

huh? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Seems like you are incapable of uttering more than one word. I'll continue this argument with my Cockatoo, he's learned 23 words by now.
You're confusing weather and climate. They aren't the same thing. Here's Mr, DeGrasse Tyson to school your ass.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBdxDFpDp_k Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No I am not. Climate may not be the same as weather but it influences the pattern of weather. So there is a direct relationship.

  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 03:03 PM
Jackie that can be said of Defense threats....Welfare almost everything politicians want to spend tax dollars on.

How credible were the sources in the 2003 invasion of Iraq? How is the war on drugs, poverty going? It is a never ending world of experts spreading bullshit. We pick and choose which to believe. .. Originally Posted by WTF
Exactly, that's why it helps to educate yourself.

And Jackie, for every one that is receiving aid to spread environmental propaganda, there are ten that are being funded by Oil companies and the politicians(repubtards) vested in them. Think of who benefits more from us being silent on this issue? The oil companies whose profits will inevitably suffer if we stopped using their products OR the environmental activists who will.......(uhhh can't even finish this sentence) be proven wrong, I suppose.
Seems like you are incapable of uttering more than one word. I'll continue this argument with my Cockatoo, he's learned 23 words by now. Originally Posted by shanm
I wasn't arguing with you, heck I seldom notice your existence, you chose me and you made to make a comment about and to me that had no antecedent
You normally seem like a reasonable guy, so I'm going to try this with as little patronization as possible. Ready? here goes:


Go to the scholarly articles and read them, none of that sunday times bullshit.

Yes it is. And the one's with any credibility, they're the ones talking science. You see, science is unlike your religion bullshit, because, you see, science actually has PROOF. PROOF is actually the fundamentals of the criteria on which science is accepted or rejected. I don't see any criteria in the mumbo jumbo you posted above

Are you attempting to out me? Yes, I do. I don't think I should be discussing my lifes work on a hooker forum board. Originally Posted by shanm
Don't try to bullshit me, you have no field experience in any scientific study on climate change or anything else.

  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 03:14 PM
you chose me and you made to make a comment about and to me that had no antecedent Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Oh is that right? because if I remember, you were the idiot who said "who's talking science?" like a fucktard in response to a comment I made. Or was that your unmedicated, delusional psychosis talking?

I wasn't arguing with you

That's right. Sit down little boy.
  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 03:21 PM
Don't try to bullshit me, you have no field experience in any scientific study on climate change or anything else.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Oh you're right Mojo Risin. I should spend my entire day trying to educate you in something that is widely available in every corner of the internet, and something that 95% of all scientists agree on. Sorry.

BTW, I never said that I have experience in studying climate change. When I said I shouldn't spill my life's work onto this board it was in direct response to your attempt at outing me. Everyone knows that personal info about posters is frowned upon in these forums. However, I'll humor you just this one time. I majored in Chemistry, that's about as far as you get from climate change in the scientific field. However, your ability to educate yourself should take precedence over whatever you major in in college.