Would it surprise you to know...

DocHolyday's Avatar
Ok. Can we all move on now? FH does not make the rules here and nobody said that members treatment or rules here must be fair. Fair on this site is whatever Admin. decides is fair.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Ok. Can we all move on now? Originally Posted by DocHolyday
Nope, neither the admins nor the Houston mods have responded to the OP's concern about inconsistent punishments for outing.
..... but evidently there is no forgiveness on a hooker board.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Outing isn't forgivable.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Ok. Can we all move on now? FH does not make the rules here and nobody said that members treatment or rules here must be fair. Fair on this site is whatever Admin. decides is fair. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
uh, late to the party. already stated fairness is subjective

moving on to FH, who insinuated anything about rules making? seems out of left field. not even in the same huckleberry patch. (if they come in patches........)
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Nope, neither the admins nor the Houston mods have responded to the OP's concern about inconsistent punishments for outing. Originally Posted by chicagoboy

Well, it IS morning, Sunday, AND Super Bowl. I'm sure the mods don't live on or for this site 24/7. Probably aren't even aware that this thread exists yet. Be patient, grasshoppers.

And please excuse me from the drama for the remainder of the day, as I am hosting a family SB BBQ, previously mentioned in other posts I've made recently, so I'm not ducking out on this conversation. Just have much to do otherwise.

Looks like splendid weather to get away from the keyboard and score!
  • Ruy
  • 02-05-2017, 10:41 AM
This is only an issue if you are dumb enough to provide a real name or your personal phone number instead of a hobby phone number
^^^^^ whores have ways to get your real life info

i hope you don't believe otherwise
YES,if what OP said is TRUE then its not FAIR, the MODs need to explain what happened and JUSTIFY their ACTION. Originally Posted by Heman
okay mods.......

Wakeup's Avatar
What other facts do I need to present? You outed a prospective client's name on this board and you got banned for only 30 days. The assumption now is that the current guidelines are that any whore who does the same thing gets the same punishment you did. Hobbyists are not granted that same protection.

Here it is guys. For those of you who don't know, the whores obviously have a private forum in every city, and a national forum as well, very similar to our setup, with one major difference. In their forums, they're allowed to out your private info for a reduced penalty.

For us, if we go into our forums and say that "Fancyinheels sounded really sketchy on the phone and led me to believe she is LE. For the rest of you guys, if she contacts you, be aware. She goes by the name of Namey and has a phone number of 123-456-7890." We will get banned for a year for outing. If a whore goes into any of their forums and does it, they seem to only get banned for 30 days, like Fancy did. See, in their forums, they're passing around our information for "security purposes" and it's fair game.

As Fancy has alluded to, guidelines for their forums say that they're supposed to "mask our information" so that it's not complete, and they have guidelines for how to do that. When they don't do that, guess what happens? Sometimes it just gets edited to take the info out of view, and no harm, no foul, even though the info was in view for everyone to see. Other times, they obviously only get banned for 30 days for "improperly masking our info", which is what they call outing in their forums.

Fancy, and the other whores, can call passing our information around for "security purposes", and "unintentionally improperly masking" it anything they want...it's still outing. The difference is that they are allowed to get away with it with a much smaller punishment than we are.

What's even worse is to see what they themselves have said about it.

But outing people can be as simple as whether someone accidentally types someone's first name around here.
Whether it is ever done intentionally or an honest careless mistake- is the difference between that maliciousness and innocence. Originally Posted by FoxyNC
If you had accidentally posted a whores name while writing an Alert made while you were upset, I might cut you some slack. After all, we are all human, and given those circumstances, where you had just been victimized- I may have some empathy. And I wouldn't be screaming for you to be "banned forever and ever and ever." Originally Posted by FoxyNC
See, to them, passing around our information in their forums isn't malicious, it's for their "security." When they do it, and don't "mask the information" correctly, it's always an honest mistake, an "accident", and they were just trying to warn other whores about us. For us, there are no mistakes, it's always outing, there is a zero tolerance policy, and we're gone for a year. The reason they won't scream for one of us to be banned in that situation is that they see alerts as a completely normal, perfectly legitimate reason to pass around information, and it's only an honest mistake when outing occurs in the course of passing around information in an alert. They will never get it, it's how their private forums work, and continue to work today.

However, the member in question was never terribly concerned Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Accusing a provider publicly of OUTING, the most heinous of crimes in our world, requires knowing ALL of the facts, which few of you do and I've already told you I cannot discuss further. If I had actually outed someone, yes, I WOULD still be banned for a year, wouldn't I? And deservedly so. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
They will never see it as a problem. Because they feel that once your screening information is handed over, it's theirs to do with what they please, because in their minds, we were okay handing it over to them, so we must be okay with then handing it over to every other whore in their forums. They don't see what they do as outing. You'll never convince them it is, and staff has obviously agreed with them that it's not outing. Your loss guys. What do you think about that?

I have reported EVERY incident I saw where a provider violated guidelines on info masking. I'm sure I've made myself unpopular with many ladies for my uncompromising adherence to the standards. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
See? It obviously happens, and it happens quote a bit in their forums. What Fancy isn't telling you is that there is no evidence that the ladies she reports for outing our information in their forums are being banned for a year like we are. She's not telling you that some of them must just have the info edited, and nothing happens, and that the rest must only get banned for 30 days, like she did. The rule got set with her evidently, and now they get preferential treatment when they out us. The punishment hasn't modified their behavior in the slightest, because 30 day bans do two thing, jack and shit. A year drives the point home for most people...I say most because Champagne Brown is obviously an idiot.

I would chalk it up more like.... everyone was speeding on the highway, to maintain the current speed of traffic, Fancy stayed in her lane, maintaing the same speed as everyone else.... and yet.... she is the one who got popped. There weren't legible SPEED LIMIT signs; But NOW there are. The shit is done. Originally Posted by FoxyNC
They've always outed our information in their forums, there was just never a punishment for it in the past. When Fancy did it, the local mods decided to set her ban at 30 days for outing, and that punishment must have became the rule for everywhere. Because I obviously wasn't paying enough attention to the whore forums, I mistakenly thought that the punishment had been set for a year, and Fancy was given leniency because she was the first. There is no evidence that is the case.

This last one sums it all up...how they think, how their forums operate, and how little they regard your info...

There can be accidental outings; Another example is if a provider wrote a warning incorrectly. And accidentally wrote too many letters versus asterisks.
But now we have EXAMPLES and a template to follow;
So there may be NO CONFUSION.
Properly masking all information will prevent outing;
And there were no guidelines before.
We were told to "make sure you mask."
But what was masking defined as?
It was not.
There were NO GUIDELINES previously in the ladies area.

I am curious....
Do you men really think that ECCIE is the end-all-be-all of where your real life information is shared?
You do realize there are blacklists?
You do realize there are screening services?
You do realize that HOOKERS usually share this information when SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO THEM?

Ok, pot, meet kettles.

Just to clarify where I stand on this....
I don't like subterfuge;
So I am speaking painfully clear without any song & dance...

Only YOU can protect your information;
It would be wise to do so.
It would also be in a man's best interest when he proceeds as a client to behave as a well mannered one...
You don't expect the gloves to not come off when hookers are done wrong or suffer abuse, do you?

As were any of the ladies who failed to mask properly; Albeit there was no guideline to follow THEN.
There is NOW.

Outing is outing, and no, noone wants their information blasted, in whole or in part, or even a First name; However up until this little fiasco, it was DONE.
Numerous times.
Yes, it was.
Am I throwing Infoshare under the bus and all the ladies in the bus with it?
If my being honest is doing that, then YES.
I can admit when I am wrong or see wrong doing; Although, I never shared a name in infoshare. I did share.... an email... OMG....

But dammnnit...
Maybe I should go back & check my alert...
I may be an outing bitch too, if I didn't "mask" his email properly....
Ah hell..(Too late to edit now!)..... Wait, wait.
That was before the guideline! WHEW!
What a relief!
Guess it's "all good." Originally Posted by FoxyNC
What do y'all think about them having a lesser punishment for the same crime, all in the name of provider security?
Oralist's Avatar
Wakeup is referring to an inquiry I made way back in 2015 in a private forum not accessible to the general public about a prospective patron's suspicious behavior causing me concern at the time. I admit to an inadvertent lapse, for which I was punished, and it became quite the infamous debacle, causing me great shame, and to be honest, nearly killing my carnal career. However, the member in question was never terribly concerned, and no, his screening data was NOT plastered all over creation. I NEVER published his phone number, email, yada, yada. Rumors about what actually occurred got completely out of hand.

There were many circumstances bounding about in my case, and yes, EACH incident should be handled individually. There are degrees of separation in every crime, making some misdemeanors and others felonies. A standard blanket will never cover all bodies, as even the US judicial system has discovered.

Guidelines on warning/alerts were rather nebulous at the time, but have been severally tightened up and made crystal clear. OUTING is a heinous crime, and ECCIE has a Zero Tolerance policy. Wakeup is flat out wrong about penalties, however, at least as far as I'm aware of. Perhaps he is privy to something I'm not? I know both male and female members of this board who have been banished since for substantial blocks of time for the release of negligible data inappropriately, even completely by accident.

Provider AND client safety/privacy are EQUALLY important and seem to have been treated thus from what I've seen.

Evidently Wakeup and others feel there is no such thing as rehabilitation and redemption. I have always attempted to be helpful to both the ladies and gents of this board, and have made it my mission to assist new gentlemen to safely and prudently negotiate the perils of the Hobby and choose wisely in these dangerous times.
I learned from my mistake and have not even come within a mile of repeating it, and have been very proactive in encouraging other providers to completely tow the ECCIE line. I have reported EVERY incident I saw where a provider violated guidelines on info masking. I'm sure I've made myself unpopular with many ladies for my uncompromising adherence to the standards.

I invite the mods to step in and assert what they know to be true, that both providers and clients are banned for outing as deemed appropriate and that their individual status has naught to do with punishment.

And why do you bring this up NOW, Wakeup, so long after the fact? What have I evidently done to piss you off?
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Because WU aka SC aka DG, etc's purpose is to generate "clicks", which generates income from the sponsors for the owners. More "clicks" = more money 💰. Simple economics, really.
LexusLover's Avatar
The existence of private forums not accessible to the general public has been vehemently denied over the years? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
The guys have their own man cave. I imagine it mirrors the ladies' lounge, so neither side should get on a high horse about the other. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Saying there are speed limit signs does not dispel the reality of driver's speeding ... WU just hit it out of the park! It's not existence of "the forum," it's the content of the chatter and gossip. Fancy just admitted it goes on.

Since that can of worms is open ... from where does the "screening" information come ... rumors, exchanges, and "private" resources ... "LE connections"? Just because guys pay for pussy doesn't necessarily mean they are "ignorant" or "stupid"! Some of you ladies apparently believe that ... like some guys apparently believe if someone doesn't post reviews they don't know "what's going on"!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Hey wakeup aren't you playing with outting all the time by implying I had a previous handle that I'm (hilariously) running from...as opposed to just working my mojo for shits and giggles...

It seems you like playing on the edge of the vortex with such behavior so in a sense its hard to take you seriously
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
No excuse me I think I have a bet to win. Let me call my uber ride. ;-)
They will never see it as a problem. Because they feel that once your screening information is handed over, it's theirs to do with what they please, because in their minds, we were okay handing it over to them, so we must be okay with then handing it over to every other whore in their forums. They don't see what they do as outing. You'll never convince them it is, and staff has obviously agreed with them that it's not outing. Your loss guys. What do you think about that?
..... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I agree. The many times I've cracked the door on this discussion with providers....they immediately throw down the *my safety* card.

it's bull shit
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Outing is a one year ban
Improper masking of the RW info is a 30 day ban in the ladies only forums..
The difference is that no attempt to mask info is outing.
not properly masking means the attempt was made to mask the info but it was not done in accordance with the posted procedure.
As a MOD, Wakeup should know this information.