13 million watched GOP debate while Trump/Tucker interview has 245 million views. Bahahahahahahahahahaha

Fake views
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Must be a WORLD RECORD... ... Originally Posted by Salty Again
Indeed it is:
...the highest viewership ever was Oprah Winfrey’s 1993 interview of Michael Jackson, which had a global audience of 90 million. ...
BTW: The Trump/Tucker interview is over 260 Million views as of yesterday and growing. This does not account for other mentions, cross-posting and discussions on other platforms..
VitaMan's Avatar
... I addressed this over in your thread.
Go give it a read.

... But again - 236 MILLION views!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Addressed your reply over in the other thread.
But again.....14.8 million watched the 46 minute interview. All the others left.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I watched the debate and thought Nikki Haley was the clear "winner". Much too early to form any final opinion on the subject, but if it was Haley vs. Biden, I would currently lean towards Haley.
eyecu2's Avatar
I watched the debate and thought Nikki Haley was the clear "winner". Much too early to form any final opinion on the subject, but if it was Haley vs. Biden, I would currently lean towards Haley. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yep. I totally agree. I think she's the midstream winner who could actually get voters from the left, middle and right; However she still cow-tow's to Trump and is afraid of alienating the base by saying more; but she is literally a 1000% better choice and has ZERO indictments. It's time to find a candidate who's baggage doesn't include 91 felony charges, groping of daughters, paying off prostitutes and porn star, and grabbing pussy. Hell, that's hard to say on a hooker board, but he's that guy who would stiff a Ho out of an extra 50 for a double pop. Just saying.
Yep. I totally agree. I think she's the midstream winner who could actually get voters from the left, middle and right; However she still cow-tow's to Trump and is afraid of alienating the base by saying more; but she is literally a 1000% better choice and has ZERO indictments. It's time to find a candidate who's baggage doesn't include 91 felony charges, groping of daughters, paying off prostitutes and porn star, and grabbing pussy. Hell, that's hard to say on a hooker board, but he's that guy who would stiff a Ho out of an extra 50 for a double pop. Just saying. Originally Posted by eyecu2
She won't be nominated. Not unless the Banking Cartels can benefit from her Politically. They don't care about indictments and Felony Charges. Besides Trump has immunity he won't be convicted of anything.
Trump may or may not be convicted but it has nothing to do with the immunity that he doesn't have.
It's obvious you don't care about indictments and felony charges. It's also obvious you can parrot the trumpy narrative.
Haley won't be nominated because she follows the trump line. And since it doesn't matter to repubs if their nominee is a convicted felon, they'll stick with trump.

She won't be nominated. Not unless the Banking Cartels can benefit from her Politically. They don't care about indictments and Felony Charges. Besides Trump has immunity he won't be convicted of anything. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Regardless of the number of views, trump's favorable numbers are still bellow 40%. Since the US adult population is @ 258.3 million (331.4 minus 79.1=258.3), the number of views only means trump "clickers" have a lot of spare time on their hands. And instead of fact checking the bullshit and repeated lies found in the trump/carlson interview they continued to spread misinformation. There are 9 false claims contained in the interview.



Indeed it is:BTW: The Trump/Tucker interview is over 260 Million views as of yesterday and growing. This does not account for other mentions, cross-posting and discussions on other platforms.. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Trump may or may not be convicted but it has nothing to do with the immunity that he doesn't have.
It's obvious you don't care about indictments and felony charges. It's also obvious you can parrot the trumpy narrative.
Haley won't be nominated because she follows the trump line. And since it doesn't matter to repubs if their nominee is a convicted felon, they'll stick with trump. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
I see the damage Democrats are doing to this country and the crimes they commit. Trump is a "J Walker" compare to them. Yes, Trump has presidential immunity. Democrats want to to keep him in court in hopes he won't be able to campaign. there is nothing substantial about any of the charges. Democrats are fighting mad a bunch of sickos that's all.
Regardless of the number of views, trump's favorable numbers are still bellow 40%. Since the US adult population is @ 258.3 million (331.4 minus 79.1=258.3), the number of views only means trump "clickers" have a lot of spare time on their hands. And instead of fact checking the bullshit and repeated lies found in the trump/carlson interview they continued to spread misinformation. There are 9 false claims contained in the interview.


https://www.census.gov/library/stori...on%20in%202010. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
... Trump's favourability was piss-poor THE FIRST TIME
He won in 2016... Lads were tellin' me back-then
Trump had "no chance"...

How can it be then that Trump is LEADING Joe in
some o' the polls??

... 200-some MILLION views! ... A WORLD RECORD!

#### Salty
HoHound's Avatar
[QUOTE=Tigbitties38;1063288998]Regardless of the number of views, trump's favorable numbers are still bellow 40%.

If Trumps favorability is so low, why bother with all the criminal charges? If Trump's poll numbers were bad, the left would leave him alone. Not worth it. The underlying reason for the indictments and raids is that the left is scared he'll win. It's cause and effect.
That's exactly right, mate.

Whatever happened to all that "we HOPE Trump is the Repub
nominee 'cause Joe Biden will creme Him" talk?

NOW (with 260 Million views) Trump is leading Joe or they're
"virtually tied" in most of the polls - and the Dems and
liberal news media are surely FREIGHTENED that Trump
may surely Win again.

No wonder the FBI and DOJ are tryin' like Jack-the-Lad
to keep Trump off the ballot.

... Uh... what chance to see Joe Biden do a interview
and draw 2 Million - let-alone 260 Million?? ...

#### Salty
What does his popularity have to do with criminal charges against him? Not a goddamn thing.

The underlying reasons for indictments is several grand juries found it likely he broke the law(s). The search warrant was executed because he wouldn't return documents he illegally took with him when he left the white house. Read the indictments.
This will all be determined in a court where trumpy opinions and worthless defenses don't mean anything. So far, trump isn't doing well in court cases. He is way below 40% in the win/loss column. The only cause and effect going on is trump commits a crime, then he gets indicted.

Plus, because the stakes are so high, and if the dems are like you claim and if they are scared as you say, why wouldn't they just assassinate him? It would be easier than pulling off the election fraud y'all claim they did.
There's no way to cover up the 10s of thousands of people that would have been needed to execute "the plan". Other than a complete lack of evidence, you're well on your way to cracking the case.
In the trump indictments, there is enough evidence for several grand juries to hand down some indictments.
Those are real world consequences for real world actions. You know, cause and effect.

As far as your take on the situation goes, none of it will make it into a courtroom.

Regardless of the number of views, trump's favorable numbers are still bellow 40%.

If Trumps favorability is so low, why bother with all the criminal charges? If Trump's poll numbers were bad, the left would leave him alone. Not worth it. The underlying reason for the indictments and raids is that the left is scared he'll win. It's cause and effect. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
I don't give a shit what his ratings were in 2016.

What were his ratings in 2020? What ever they were, he soundly lost the election. 2020 is easy to explain. After seeing trump in action for 4 years, voters "fired" trump.

How is trump tied or leading Biden in the polls? Other than the election being a year and a half away?
I don't know and neither do you.

200 million views? A world record? Of what? Any poll that has no controls or any method of verification, isn't worth the bandwidth it was downloaded with.

There is no way to tell how many different people actually viewed trump's interview (the interview with 9 false statements {https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/factchecking-trumps-interview-with-carlson/}).
The last time you thought ratings, ratings not an indicator of truth, were an indicator of election, it cost fox $700+ million bucks. And it didn't mean trump would win

The fact you believe the things you tout can realistically be factored in to the election results is good humor.
... Trump's favourability was piss-poor THE FIRST TIME
He won in 2016... Lads were tellin' me back-then
Trump had "no chance"...

How can it be then that Trump is LEADING Joe in
some o' the polls??

... 200-some MILLION views! ... A WORLD RECORD!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I wish views and ratings actually meant something as far as a win... do you Trump lovers know who has the best ratings in the NFL? The Cowboys. Do you understand why? It's because even though they have many fans (sadly, me included), there are more people who like watching them just to see them lose because they hate them. Hence, why they always have the highest ratings.

There is a reason I say I never forget the audience when I post in this forum. Some folks are acting like he actually won something because of fucking views...

To me, that's as stupid as saying a dude who totaled his car on an interstate won because everyone slowed down to take a look at the destruction. And nobody is looking at me driving because I didn't have a wreck, so I lost.