What Should the US do if We Learn Saudi Journalist Kashoggi was Murdered by the Saudi Government?

JuanBadCat's Avatar
He was getting documents from the consulate so that he could get married. The Saudi government “ baited “ him to seek those documents specifically at that local to abduct, torture and murder him . POTUS is letting the all mighty $ stand in the way of doing what’s right. Thereby threatening the longevity of free press and our first amendment rights .
He was getting documents from the consulate so that he could get married. The Saudi government “ baited “ him to seek those documents specifically at that local to abduct, torture and murder him . POTUS is letting the all mighty $ stand in the way of doing what’s right. Thereby threatening the longevity of free press and our first amendment rights . Originally Posted by JuanBadCat
CNN, NBC, NYT, etc..are not free press. They are owned by billionaires with an agenda doing their best to pretend they are free press.
JuanBadCat's Avatar
Yep , just like my Ford F-150 is not “really” a truck cuz the owner is a billionaire ( she also own the Detroit Lions) and they aren’t really an NFL football team cuz they are owned by a billionaire. Think you got your hooker logic from one of the ladies on this site. Oh , and BTW , Rupert Murdock is a freakin Billionaire and he owns Fox News so I guess they are a “ real “ news station either. You forgot to include them with your flawed logic of a reply .
txexetoo's Avatar
He was getting documents from the consulate so that he could get married. The Saudi government “ baited “ him to seek those documents specifically at that local to abduct, torture and murder him . POTUS is letting the all mighty $ stand in the way of doing what’s right. Thereby threatening the longevity of free press and our first amendment rights . Originally Posted by JuanBadCat

And you know this based on your personal knowledge of the situation? No evidence has been shared publicly .
rexdutchman's Avatar
Okay SAUDI gov you have NO rights period . The liberal media looks over that FACT when in other countries and acts all shocked when thing like this happen. We will never find out the truth only what they want you to know.
  • grean
  • 10-17-2018, 04:43 PM
The journalist was Saudi and they are Saudi. I say stay out of their internal issues. They have acted this way for centuries and not up to us to fix it. No reason to go to war for a countries own internal affairs. IF you are caught stealing they will cut your hands off in India. Here we just bond you out for $50 and let you go steal your next meal and hope you don't get caught. We should not be involved in other countries laws and reactions to their internal events/ Originally Posted by lipsandhipster

We should then stay out of Syria as well. If countries want to behave like that with their own citizens fine. The US should refrain from doing business with them too.
Precious_b's Avatar
A Saudi dissident who asked, and was allowed, to stay in the USA.
Journalist for an American paper.
Abducted in a country that is on good terms with us.
Abducted by a country that has been on *our* side.

The Saudis are idiots for doing this at a place that is well monitored (I venture to guess the cameras that shot him going in the embassy are Turkish.)

No question that they killed him on diplomatic soil.
The Saudis should cough up to the fact he was killed there immediately, take the consequences, return the body tempus fugit for a long past proper burial. If not, that body is coming back on a non-diplomatic flight and being dumped in a back alley or it is never showing.

There is virtually no wiggle room for the House of Saud on this one UNLESS people are willing to look the other way. That would speak volumes for the integrity of everyone involved.
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
Not a damned thing.

A not so special guy got himself killed by his government, which ain't the US while not in the US...so what? No one seemed to mind when our last POTUS put a missle up the ass of a US citizen who ran off to join lead the Taliban or ISIS...and his 5 year old son.... and nobody said a GD word. So fuck this journalist!
rexdutchman's Avatar
NOT a Damn thing is correct ,Saudis did this to send message to dissident reports , just look at other countries where people "go missing" nobody says a word .
rexdutchman's Avatar
P.S The only reason we even know about it is because he worked for Washington Post
P.S The only reason we even know about it is because he worked for Washington Post Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Their Man Bezos is too busy trying to buy the Seahawks. I don't think he care that much, unless he undermine Trump
jayt4567's Avatar
US need to stop relying on Saudi money. Period. When the Saudi can murder someone in public and given a pass what will happen to American when POTUS decide to send out hit squad like Duarte?
P.S The only reason we even know about it is because he worked for Washington Post Originally Posted by rexdutchman
USIC picked up that Saudi was going to do this days before it happened. I bet the real scandal will be when dems gain control of the house and start holding the POTUS accountable.

This intelligence would have been passed on to someone in the WH. Any WH in the past would have made an attempt to warn the person that is danger. This guy was a legal resident of the US too.

I'm not saying that Trump or the WH knew and purposely did nothing because of their financial connections to Kingdom-chances are they did that. This shows that gutting your state department and leaving important govt roles vacant can be problematic.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 10-20-2018, 06:18 PM
USIC picked up that Saudi was going to do this days before it happened. I bet the real scandal will be when dems gain control of the house and start holding the POTUS accountable.

This intelligence would have been passed on to someone in the WH. Any WH in the past would have made an attempt to warn the person that is danger. This guy was a legal resident of the US too.

I'm not saying that Trump or the WH knew and purposely did nothing because of their financial connections to Kingdom-chances are they did that. This shows that gutting your state department and leaving important govt roles vacant can be problematic. Originally Posted by hangryhip
I don't know about that. A Saudi Citizen being dealt with by the Saudi government? I don't think it's much of a scandal. We all know that different countries have different values. And the US doesn't care much about what happens to legal residents outside the USA (not like we do about US citizens, that's for sure).

I think the real fallout is going to be if it's found out that diplomatic safeguards were broken. They (spies, diplomats, intel agents) have a whole set of unwritten rules and, unless there's some sort of international emergency, I don't think any country likes seeing those rules broken.
I don't know about that. A Saudi Citizen being dealt with by the Saudi government? I don't think it's much of a scandal. We all know that different countries have different values. And the US doesn't care much about what happens to legal residents outside the USA (not like we do about US citizens, that's for sure).

I think the real fallout is going to be if it's found out that diplomatic safeguards were broken. They (spies, diplomats, intel agents) have a whole set of unwritten rules and, unless there's some sort of international emergency, I don't think any country likes seeing those rules broken. Originally Posted by Crock

The Washington Post reported that U.S. intelligence agencies intercepted communications that indicated a Saudi plan to capture Khashoggi may have been in the works:

“Before Khashoggi’s disappearance, U.S. intelligence intercepted communications of Saudi officials discussing a plan to capture him, according to a person familiar with the information. The Saudis wanted to lure Khashoggi back to Saudi Arabia and lay hands on him there, this person said. It was not clear whether the Saudis intended to arrest and interrogate Khashoggi or to kill him, or if the United States warned Khashoggi that he was a target, this person said.”

(The Post then updated its report to refer to two unnamed sources rather than one.) ABC’s Conor Finnegan noted a potential difference in what the Post reported (information about a plan to capture Khashoggi) and what the Palladino denied (information about a plan to disappear Khashoggi).

If any U.S. agencies did have foreknowledge of a potential Saudi plan to kidnap, kill, or maim Khashoggi, they had an obligation to warn him.

Intelligence Community Directive 191—titled “Duty to Warn”—obligates U.S. intelligence agencies to inform the victim of a potential kidnapping or murder if the U.S. agency becomes aware of such a threat in the course of collecting or acquiring intelligence. The directive allows for a waiver in very limited circumstances. If no waiver applies, the directive stipulates that close cases “should be resolved in favor of informing the intended victim.”
