Moment of Clarity

BBW Katrina's Avatar
What happened to the other two weeks?
Wakeup's Avatar
And the weekends...

Just nod and smile...he's not all that bright...
john_deere's Avatar
a standard work year is 2000 hours, or 50 weeks of 40 hours. it's the convention used in annualized compensation comparisons.

sorry, wakeup.....i know there's some big words in there....a y-e-a-r is, you know....12 months. google the rest, fuckface.
Wakeup's Avatar
Ah...I get think all hookers are economics majors...who work 8-5 jobs...with two weeks vacation...and no overtime...and estimate their earnings based on annualized compensation instead of multiplying 365x400...

P.S.-Fuckface?? That's all you can come up with? C'mon man...
If someone is having a hard time and REQUESTS money from you my suggestion is to just have a nice long session with her so you know at least you got something out of it Originally Posted by SAangel27