Question for Gentlemen......???

your welcome sweet sonya.....keep those pics coming ...!
ammonite's Avatar
To me, if a provider has any type of website it reassures me that if I see her, she actually is a bonafide provider. Of course there is no guarantee that the session will go well. I am cautious so I don't answer bp or cl ads. Maybe I'm naive, but a website provides security to me.

Sonya's website is nice as is Quivered Peach's in Austin.
textodd11's Avatar
And no CRAPPY MUSIC please - sites with music are immediately closed and not considered for business - ever Originally Posted by CyberProf
Ditto! I can't tell you how many times I've clicked on a link to have it start blaring music at me while I frantically try to shut it up so everyone in the world isn't coming over to see what it is. PLEASE ladies, no music on your sites, photo albums and the like. You could accidentally contribute to someone getting in trouble.
Great question kelly...I feel the same way...I am actually thinking about doing something fairly small but points out just enough that needs to be said. I'm just a little scared of too much being public. But thank you for asking that...def. Appreciated all their feedback.
I agree with ammonite...while having a website is nice to check out the pics and prices the real value to me at least is just providing additional authenticity of a 'real' provider. With all the fakes, scammers and worse out there it provides just an additional indicator of who is legit.
I feel like it gives hobbyists a way to get a better feeling about the provider, their likes, dislikes, and in general their outlook...Some providers, I click with and we both have a great time...others not so much, but still a good time. Deal breaker ...not really...I would just be less inclined to meet with a provider that provides very little info..My$.02 worth.