How to properly end a session? 😱

I have this song at the end of my playlist. It works every time

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Ja. Haben die Musik Sache. Wahrscheinlich haben sie 5 Minuten stoppen oder so, bevor die Zeit abgelaufen ist. Dann bekommen nur beiläufig und gehen das Badezimmer oder beginnen Ankleiden. Sie können auch strat über Ihre nicht-whoring Pläne sprechen, die Sie für den Tag zu kümmern brauchen. Danken Sie ihm für seine Zeit und wie Sie hoffen, ihn wieder zu sehen. Seien Sie einfach nonchalant, wie Sie es tun
[Yes. Do the music thing. Probably have it stop five minutes or so before time is up. Then just casually get up and go the the bathroom or start getting dressed. Also you can strat talking about your non-whoring plans that you need to take care of for the day. Thank him for his time and how you hope to see him again. Just be nonchalant as you do it]
My suggestion is to have a clock visible in the room. This gives the client a chance to time his session and leave on time. A musical playlist is also a nice way to keep up without looking at the clock. But.. please have a clock visible in the room.
Some guys are just infamous for taking advantage of a ladies time. I have a clock that can be seen very easily from my, if I notice time is winding down, I get up and offer to run them a shower. Works every time. I have only had a handful of the gents that don't take subtle hints. I don't want to appear to be a "clock watcher", so I opt out of seeing them again.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
The 10 minute thing made me do a double take .....really? 10 mins between guests? wow! I am impressed! I don't normally schedule 2 gents the same day, much less 10 mins apart. I feel rushed only getting 2 hours to prepare for a gent, and I don't move slow. However, maybe that's a superpower you have and I have yet to acquire. If so, holla. I wanna know how to acquire being my best in 10 mins time, no matter what I do or don't have scheduled....LoL

Girl, raise your rate a bit or something, so you won't feel obligated to schedule gents 10mins apart and so you don't have to clock watch. Give a little extra time the first time, and soon you will discover that you have regular friends, who appreciate your focused attention on them and the details you put into preparing for "their" special visit. They will occasionally tip or always tip, depending on budget. You won't become a worn out, used up, or jaded lady who doesn't like men, but rather, a woman who is confidant, has fun providing, understands men more so than they have a naughty need. You will encounter some of the coolest men on the planet who are not just looking to dump a load in the closest most convenient hole. You'll become the lady they understand will be an experience they look forward to. A lady who is capable of keeping things in perspective, even if she genuinely enjoys the company of her closest male friends. You'll be able to give them time and on occasion, even discounts. The hobby has taken away our enjoyment of giving back with this whole negotiation thing, but, you can adjust to give to or be generous with your regs, which is a plus if you enjoy giving as I do, rather than others constantly taking from you. Ijs. You may even be able to afford a place you don't have to share.

If that doesn't sound like an alternative you wanna try, hey, it's all good. We are not all the same, and that's the beauty of this biz. Don't worry with gents who get pissed when you call "time". They tell on themselves when they moan n groan, gripe and complain. Either they make bad choices, or they feel entitled to take advantage and you didn't let 'em. You have another waiting in ten minutes anyway, so no big. Right? A lady who schedules appts 10min apart has got more important things to consider than trying to please all the gents, all the time.

Hobby safe n have fun. Don't sweat the little poop, doll.

She never said that she personally sees guys ten minutes apart. She said that she and her roommates give ten minutes in between which doesn't necessarily mean what you think. Most likely, she gets ready at home and then just shows up to her Incall. Be careful not to assume the worst about a lady. She asked a legitimate question about how to end a session within her personal business plan. She didn't have to share the ins and outs of her business, but it seems she trusted the community enough not to zero in on "10 minutes," and start to draw conclusions that warranted more unsolicited advice than actual help. And don't take it wrong. It is not that I agree or disagree with your suggestions, but rather that I disagree with the fact that you felt the need to give them beyond what she was asking for. Perhaps she would have been better served with a PM rather than public condescension, judgement, and critique of her entire business structure.

BTW, Dorian Gray's advice was spot on.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
If its an overnight it ends after the good morning blow job. I roll over go back to sleep provider showers gets dressed and rolls out.

If I'm doing a short time it usually ends after I finish myself off because I can't cum for some odd reason and the provider tells me good job.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

She never said that she personally sees guys ten minutes apart. She said that she and her roommates give ten minutes in between which doesn't necessarily mean what you think. Most likely, she gets ready at home and then just shows up to her Incall. Be careful not to assume the worst about a lady. She asked a legitimate question about how to end a session within her personal business plan. She didn't have to share the ins and outs of her business, but it seems she trusted the community enough not to zero in on "10 minutes," and start to draw conclusions that warranted more unsolicited advice than actual help. And don't take it wrong. It is not that I agree or disagree with your suggestions, but rather that I disagree with the fact that you felt the need to give them beyond what she was asking for. Perhaps she would have been better served with a PM rather than public condescension, judgement, and critique of her entire business structure.

BTW, Dorian Gray's advice was spot on. Originally Posted by YummyMarie

I appreciate sage advice... when I receive it. I am not sure we know each other at all, much less, do we know each other well enough for you to indicate that you know what it is I think, as you did in your response. Also, I am an agreeable mature woman with at least a couple of days experience providing, among other skills I possess, sweetie. So, I'd appreciate if you would not condescend, at least to me. Others may like it, but I'm not a huge fan, in case you assumed I was, and since you did.

Now, I want you to have no concerns, as I understand what the lady was indicating. However, you are more than welcome to test my comprehension skills if you would like to. I aim to please and wish to ensure your comfort concerning my ability to comprehend and even my knowledge.

I believe it is not I who assumed anything. Using phrases such as "most likely" concerning her scheduling habits might have been an indicator I assume, but I do not believe that it was I who did such as that. Not that I am trying to argue with a well respected member of the community.

How about we compromise? I think I'll share as I wish and hope ya don't waste too much of your own time bothering about what it is I am sharing or not, unless you have some actual factual knowledge you care to teach me. In that case, please do so, because I love to learn. If my sharing is just too much for you, might I kindly suggest that you cease and desist reading whatever it is I wish to share and move on to another writer you find more pleasing?

If you would like clarification of my intent at any point when I do share, please let me know. As stated, I aim to please, hon. I sure wouldn't want anyone "assuming" anything about that.

Much as I advised the OP concerning the unhappy gent who she ended time with as she did, don't sweat the little poop, doll. I'm sure my comprehension and overshare are not things you should dwell upon, mention, or even attempt to question my intention. It actually seems you are just trying to nitpick or something and for whatever reason you might have. Please don't.

Now, and just so I am 100% clear. it was a genuine compliment, regardless of how you perceived it or even suggest I may have meant it. I would love to be able to be my best and only need ten minutes to do so. What lady here or anywhere in the world, wouldn't? That's amazing to me! LOL Super Power for sure and I want it! And I believe I also stated a little something about the beauty of this biz and it's all good. At no time indicating one way being better than another. I don't judge any lady in this biz, but I'll sure stick out my hand and try to help by making a suggestion when one indicates they may have an issue, even at the risk of being misperceived.. How I go about it, is not up to you, hon. I do not appreciate you indicating I did something I did not do, regardless of your perception or what you assumed I meant.

I hope I was clear, regardless of the length of my comment and apologize if anyone went down the same perception path as Y did. Read it in another tone. Believe it or not, every lady here is not a snarky B, or at least not until given a great reason to be one.

OP, you are awesome and I want your Superpower! Set that alarm or playlist and get that fella on the move. Don't worry with their reaction, you are about to accomplish an amazing feat as far as I am concerned.

Who are you to tell another provider what to charge let alone run her business? Why are you so quick to judge & assume as to what type of provider she is?

Every whore runs there buisness the way it works for them you have no right to tell her what you feel as if is the proper way to be a whore... You clearly didn't understand her post & was quick to judge.. She didn't get on here asking other whores to help rewrite her whore script she simply asked a reasonable question & right off the bat started judging... smfh
Knight2554's Avatar
Wait for it.......
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-06-2016, 05:27 PM
Wait for it....... Originally Posted by Knight2554
HaHa, MM is currently typing away in will be done with the novel/response in 90 minutes.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-06-2016, 07:11 PM
We usually do 10 minutes in between appointments so there's enough to change the sheets, throw condom wrappers away, and make sure the place is presentable. Originally Posted by Adriana Marshall
IMO that's just nowhere near enough time between appointments even if you're sharing an incall with other providers and it's not your appointment I think the time between appointments is a valid talking point on this post as you indicated that's one of the reasons people staying over is an issue for you. . I feel like any appointment can be a few minutes shorter or a few minutes longer depending on the flow of the session. With that tight of a schedule I think it's almost unavoidable for clients to cross paths, see what the other one looks like, what they are driving, etc.

As for the issue of clients staying over....if that's happening a lot to you then you're doing something wrong. I think most providers have it happen on occasion but it's the exception and not the rule. That's how I feel and I could be completely wrong.

IMO you're the professional and it's up to you to keep track of the time for the most part. There are ways better than an alarm going off. If I saw a provider and heard an alarm go off after 50 minutes I would never repeat. A music play list works great. It doesn't have to even end as long as you know what song plays at the 55 minute mark. If you get up and start getting dressed, or ask if they're ready to clean up, most clients will get the hint. You'll run into inconsiderate idiots in all walks of life regardless so you're still bound to run into some in the hobby world no matter what you do.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Let's keep it moving...don't pretend you don't know your time has approached. Otherwise I have to make it uncomfortable for both of us.
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Let's keep it moving...don't pretend you don't know your time has approached. Otherwise I have to make it uncomfortable for both of us. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
IMO that's just nowhere near enough time between appointments even if you're sharing an incall with other providers and it's not your appointment I think the time between appointments is a valid talking point on this post as you indicated that's one of the reasons people staying over is an issue for you. . I feel like any appointment can be a few minutes shorter or a few minutes longer depending on the flow of the session. With that tight of a schedule I think it's almost unavoidable for clients to cross paths, see what the other one looks like, what they are driving, etc.

As for the issue of clients staying over....if that's happening a lot to you then you're doing something wrong. I think most providers have it happen on occasion but it's the exception and not the rule. That's how I feel and I could be completely wrong.

IMO you're the professional and it's up to you to keep track of the time for the most part. There are ways better than an alarm going off. If I saw a provider and heard an alarm go off after 50 minutes I would never repeat. A music play list works great. It doesn't have to even end as long as you know what song plays at the 55 minute mark. If you get up and start getting dressed, or ask if they're ready to clean up, most clients will get the hint. You'll run into inconsiderate idiots in all walks of life regardless so you're still bound to run into some in the hobby world no matter what you do. Originally Posted by L.A.
Yall can't read can yall smfh she didn't say in between her appointments she shares an incall you Fucktard grrr