Your Signature Line

pyramider's Avatar
What sigs lines?
JohnMacnab's Avatar

Turn the volume way up so you can hear what they are saying.
I just made mine up! But it is accurate
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
Mr. Scott, You are just the type of man I need in my life!

My top signature line came from someone (well, one person acting as two) trying to hurt me in biz by talking smack.... and making themselves look dumb in the process! This also happens to be my first signature line on ECCIE, ad when pondering over how to get a point across without dropping a level, I truly looked for a signature line which would embody how I was feeling about the 'episode,' and hopefully pass on a bit of wisdom at the same time



Besides the obvious soft spot in my heart for curvier ladies, I like proclaiming to the world that beautiful women can come in all shapes and sizes. Originally Posted by Justin_Scott
A response I gave to another hobbyist. Don't look too far into the meaning behind it, the message is pretty straight forward.