NC/NS for a Hobbyist is OK but NC/NS For a Provider Is Certain Death???

Nikita, I've been here long enough to know to keep my mouth shut, but one more time here's my 0.02 NCNS sucks which ever side it is on. If your a provider it is a near death mistake, most hobbist do their very best to notify you if they must cancel, but as in any barrel of apples there are a few who are above the need to notify anyone of anything. those there is no recourse other than a post in the ladies sections if it is that upsetting. That said remember Ladies that we are the Boss A NCNS on our part should be viewed very harshly as bosses we need to be perfect in our scheduling. On our male counterparts most of these guys have bosses or a Boss that puts them in positions where even a phone call is not possible at times for this reason only I tend to cut the guys a little more slack, but I'm just a big softy xoxo chelsea
LazurusLong's Avatar

BTW, it is NOT the kiss of death.

A former provider had her escort name turned into a hobby term for NCNS.

You would be "Hootered" if this happened. Hooter was famous for setting appointments and not showing up, not calling and in general, wasting hundreds of potential clients time.

Yet Hooter could still decide to show up and make her $300/hr whenever she wanted because she was hot in many guys eyes and had good service when she DID appear.
TexRich's Avatar
HOOTer is an exception to the rule! Laz you bout to cross some lines!

LOL, j/k.
What will piss a guy off is the lack of follow up if a provider should have to miss an appointment. Things do happen. Sometimes leaving little time to call someone. I had a provider NS/NC on me this weekend. At the time, I was dissapointed. Especialy as she took the time to call me to confirm a few hours before. When she did not respond to my calls and text after the scheduled time, I became worried about her. Now, a day later and still no callback, I will move on and find someone else. If she should contact me and have a reasonable excuss for the NS, I will give it some thought.

One nice thing about DFW is no matter how hot one provider is, there are plenty more just as hot. If one client fails to show, there are plenty more out there. Its not personal, its just something that happens.
Int3rested's Avatar
  • happy
  • 06-28-2010, 09:05 PM
NCNS is never ok on either end imo.

Looking at your pics it is hard to believe that would happen to you.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
HOOTer is an exception to the rule! Laz you bout to cross some lines!

LOL, j/k. Originally Posted by TexRich
OK, back on my horse... Lance in hand... Shield held high. LOL

HoOter most assuredly was an exception to the rule. The strangest thing was that most of the guys that got hootered had it happen more than once. They'd schedule, get hootered. Bitch, moan, cus her out on the boards, swear to never see her. Then they'd schedule, get hootered.

With HoOt there was very little middle of the road. If she liked you, she'd bend over backwards for you; reschedule her personal day; donate a kidney. If she didn't like you, well you'd get hootered!

I have no idea why the gents would keep trying after many rejections. But I can tell you why those that got past the gait continued. Sure she is (please note current tense) scalding hot, her skills way upper tier. But her personality is the kicker. You actually know where you stand with her. AND she is one of the gals that I am glad doesn't live this side of the border. EVERY time I visited with her I left thinking, "You know, if I were available and she was available and I lived nearby....."

All that being said, getting HoOtered (even by her) SUCKS!!! Most of the gents outside of the larger metro areas live off of the touring gals. The gent many times has to travel a good distance; block out time on both sides of the appointment; have a reason to be out of his usual area. Basically at least half a day is taken up. Go through all that hassle for a NCNS and blue balls is the least of his pain.

From the gals' poing of view, she needs a certain number of appointments to make it worth her while to tour. If she's a low volume gal (and I think we all prefer those) her dance card can fill up quickly. Cancelations are bad enough. But at least she has the chance to contact another gent. But a NCNS kills a tour which in turn means she may not return.

OK, I've talked long enough.

It seems as though even after I've read & heard all the responses that most of the posted hobbyists that commented are reviewed & pretty well known. It is alot of the time either new members or hobbyists without many posts or no reviews who do the NC/NS thing. But I don't want to discriminate against a potential regular or someone who is very nice & truthful because of a few(well more than a few) clients book & don't's really sad that people today can't just be straightforward & honest enough to reschedule or cancel
I cannot imagine a provider in Dallas dumb enough to NC/NS on appointments because the market is saturated with providers. If you are a provider in Dallas, I would suggest you never NC/NS on appointments unless you have a true emergency.

A provider in Dallas should give the "hobby" everything she has or guys will just move on to another provider. Providers should be on time and ready to go for every appointment. A provider should be ready, willing, and able to provide services that will set her apart from the 500 other providers in Dallas.
lafemme, I'll still love you baby. Stuff happens. For examplemy Pre is about to die..i can't recharge fo two hours due to meetings and no on hand charger. I wouldn't be able to cancel or reschedule. It happens. Btw, I am in arlington as well. Perhaps you should pm me?
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 06-29-2010, 05:30 PM
....COMMUNICATION, if something comes up, COMMUNICATE it...


CONSIDERATION, have enough of it for the other person so that it REALLY is an UNAVOIDABLE and UNFORSEEABLE circumstance...

Personally, I have a job that, by its very nature, I can get called by a customer of mine that can change my whole days schedule...and for this reason, I have to almost totally rely on same day appts...Sometimes I will touch base with a gal the day before and check availability.

Just have to build up a track record for reliability....
If you do that, and Communicate when life DOES interfere...You will be fine.....

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Here's my fuck up story. Solid proof no one is perfect.. Boy that just didn't sound totally pretentious, did it.

OK let's skip the story, here's the reader's digest version... There was a terrible break down of communication totally on my side. But before I even realized it was completely my fault, I offered him at least a free 30 min (and I was planning on a hour) to make up for whatever had happened. Not only was he so pissed he threw it back in my face with "why would I waste my time again" which in turn pissed me off (I had not realized it was totally my fault yet) and needless to say the conversation did not end amicably. I still feel terrible for it because that poor guy did drive all the way over here for nothing because I screwed up. It's happened to me only twice in 7 years and I gave the other one 2 free hours.

The point is, it happens all the time and it's going to happen to you even if you keep steller records. All you can do is try to acknowledge their lost time and frustration in the calmest way possible (I failed at that with this one.) This happened a couple weeks ago and it's still bugging me. I feel like such a shit and I have no idea who he is or how to tell him. It may not be the kiss of death , but it sure does suck.
Guest081910's Avatar
WOOHOO . . .I have LovingKAYLA on top of my post! (I couldn't resist the comment!)

I agree with what Natalia said...most of the repondants here are pretty well known.

NC/NS is never good, but if we all practice a little civility and mutual respect, they could be minimized a great deal. TXT- email, SOMETHING, unless it is an emergency, is always a good idea, aloing with a sincere apology. Hats off to you LovingKayla for acknowledging screw ups and making good on apologies!
Obsidian's Avatar
well as a common courtesy either side should notify the other should something come up. ive never nc/ns but have had it happen to me several times from providers. the feeling sucks. you've dedicated and invested time that couldve been spent otherwise, gas has been burned getting most of the way there, more time/minutes/texts wasted trying to verify the appt/location etc. how hard is it to say something came up right?

its not a death sentence for providers just cause one guy threatens to give you a hard time. its only an issue if the provider is KNOWN for nc/ns as in multiple accounts of this occurance one guys grievance doesnt make a ton of waves.

the fact of the matter is the providers are a business, they advertise and sell their time and hobbyists are all potential clients/customers. its always worse (whether you like it or not) for a company to disregard a customer than the other way around as its bad business. they patronize you not the other way around. the customer doing it (unfortunately for the company) is just part of the cost of doing business.

ask any exp. salesperson, clients falling thru right b4 the close is part of the cost. youd like for them to not have wasted your efforts up front so you can work on the next sale but thats the way it is (i know its a general analogy).

all in all common courtesy dictates notification for both parties, but its also not the end of the world if its happens occasionally either.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think an NS/NC by either party is inexcusable under all but the most extreme circumstances. Just as the hobbyists share that information, I have always assumed that providers do the same and share no-show information on hobbyists. If not, perhaps they should start. I certainly would not want to make an appointment with a hobbyist who had a history of consistently no showing if I were in the business of providing.