Most Embarrassing Hobby Experience?

I had a client use Spearmint flavored condoms. Ouch. For both of us.
I had a client use Spearmint flavored condoms. Ouch. For both of us. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Yeah what is up with that. I hate minty and tingly condoms and lubes it's the worst idea ever. Why do you want your goodies to tingle?!? Tingling goodies is never a good thing!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
This was about 20 plus years ago, but just proves we all have to learn at some point the "ins and outs" of the hobby. I had just finished a job interview where they flew me in and provided per diem (gotta love it). Since I didn't spend all the money they gave me, I decided to "treat" myself to a little fun after returning home. I didn't know what the hobby was or the lingo behind it or what to do or what to ask for. I didn't even know where to look for it other than the yellow pages under escorts/massage parlors. You see Al Gore had yet to invent the internet Anyway, I find this business called (I kid you naught) The Adult Touching Studio. I figured that I was an adult (barely); I wanted to be touched (definitely); and a studio sounded like a perfectly fine place to do it in. Any way, I show up at what turned out to be a massage parlor (not an AMP) but similar with non-Asian attendants. When I walked in, I met a lady who proceeded to barrage me with a bunch of terms and prices. I just said yes-- guessing I was getting the best overall deal because it included a bath and massage. So, she then leads me back to a very large room with a table/bed in the middle and tells me to get comfortable until she comes back. Well, I'm not that stupid. I know what comfortable means, so I strip down and wait and wait and wait. It had to have been about 15 minutes, so I got curious. Now remember, I'm in my early 20s and primed for fun. I'm fully erect and ready to go, but no partner to dance with. So I decide to find out what's going on. I forget I'm naked and walk out the room. Buck naked with a boner, I step outside the room at the very same time another client (in his 50s or 60s) is being led into another room by another provider. I was so embarrassed and quickly went back to the room. Well that was just round one of my embarrassment. My provider finally returns and then leads me to the bathroom (a literal bathroom with a tub) for my bath. Now mind you, I've always had a problem with cumming to soon, so it took every once of will power not to blow my load while she was bathing me. Well, I survive the bath and am led back to the room. My provider tells me to lay on the table/bed, so she can start the massage. As soon as she touches me, I explode. What makes matters worse is that she busts out laughing. She is totally caught off guard and really doesn't know what to do because the session ended before it even began. So the provider calls out (yells out) for the "madame" to come to the room. The provider explains the incident to the madame. She doesn't believe the provider at first. The madame goes "you just touched him and he came?" I swear the who world probably heard her say that. The madame then said, "well if he came, then clean him up and send him on his way". At that point, I felt so used. Since then, I've learned to tell my providers about my "issues" and seek the guarantee of a second or multiple shots before starting any session.
runswithscissors's Avatar
I have a favorite hotel in Miami that I use when returning from Europe, and this trip I had booked an appointment for the evening of my arrival. After constant travel, four time zones, and three airports, I was looking forward to a wonderful evening.

And a wonderful evening did transpire. However; I was still two time zones away, and still wide awake when dawn was just breaking over the ocean. I slide open the patio doors on the tenth floor balcony; I sleep in the nude; so I just walked out on the patio and stood there watching the sunrise.

Closed my eyes and felt the sun on my face; starting to relax; began to think of the evening pleasures earlier, and things began to come up.

I heard something; could not place it; then heard it again, a little louder; oh god, oh god, oh god; I smiled, thinking someone next door was having some morning fun; opened my eyes and two balconies to my left stood a lady in a long t-shirt leaning as far out on her balcony as she could staring at me.

I froze; and nature took its course and things went south, so to speak. She laughed and said "thanks for making my morning" and I said "knock on my door and it can be a whole lot better"; we laughed and red faced I walked back into my room.

I was calling for room service when there was a soft knock on my door......