D&T 2010Q1 Performance Review

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  • 03-31-2010, 01:18 PM
Bullying still happens. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
worse not just bullying, but also cyberstalking, character assassination, online harassment, etc. ... the online realm is virtually a horror-show.

worst of all is not Nineveh, but DJane Mary Anne Hobbs.
Her weapon is her show: BBC Radio 1, Radio Experimental

Her victim: DJ N-type

best character assassination ever ... full of insider jokes ... hehehe...

Mary Anne Hobbs fucking up (the nice way) N-type live on air

..as a bonus ...

uh, lalala :-)
John Bull's Avatar
I disagree. In at least one instance where a woman came here, she was mistreated by a mod behind the scenes and left. Given the group dynamics that had been so successful in the past, I felt that her presence would have created value and that she was a neat lady. Originally Posted by Sydneyb
Can't let this one go by. I'd like to know who this refers to? What the story is -at least the perception of it? And which mod is taking the heat for it?

I don't have a problem if you PM me about it or answer it in the open. Makes no nevermind to me but I do wish to know.

Just to make things clear. I'm not upset with the subject being brought up. It should be. I am disappointed that it wasn't brought to my attention.
Sydneyb's Avatar
It was you and you know it was! The woman was the pretty asian woman out of NYC. She got hammered behind the scenes by you, as did I.

Look at the PMs you sent me regarding my public post responding to Charles that by NO MEANS merited the response or amount of personal attention it got from you. I figured you two must be tight, because the response was pretty off tilt from the "infraction" of speaking my mind.

When discussing it with a couple of other wmen who are actively working, they both felt the same way as my post, but didn't want to be in a position to piss off the moderators as this was a place that benefited their business. Since I'm not working, I spoke for several women. We DO talk on the phone you know - almost daily, some of us.

And no one is in hot water. I never mentioned it outside of my small circle of friends. Stuff like that rolls off my shoulders now-a-days. But if asked, I'm happy to share....
John Bull's Avatar
Well that's interesting because I don't recall any "pretty Asian woman" who I "hammered". Perhaps you can put this into some kind of perspective for me.

Don't really care about "your circle of friends" Sydney. Do care about finding out what it is you're upset about. What is the lady's name? You can hardly expect me to try to wade thru God knows how many emails and PM's for a phantom.

As to any messages to you, that can be looked up.
John Bull's Avatar
It was you and you know it was! The woman was the pretty asian woman out of NYC. She got hammered behind the scenes by you, as did I. Originally Posted by Sydneyb
OK, I've researched this and, although I'm not permitted to reveal the contents of PM's, I can say that the "pretty Asian provider" was a lady who was run off by the members of this forum, not I. She requested that I remove a thread concerning her website and I refused. If that constitutes running the lady off, I plead guilty and feel no shame. She was not "hammered" by me. Our conversations were quite cordial and I followed all her requests save removing her thread.

Look at the PMs you sent me regarding my public post responding to Charles that by NO MEANS merited the response or amount of personal attention it got from you. Originally Posted by Sydneyb
I'm sure my favoritism toward Lord Tudor will come as a great surprise to him.

As to your complaint of the time, you wanted sanctions against Lord Tudor and I refused. Again, if that constituted an attack on you, then I plead guilty again; and again, I have no shame.
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  • 03-31-2010, 07:44 PM
Fuc, you two sure know how to kill a thread
I think the forum, for the most part, has been a success, although I wouldn't go as high as a B+.

I think there are a clique of posters (de facto mods) in this forum that tend to rally together and bully "new" posters or people with whom they disagree. Even when they marginally disagree with others in the clique, or other de facto mods, they put those disagreements aside to bully others in the forum.

In this environment it is really hard to control those would would "run" the forum on a de facto basis.

My grade would be more along the lines of a C-. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The glass seems to always be half empty with you CT, maybe one day you realize that it is being filled up instead of being poured out.

Good luck............
My personal opinion is that everyone has toned it down a bit since the move. And I'm not really sure who got run off since the move. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Election years are over......
Sydneyb's Avatar
[quote=John Bull;212901]She requested that I remove a thread concerning her website and I refused. If that constitutes running the lady off, I plead guilty and feel no shame. She was not "hammered" by me. Our conversations were quite cordial and I followed all her requests save removing her thread.

If I recall, she stated that you approached her with a message that was titled "thin skinned" and went on to berate her for said thin skin.

I suppose that's neutral. I'm pretty neutral on the subject, personally.

In other words; I don't really care - I don't. I do think that when people leave because of mod intimidation it ultimately makes this place less interesting. In the end it either will be or won't be interesting and time wounds all heels in the process.

I didn't leave , because I want to be here. Its one place I don't have to "play straight world" and I don't have to please in the other world. I can just be. And I like that in a place. Of course if that changes, so will my venue of choice, as I'm sure is the case for us all.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
As an outsider looking in...I can see where some of the more well known Dallas posters have 'tested the waters' here. Not naming names, but firsthand knowledge tells me that those members were here because this forum is a bit more intellectual than the others.

I can see how a few were 'ran off', but I also see how this is the place where you do need to prove yourself. I enjoy it! I think there is a little more freedom here to 'speak your mind', and so far everyone seems to welcome or at least make "jabs" in good humor.

I think you guys are great! On the other hand, I know how to take a joke...I've traveled enough to learn how to laugh at myself. Try speaking German in Munich, or even English in England...you develop a thick skin.
There are more than a few who were poorly treated, and decided to depart. They had thoughtful and insightful posts. A few I still email privately (not just PM). I am sorry they didn't hang in bu the repeated posts of those who felt they had to get the last word became the final straw(s). So back to the thread I'd give it a b+ (or "Dick, it's a catchy tune, and I'd give it an 86!").
atlcomedy's Avatar
To those that have commented on alienated members (and you still communicate with them), why not invite them back? Even if just to "lurk" for awhile?

Not saying this time will be any better, but I think this issue has been raised to the extent some of us are sensitive to it. Hopefully they also have a better feel for the group's "norms"

Just a thought & not assigning blame one way or another....
Guest012211-3's Avatar
LOL, yes "lurking" is the answer. Anyone venturing onto a new board should lurk for awhile to establish a general feel for the place.

We are all adults here...no one should run away or have their feelings hurt over opinions. I thought that was the point here??? People scream for an open debate and a chance to express themselves freely, but you have to take the good with the bad.

Don't turn and run because someone doesn't agree with you AND has the facts to back it up.

just saying...
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  • 04-01-2010, 04:05 AM

Not saying this time will be any better, but I think this issue has been raised to the extent some of us are sensitive to it. Hopefully they also have a better feel for the group's "norms"

.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy

We are all adults here...no one should run away or have their feelings hurt over opinions. I thought that was the point here??? People scream for an open debate and a chance to express themselves freely, but you have to take the good with the bad.

Don't turn and run because someone doesn't agree with you AND has the facts to back it up.

just saying... Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Good points you two.

Nicole, if atl and I come to London in a year or so looking to invest in a chef will you cook us up something special?
Rudyard K's Avatar
These kinds of discussions typically amuse me. But I guess that is because of my viewpoint.

IMHO, we are all guests here. This is like a nice place, where some of us may have even paid to be in a VIP area. But we are still guests.

If someone gets a little rowdy, it is managements right to shut ‘em down a bit. At the same time management is trying to make the place fun for the most people. But that should not be confused with trying to make it fun for everyone. Some people don’t like a place where there is debate. Some people don’t like a place where there is no debate. This venue does not allow reviews or advertising here. Some people like that…some people don’t.

Maybe this venue is a bit more freewheeling than others…maybe less freewheeling. But as long as it is serving the purposes of most of its membership…then I think the management is doing a good job. For my two cents, they are.