Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-26-2010, 03:48 AM
It's not a problem to me just keep a plane ticket handy to go back home if something goes down where you are. They will let you know who your people are it will start with "N" won't be the word you may have hoped for.
Naomi4u's Avatar
It's not a problem to me just keep a plane ticket handy to go back home if something goes down where you are. They will let you know who your people are it will start with "N" won't be the word you may have hoped for. Originally Posted by trey

I have had this policy since I've been in the hobby and I do just fine.

How would you like it if someone forced you to date someone you didn't want to date?
When the word "black" is used people get sensitive but just think about it. I didn't say I had a problem
with blacks. I just said that black American men turn me off and that I am not attracted to them. People
like what they like.

Plane ticket to go back home to where? Nigeria? Why would something go down? I am a legal permanent resident of this country so dunno what the reason would be for me to leave the country So what are you referring to? Be specific.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-26-2010, 04:23 AM
No lady I have no problem with you seeing who you want to see I just find it interesting. Do what you do its not like I can stop you.

What I was referring to so you don't think I was trying to threaten you, would be civil unrest. It's only been a fifty sixty years since the people you hate made it possible for people that happen to look like you were able to secure some rights here. You may think your shit smells like roses now being from the great strong and ethical country of Nigeria. Maybe your one of the hundreds of princesses from there. But here in America there is only one word they will call you same word they will call me. And I don't think they will be asking for passports.

Of course we hope this won't happen.

My guess is you ran into some ghetto thugs or something and that set you off. I am not the guy that wants you to serve whoever comes. I just found the way you seem to elevate yourself from AA telling.
Naomi4u's Avatar
No lady I have no problem with you seeing who you want to see I just find it interesting. Do what you do its not like I can stop you.

What I was referring to so you don't think I was trying to threaten you, would be civil unrest. It's only been a fifty sixty years since the people you hate made it possible for people that happen to look like you were able to secure some rights here. You may think your shit smells like roses now being from the great strong and ethical country of Nigeria. Maybe your one of the hundreds of princesses from there. But here in America there is only one word they will call you same word they will call me. And I don't think they will be asking for passports.

Of course we hope this won't happen. Originally Posted by trey
I most definitely didn't think you were threatening me in anyway sweetie.

I agree with you here for the most part ...

but once again I like what I like and it's not black american men.
I have made some exceptions in the past but those guys were really that awesome. Sure the "white man" will still call us the "N" word behind our backs... that won't change the way I feel about black americans. I am not saying I am better than them. I just don't like their style and I don't find them attractive. I haven't really found one that made me want to drop my panties LOL!

Just FYI The same white guys that use the "N" word are the same white guys that pay ME for my services. Either way It doesn't bother me. THAT word does not bother me. Never has and Never ever will! I came here in 96. I did not come here unwillingly. My family is in the hotel business that is my reason for coming to America and I love it. I have had white men tell me that being with a black woman is not accepted in their social circle and that's why they see me. Does it bother me? No sir! I cater to fantasies remember

My guess is you ran into some ghetto thugs or something and that set you off. I am not the guy that wants you to serve whoever comes. I just found the way you seem to elevate yourself from AA telling.

Maybe you didn't read my posts. I have never ran into any thugs in or out of this business that made me feel this way. Hell If anything I have ran into more white thugs and white pimps and we both know that white thugs are the most dangerous ones! They're willing to do any and everything to prove a point! LOL!!! There are professional black men just like there are professional whites. Every race has good and bad in them. It is just that I am not attracted to black american men. It is the way they do things that turn me off. That is another thread.

Interesting conversation here... lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
On a recent tour a black american guy challenged me... and it worked. He was amazing and I didn't want him to leave. I could talk to him forever. If they are able to prove themselves then yeah.. I will make an exception. I'm sure I'm not the only provider that feels this way. I have scrolled p411, datecheck, backpage and eros to see "NO BLACK GUYS PLEASE!" signs ... wonder why that is? and those ladies will NOT make an exception. I have never had a problem with a black guy in this hobby but I'm sure those women have their own reasons.

Please don't get me wrong..I am not saying that they are not physically attractive. I am saying that I don't connect with many of them mentally. :-) That is the reason for my "NAA" Policy.

As you can see I talk a lot and I like to connect with my clients. If their reason for seeing me is to use me as a human trampoline/warming device.. it won't work out. I have found that this is the case with most black guys. There ya go.

Trey I'd make an exception for you but I don't think I have enough booty for you. LOL.

Off to bed. later!
rednecksatyr's Avatar
The common usage of African American does not imply to me any thing other than an identifying term for black. I dont really understand why it is used. If a person is an American why is "African" needed as a sort of qualifier?

Seems as useless as "Irish American" or "Russian American" in that it serves no purpose except maybe to identify the likely color of a persons skin.

Use the term "American" and be done with the ethnic thing.
A provider here on eccie, recently told a good friend of mine (over the phone) that she didn't see "tall" men. We both suspect she detected his ethnic background in his voice. He is black. Creative screening huh.

These are a few reasons I suspect some providers have joined the NBA (No Blacks Allowed) group. I could be far off on this, but not by much.

1.Racism - *a provider may not see black men - based on ill-conceived or preconceived notions, stereotypes and/or prejudices, or may have been raised to dislike or not trust black people. This is unfortunate.*

2. Black men just don't appeal to them either visually, physically, or sexually. Nothin wrong with this as far as I'm concerned. Hell we like who we like.

3. Fear of the big black mythical cobra snake. Hahaha! Cracked myself up on that one.*

4. Bad experience with one or more black men.*Physically abused by one or maybe got stiffed by underpayment, haggled about price, going over session time, or not paid at all.*

5. Fear of HIV. Thank our national media for this one. Making us all believe that this is only or mostly a gay or black disease. Some providers may therefore believe there are more health risks associated with black clients. Big mistake. Just take a trip down to the closest CDC.*

6. They have a black pimp who does not allow them to see other black men. And I thought only men with 100k cars were insecure. Ha!

7. Avoidance of the young black thug types. As one provider friend once told me - "those are some scary fuckers!"
I replied, "so you are afraid of young black males?" she says - "No, I mean they literally fuck you in a scary way, and I kinda like it."*

8. They (black men) want to become your pimp or "non-paying" lover/man. Maybe providers having this experience a few times have decided that seeing more black men just isn't worth the hassle.
As for why providers don't want to see black men, I think it can be boiled down to 3 reasons. 1) latent racism (let's be honest here), 2) incorrect belief in that black men are more well endowed than whites thus meaning painful sex and 3) belief that black men are more likely than another race to be abusive or try to take advantage of providers. I'm not saying I agree with any of this. It is what I perceive. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
#1 and #2 are totally, completely and absolutely wrong. In my eleven years of experience, the escorts I've known who are most adamant about an NBA policy are the black girls. The reason is #3, completely. Escorts are the most pragmatic of all women; few of us make decisions based on anything other than experience. No, not all black men are like this, certainly not wealthier and better-educated ones, and I personally have no issue with them. But many women who are wronged too many times by one type of man won't give others of that type another chance. Whether anyone agrees with the policy or not is immaterial; I personally won't see cokeheads any more, and I don't give a damn whether anyone thinks that's "fair" or not. Other girls won't see very fat men, uncircumcised men, men under thirty or black men, and in each case it is HER choice and nobody else's. To characterize it as racism or ignorance is incredibly insulting.
Naomi4u's Avatar
#1 and #2 are totally, completely and absolutely wrong. In my eleven years of experience, the escorts I've known who are most adamant about an NBA policy are the black girls. The reason is #3, completely. Escorts are the most pragmatic of all women; few of us make decisions based on anything other than experience. No, not all black men are like this, certainly not wealthier and better-educated ones, and I personally have no issue with them. But many women who are wronged too many times by one type of man won't give others of that type another chance. Whether anyone agrees with the policy or not is immaterial; I personally won't see cokeheads any more, and I don't give a damn whether anyone thinks that's "fair" or not. Other girls won't see very fat men, uncircumcised men, men under thirty or black men, and in each case it is HER choice and nobody else's. To characterize it as racism or ignorance is incredibly insulting. Originally Posted by AngelOK
This is why I heart you Angel. Very well said!
Naomi4u's Avatar
A provider here on eccie, recently told a good friend of mine (over the phone) that she didn't see "tall" men. We both suspect she detected his ethnic background in his voice. He is black. Creative screening huh.

These are a few reasons I suspect some providers have joined the NBA (No Blacks Allowed) group. I could be far off on this, but not by much.

2. Black men just don't appeal to them either visually, physically, or sexually. Nothin wrong with this as far as I'm concerned. Hell we like who we like.
Originally Posted by Reeltalk
This is the only thing on your list that I agree with. Everything else was bogus. Did you make that stuff up? really fear of HIV, Pimp, being abused? I think you over exaggerated big time. White men are capable of these things. Have you ever seen a white pimp? They are the worse ones! lol


Just FYI my SO is black. He is from Liberia and has a really huge snake.
He does not scare me .. I think he's HOT! I just wouldn't date a black american...
I don't like their mentality. That's my reason.
Well my belief is this : you hobby with whom you like and like you back. If they have specifics that you do to meet, then it does not happen.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
Cheee! There have been a number of Global and / or Localized wars to provide the USA with freedom of chioce! I assume this also allows one to select the partner of chioce in the realm of hobbyist / provider.

If you dont like the dude or gal just say no.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Well my belief is this : you hobby with whom you like and like you back. If they have specifics that you do to meet, then it does not happen. Originally Posted by Spirit13
simple enough
Andrea Davis's Avatar
Another comment That may have been forgotten is that some white men won't see African American providers if they see African American Men. Also their are a lot of African American men that won't see Afircan American providers either.

One time a provider friend referred me to a client. When he showed up he let me know that he wasn't going to be paying me because I was black. I said hold up, I am from the Dominican Republic and my dad is from Haiti. He said he would never pay a black provider that he should get it for free because he was cute. Even though he had previously paid my white provider friend a week ago. I was so mad and told him to take his $300 and shove it. I'm not even attracted to black men. I like my men blonde, blue eyed and tan. But she said he was a great lay and so I gave it a chance.

We all have our likes.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I've never been turned down by another black guy but I had one white guy tell me AT THE DOOR that he did not see black girls but said I get a pass because I was a "cute little thing". He then let me in and proceeded to stare at me like I was some exhibit at a museum. This guy was not used to FINE black women at all. I felt soo uncomfortable (Honestly I thought he was LE) and left. There are creeps in every race for sure.