Thanks Noam!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Would you please define "fair" for me in the context of two people having an argument over money. One person says that they are due $200 for services rendered and the other person says that the services rendered where not in keeping with the promised services and therefore only owes$100. What would be fair in this case Deb?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good Lord, JD. That is a stupid and unanswerable hypothetical. Answer it yourself, so we can show you how ignorant you are.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I am all for a Utopian Society, even a communistic system.

That is, as long as I can be on the Politbureau and have the Dacha on the Volga.

Idealistic simpletons like Chomsky seem to be enamored with societys and governments that have "People's Republic" and "Democratic Republic" in their name. They are to naive to realize that in these systems, the first ones sent to The Gulag are his ilk. Originally Posted by Jackie S
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Too simple? Or is it that the word fair has no real meaning except in the mind of the beholder. What is fair for you is not fair for me and what is fair to a third party is not fair to either primary party.

Hypothetical? Really?

Okay, a provider says she is owed $200 by COG. COG says that he paid for Greek but the provider begged out of it. COG says that normal prices for services rendered is $100 (he skipped the foreplay). The provider says she is being robbed (new girl, didn't collect up front) and she wants the full amount since COG did get off. What's fair?