Goodbye dear friends!

Good luck with the real world beautiful!
omakase's Avatar
All the best. I regret never being in town long enough for a steak dinner.
matchingmole's Avatar
Good luck with your new life....haven't seen you in a good while, but you are one cool girl.
Ravasher's Avatar
I am really sorry we never met but best of luck to you.
Thanks guys! I really will miss you all! And I hope you stay in touch! I'm keeping my account active so I can still talk to y'all.

I put yahoo above but it's gmail. Sorry, I've been putting my real world email which is yahoo on real job applications lately. It's weird applying for a real world job now! Lol
ditto for you to be able to move on from all of this. best wishes for your future.Hope you love what you do and do what your love. Good luck and congrats!
Awwweeeeee....Best Wishes to you. Good Bye
daddyo67's Avatar
Holy Crap! what a day! we lose you and gain SweaterPuppies!
Lol funny how the world works isn't it?
matchingmole's Avatar
Holy Crap! what a day! we lose you and gain SweaterPuppies! Originally Posted by daddyo67 is like that.....last Sunday the Cowboys played great....then Tuesday Dallas is the first city to have ebola.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Well since every time that I have made a positive comment about you never even received and acknowledgement or a thank you find that I must not be to high in the pecking order or matter to much.....Find this as to say these words Hasta la vista...

There will be some they may wonder how long this will last....Makes a good marketing campaign though......

Wishing you the best......
TexTushHog's Avatar
All the best!
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
Wow! As big a shock as ASU's Hail Mary game winner tonight over USC. You will be sorely missed, Lil Hottie. All the best to you.
ManSlut's Avatar
My recommendation is, if you are IN LOVE with someone and you want to give that relationship every chance to succeed - don't ever look back upon this place, don't ever go back to this lifestyle, don't maintain buddy relationships with any Hobbyist. I wouldn't even continue friendships with other providers. Alcoholics or drug addicts will tell you that 'kicking' is mainly about realizing you have a problem and then severing those ties that bind you to the problem.

LOVE is the most powerful emotion we as humans can experience and when it is combined with DEVOTION it is unshakable...Love is not unconditional, that's TOTAL BULLSHIT...Your partner deserves your devotion and you his or hers.

Leave here and NEVER look back...Goodbye, I hope we never hear from you again and I mean that in the most POSITIVE way possible.

Hercules's Avatar
Make sure the man your doing this for does the same. Both of you sever all ties with this looney world. Don't maintain any emails, contacts, forum names, NOTHING. Get off the hooker/hobbiest highway completely. Either go all the way off the grid or forget it. Best of luck to you.