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Chung Tran's Avatar
Don’t you have a job? Instead of sitting on here writing lies Originally Posted by TinaStar
I would say "your turn danny"!, except I feel like this is a rhetorical question
dannyloves69's Avatar
I will post in COED now so hopefully more people can read what happened and of course decide for themselves what or who to believe. Thank You gman 44 and Very Clean for telling me to also post in coed, and Very Clean im also glad I saved you some time and money with my report.

And yes, I have a REAL regular job, {not that it makes a damn bit of difference for posting the truth about someone} but THANKFULLY its not cheating people out of their money.
TinMan's Avatar
Oh and btw I never stole 700. Don’t you have a job? Instead of sitting on here writing lies Originally Posted by TinaStar
I don’t think we ever got your side of the story. What did happen?