When the light go out in Nov. scheduled drill?

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  • 09-10-2013, 09:52 PM
They aren't "skeptics", they are "idiots". EMPs are undeniably real, and we know for a fact what they can do. A well executed EMP attack would cripple our country, and it would take years to recover. And this threat does not solely arise from our enemies. We have had some dangerously close massive solar flares just barely miss us in the last few years. If one hits us dead on with the energy of those that just missed us, much of the world would lose power.

I think we should focus on strengthening and protecting the grid. Ijs. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So count you as one of the numbnuts that agrees with the premises of this article?


A power grid shut down would also allow for the full implementation of a North Korea type of police state apparatus under the guise of keeping order. The NSA would provide the intelligence and DHS would provide enforcement. And I think the beleaguered citizens of the United States would soon discover why FEMA signed the bilateral agreement which allows Russian troops on our soil.

- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/when-the-lights-go-out-on-november-13-2013_092013#sthash.eGbiAayW.dp uf Originally Posted by LovingKayla