Yeah. That dude really HATES America.
Did you know that prior to WWII, the
Bellamy Salute was the official US protocol for the Pledge of Allegiance. Once the Italian Facists and then the Nazis adopted it, it was replaced with hand over heart in 1942... AFTER Pearl Harbor.
Of course, there's something about that photo that looks a bit fishy to me. Everybody but Richardson is looking off to the right. Maybe something's distracting them. Maybe it's a conservative conspiracy. Maybe the President's NUTZ itch and he's working his way down into scratching position.
And the woman on the right (can't see her too clearly in this photo) has her hand up near her carotid artery. Is that a secret Al Queda signal, or is she calling for a hit and run on the next pitch?
You are a fucking HOOT!