Providers with Husbands or Boyfriends... turn off?

Ghostdncer's Avatar
As for me, I leave it to Ronnie Van Zandt to verbalize my thoughts on this:

"So, Don't Ask Me No Questions, And I Won't Tell You No Lies,
So Don't Ask Me Bout My Business, And I Won't Tell You Goodbye." Originally Posted by TexasT
Not that I'm trying to hijack or change the direction of this thread or anything..

who am I kidding? That's just how I roll..

But you DO know your age is showing...right? I actually had to go look the guy up...I'm so uncultured...
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
It's not a turn on or turn off if she has an SO, but I don't want to hear about another guy.
Papacorn's Avatar
It is your business, and you should be happy. As long as he is not coming home with a shotgun, I am good...
Yes. You are single and really low volume. You really enjoy seeing me best out of all your clients.

If you do have a boyfriend, he rarely gets some because he is incapable of giving you an orgasm but otherwise is a good guy. That is why you love it when I call because you know you are probably going to have at least one, if not two orgasms!

On a similar vein: When you and other girls get together to spend the night or watch a movie, pillow fights in your underwear are just a regular thing that happens between girls.

GOT IT????
Hobbyfun's Avatar
I know I am going to catch hell for this but here I go, dating or engaged does not bother me, married is OK but I don't want to know. I'm here because there is little to no sex at home and what I do get most of the time not worth the effort I understand lady's here want and need companionship as we all do but, if the lady is doing this to survive because that is what it takes I understand that also.

What I don't understand is women being married and doing this and there husbands not working, IMHO the women in that kind of marriage would be better off finding somebody else, I guess I'm old school I believe the man needs to do what ever he has to like two jobs to survive and having his wife do this would be the last resort.

I feel like the women married and providing and there husbands not working are being PIMPED out and I will not see a women pimped out by a husband or anybody else.
gptxman's Avatar
I don't care either way what you do with your time or life as long as my session is not interrupted by him and he is not a threat to my well being.

I have a life other than this and I expect everyone else (providers and guys) does as well.
Had an ATF that met me the day before she got married. That was somewhat exciting. That really didn't bother me. But later met a lady that was married and her husband was aware of her activities. Was OK with it I thought until I guess he changed his mind and started sending emails about her. That not so much fun. I guess if we are going to participate in this hobby we should just be concerned with the short time we have together and escape the reality of if we are married or seeing someone. Enjoy the moment
Yes. You are single and really low volume. You really enjoy seeing me best out of all your clients.

If you do have a boyfriend, he rarely gets some because he is incapable of giving you an orgasm but otherwise is a good guy. That is why you love it when I call because you know you are probably going to have at least one, if not two orgasms!

On a similar vein: When you and other girls get together to spend the night or watch a movie, pillow fights in your underwear are just a regular thing that happens between girls.

GOT IT???? Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth

Love this!

There are plenty of men who are okay with it but I think the vast majority would like us to keep our personal lives, personal. Most come to us as an escape; hearing about the SO, a crisis w/our kid, what bills we need paid, and all the other things providers like to gab about, is not really what they want to hear. Give them what they can't/aren't getting elsewhere: to feel like the center of your sexual universe for an hour or two, and your undivided attention.
Dannie, 100% agreement
Hercules's Avatar
What I never get is why chicks lie about it?

Know how many times a woman has told me they have a guy room-mate....but he's gay? Yeah sure and I have a 12in dick.

And I do agree that a lady should not be supporting her SO like this.
chipper's Avatar
I knew there was a reason that I liked Dannie so much. She also practiced what she preaches when I saw her. I know that all good looking Ladies have some kind of SO. However, I am sellfish and want our time together to be all about US.
shelbelin's Avatar
Amen Bestman200600 you said it for all of us providers. AMEN to you.....

.....Go for it nobody will know.......
Sorry, but for me, knowing a provider is married would be a total turn-off. It's not anything that has to do with her, I would just feel like a total heel. I had a post in the past about how I don't even feel comfortable getting a lap dance from a married dancer, so I guess I'm just wired that way.

(And before you ask, no, I'm not married.)
cheatercheater's Avatar
I like knowing that I am fucking someone else's wife or girlfriend.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
One of my ATFs had a boyfriend. Two, actually. One, her fiance, had a special forces background. The other was in LE. At the time, I was rather flattered that she let me into her life by telling me all about them and her relationships with them. In retrospect, since neither knew of her "night job," it probably wasn't a good idea to tempt the fate of being beaten to a bloody pulp and/or thrown in jail should either have caught us together. The fiance actually called me once after he listened to an undeleted voicemail I'd left for her.

My other ATF was married. He knew about his wife's source of income and was cool with it, which was a good thing. I actually met him once, right after a session, and he looked like he spent every waking non-working moment in a gym.

So, as long as the lady's SO doesn't present a physical threat, or a threat to out me, I'm not concerned about it.

Does the knowledge increase the thrill? Not really.

If you're going to have a long-term client, it's likely your conversation will stray toward personal topics. You might not want to be honest about some things, but you also need to consider what his reaction will be if he finds out you lied to him about something important -- like whether you're in a relationship. The third option is don't ask, don't tell, and that may be the best.