What do you say is the real solution for these mass shootings?

There were plenty of warning signs, according to news accounts.


I throw that question back at you jd. What about this young man who did this? He was a "decent" 95% of the time. Originally Posted by markroxny
Of 74 school mass killings in schools from 1927 until now, seventeen killings occurred in the USA (23%) with a total toll of 183 dead and 279 injured. Twenty killings took place in China (which presumably has strong gun control laws) with 60 deaths and 313 injured. In Germany there have been eight mass killings with 52 deaths and 124 people injured

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/...#ixzz2FL4TrJci
markroxny's Avatar
There were plenty of warning signs Originally Posted by Whirlaway
There always are.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This was a complete clusterfuck from the beginning. A mentally ill child, abandoned by his father, an overprotective lunatic mother who believed the world was going to end and was stockpiling guns and food. She didn't secure her guns from the lunatic child. It even seems she resisted appropriate treatment for the child.

What could possibly go wrong?

There are many people in the chain who today are saying "If I'd only known, I would have done more, been more adamant about treatment." No one knew what he was going to do, but the fact that he was going to do something must have been obvious to a number of people.

This kid had a lot of things going on in his life, and apparently no support. His family, except for his lunatic mother, shunned him. He had a mental illness which did not allow him to process his emotions, absent appropriate medication and treatment, He was a genius, but didn't know handle it. He lost himself in violent video games and other mind numbing activities. Finally, he blows, and people blame the guns.

If the guns hadn't been available, he would have come up with something else. Maybe the victims would have been different, but he was going to kill, and no one was there to stop him.
markroxny's Avatar
I actually agree with most of what you said here COG, but I think the easy access to assault weapons made this WAY too easy for him.

His other options would have been home made bombs? Also not easy to get.
JCM800's Avatar
No gun law can stop a crazy from snapping .... i don't think guns are the problem.... look at that guy in Alaska, he just got off on random killings..... the mental health of these people is the issue, so how do you treat someone who just snaps and may or may not have had any previous issues?
It is why COG won't tell you where he lives...LOL
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You keep proving that you are the stupidest poster on here, Ekim. It's never been a secret that I live in Wichita, where it is WichitAWESOME!

You aren't ready for this league. Try to find a training SHMB before you keep making a fool out of yourself.

Gotyour6's Avatar
You ban guns, they use a knife
You ban knives they use bats
You ban bats they use pointy sticks.

Lets just sit around and blame spoons for people getting fat.

What we need to do is point our finger and point at something and say we need to blame that. Oh wait...
I cannot get into any of the secure installations that I have to frequent as part of by daily business unless I have my TWIC and will submitt to a search of myself and my vehicle.

It is a inconvienience that we know we have to endure because of the likelyhood that one person in a million might decide to blow something up.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Many of you need to take a course in Autism 101 even begin to understand people like Adam Lanza. The report I read last week described Lanza as having Asperger's Syndrome which is a form of high-functioning autism. Many, if not most, people with autism are prescribed medication and when they are on their meds, no problem. When they are off their meds, problems can arise but rarely to the extreme. There is absolutely no way to tell in advance who would be capable of committing such an act of violence. Lanza had also been under the care in recent years who saw no such inclination in Lanza to commit such a crime.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You ban guns, they use a knife
You ban knives they use bats
You ban bats they use pointy sticks.
Originally Posted by Gotyour6
You can shoot me from 10 feet away. I am 100% defenseless. I have no protection and I can't outrun a bullet. To use a knife, bat or pointed stick you have get within close proximity to me. I might have time to run before you can reach me. I might have time to pick something up with which to protect myself. I might be able to simply avoid your attack and overpower you. With a gun in the equation, close to 0% chance of survival. With any other weapon, an unknown chance but at least a chance.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-17-2012, 02:58 PM
Really though what do you need a gun with more then ten bullets for? I mean if you can't hit the damn thing with ten shots you really need to practice. Everybody wants to be Rambo seems like and have some crazy arsenal for the end of days or something. Then you wind up shot in the face with it.
KenMonk's Avatar
I can tell you right now assault weapons ban will do nothing to change what is happening. Those were common hand guns, a hunting rifle and shotgun. None of those weapons were odd, augmented, enhanced, or classified as an assault weapon.

If anyone is to blame for this, its the mother. She had to have known he was having major issues, and she didn't talk about it, didn't tell anyone, and kept it under wraps. She may be the only person in the world that could have prevented this shooting, and she failed.
Of 74 school mass killings in schools from 1927 until now, seventeen killings occurred in the USA (23%) with a total toll of 183 dead and 279 injured. Twenty killings took place in China (which presumably has strong gun control laws) with 60 deaths and 313 injured. In Germany there have been eight mass killings with 52 deaths and 124 people injured

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/...#ixzz2FL4TrJci Originally Posted by Whirlaway
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