Why Do the Libtards Keep Lying About Bush?

Not that I am trying to defend Bush, cause I am definitely no fan. But explain specifically what lie did Bush tell that directly resulted in deaths of 4500 Americans. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Here are 40 or so from the Administration. Take your pick!


Hope that helped!
boardman's Avatar
Oh I have a fucking response to preemptive wars that do not mesh with that Constitution you seem to hold in such high esteem.

Fuck that bullshit. Originally Posted by WTF
Here are 40 or so from the Administration. Take your pick!


Hope that helped! Originally Posted by bigtex
Nope, didn't help. Cause you won't use your own words, to explain how he lied, what he lied about and how he coerced the military to take action which resulted in the deaths of 4500 American soldiers. Not that I am in doubt that Bush spewed out his share of lies, cause all presidents do. Take LBJ and his big lie to the American people about the Gulf Of Tonkin that ultimately brought America into the Viet Nam War which resulted in over 50,000 deaths of Americans. So what's the next step in this Middle Eastern conflict another war, the big one WWIII which will be facilitated by a single lie by the president and all his men.


Where can I link to that tittillating story, IBIdiot? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Michael Moore is fixing to give you a big brown link... Shit Eater

Read 'em again! The link below will list about 40 or so vintage lies from Shrubbie's Administration.

Feel free to take your pick.


Let me know if it helps!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
900+ LOLs and you're still LOLing, SLOBBRIN?

How did you get Moore's head on your body?
Of course Bush is a liar. But he is long gone and we have Obama who took the hand off from Bush and hasn't looked back. We still have Americans dying in Afghanistan. It's impossible to shake a finger at Bush when Obama is keeping up the same pace as Bush. This link below will illustrate that.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me know when Obama tells a lie that results in 4500+ American deaths.

And then we will renew the conversation. Originally Posted by bigtex
Do you really want to say that? The way things are going you will get your wish. We've had two border agents murdered, about a dozen children killed by diseases brought up from Centrol America, you don't even want to count the people killed by Central American drunk drivers or gang members, 43 Mexican college students murdered, approximately 300 Mexican citizens killed by weapons from Fast and Furious, what is the last count 1500 soldiers dead in Afghanistan in a war that Obama never intended to win, how many journalists in Iraq?, the people of Boston, Michael Brown (it has to be someone's fault and the grand jury said it wasn't the cop), about 200 people in Chicago (only counting the last six months and not the last six years), etc., etc., etc. If we sit down and start to add we will get to your magic number pretty quick. I know that will make you happy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Read 'em again! The link below will list about 40 or so vintage lies from Shrubbie's Administration.

Feel free to take your pick.


Let me know if it helps! Originally Posted by bigtex
Yes, I perused "your" list and it was written for a propaganda sheet by a leftist propagandist. Are you really this stupid....and I think we know the answer to that.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Why do they keep lying?

As I've said before, it's all a part of the liberal handbook...

"If you tell a lie long enough and often enough it will eventually become accepted as truth."

Unfortunately, as seen recently with the Brian Williams incident, there's always someone around to set the record straight. Someone with more "credibility".
When politics is religion and government is father and mother god and pleasing this avatar is duty, lying isn't lying, it's winning
Why do they keep lying?

As I've said before, it's all a part of the liberal handbook...

"If you tell a lie long enough and often enough it will eventually become accepted as truth."

Unfortunately, as seen recently with the Brian Williams incident, there's always someone around to set the record straight. Someone with more "credibility". Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Same reason the right blames all their woes on Clinton.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-11-2015, 07:24 AM
Huh? Originally Posted by boardman
You do realize that the Iraq war was preemptive. You see that in the constitution next to state rights? Bush had a choice to go to war in Iraq. If you think that was the correct choice so be it....i did not then nor do I now think it the proper choice.
Uhhhhh, what kind of fucktard believes or trusts anything coming from either political side? What kind of silly fucktard allows himself to get wrapped around the chain on any topic or issue about which he can have ABSOLUTELY ZERO impact? Forget politics, and get back to the important business at hand...chasing pussy.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Same reason the right blames all their woes on Clinton. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Wrong thread, dumb-ass.

Or were you referring to the "I never had sexual relations with that woman..." lie?

That one only lasted about six months before it was debunked.