That's all she wrote...ASPD going dark in the next 24 hrs

Bimboknocker's Avatar
TushHog is that a tear I see in the corner of your eye, no I didn't think so. If they keep running people off, they want need a new site.
According to her post, they anticipate the site going dark some time this afternoon. Get your info off of there now or let it go into the ether.
Gfe Referrals's Avatar
Well, they are apparently still active enough tonight to ban me after 11 years and over 3000 posts. They sure are sensitive about fund raising for the new web site. That apparently got under their skin for some reason. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
INSANE! How dare you question them! Who do you think you are? LOL Seriously though I think they have to be the worst business people I have ever come across.

You have the honor of being one of the sites longest members banned for no reason at all. Can't even imagine how bad the new board will be with them running it.

Ambers family did more damage to that site in less than a month than anyone ever could of or tried to do in over 10 years. Insulted and dismissed everyone who has been members that made the site what it was.

Anyone can build a board. It is not that difficult. Why do you think there are over 100,00 boards out there dealing with anything and everything you can think of. The only thing that separates them is the content and the members. FACT is it does not cost that much to buy the software and you can even use free software. That is a constant debate in the board community over which is superior but that is irrelevant. Owners of boards should be compensated if they have managed to build something worthy of interest because there is a lot of time involved. But please do not be fooled into thinking it cost huge sums of money to actually build the platform. That is just ridiculous. I would challenge anyone to show me justification/details of cost for the ridiculous amount of money that is being asked for by angel and duece. Look for yourself at how many forums/boards are on the internet. It is because it is fairly easy to create and very inexpensive (I built one for someone this weekend and have built several others ranging form all kinds of topics, but the base of them all is the exact same.) So I am speaking form experience. Once again it is the members and the contributions of content that makes a forum/board worth going to along with the time consuming work once it is going as any mod/admin or owner can tell you.

Disgusting what they have done and yet they try and blame everyone else. Very sad. Such a waste.

Congratulations eccie on building upon something with some worth and growing room. There are a hundred hobby boards out there and some of them have been around a very long time with great success. It is obvious you are on the right track and I wish you well. I doubt this needs to be said but treating your members with respect and fairness goes a very long way to a successful future and I see you have done that so far.

BTW, Thanks for allowing people to post about a board that would of been your competition ;-)
INSANE! How dare you question them! Who do you think you are? LOL Seriously though I think they have to be the worst business people I have ever come across.

You have the honor of being one of the sites longest members banned for no reason at all. Can't even imagine how bad the new board will be with them running it.

Ambers family did more damage to that site in less than a month than anyone ever could of or tried to do in over 10 years. Insulted and dismissed everyone who has been members that made the site what it was.

Anyone can build a board. It is not that difficult. Why do you think there are over 100,00 boards out there dealing with anything and everything you can think of. The only thing that separates them is the content and the members. FACT is it does not cost that much to buy the software and you can even use free software. That is a constant debate in the board community over which is superior but that is irrelevant. Owners of boards should be compensated if they have managed to build something worthy of interest because there is a lot of time involved. But please do not be fooled into thinking it cost huge sums of money to actually build the platform. That is just ridiculous. I would challenge anyone to show me justification/details of cost for the ridiculous amount of money that is being asked for by angel and duece. Look for yourself at how many forums/boards are on the internet. It is because it is fairly easy to create and very inexpensive (I built one for someone this weekend and have built several others ranging form all kinds of topics, but the base of them all is the exact same.) So I am speaking form experience. Once again it is the members and the contributions of content that makes a forum/board worth going to along with the time consuming work once it is going as any mod/admin or owner can tell you.

Disgusting what they have done and yet they try and blame everyone else. Very sad. Such a waste.

Congratulations eccie on building upon something with some worth and growing room. There are a hundred hobby boards out there and some of them have been around a very long time with great success. It is obvious you are on the right track and I wish you well. I doubt this needs to be said but treating your members with respect and fairness goes a very long way to a successful future and I see you have done that so far.

BTW, Thanks for allowing people to post about a board that would of been your competition ;-) Originally Posted by Gfe Referrals
+1. And then they have the gall to accuse other sites of "picking over the remains like vultures" on one hand, while extending the other and asking members to fork over some money before the site closes with the other hand.
Well, looks like they are still up and have launched their URL for their new site.