Gorgeous Olympic athlete posts the truth, gets expelled from the games

trynagetlaid's Avatar

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Stupid Greeks can't appreciate a nice cameltoe...they're only interested in the back side...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The games will be the loss.
Remember the East German beauties.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is a picture of one....ahhh the 80s.
and here she is again in her East German border patrol uniform
I would not bang that.
Didn't we have a poster on here telling us the Nazis were the good guys? I wonder what he thinks of this.

I don't care how pretty you are. If you're a Nazi, or Nazi sympathizer, you're damn ugly. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think that was tea.

I thought I had become numb, but tea shocks me.

Must go and put the kettle on.
Here is a picture of one....ahhh the 80s.
and here she is again in her East German border patrol uniform Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Damn JD. You clean up nice. Where do you hide your nuts in that getup?
PM me your menu
Hard to believe that someone could come along and actually lower the level of discourse on here, but Bukaka has managed it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What is it about austin, first tea, now Bukkake.

Does anybody else find Bukkake's avatar offensive and racist and beyond the bounds of good taste? I thought we had got beyond that kind of demeaning caricature in the 21st century.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-27-2012, 08:41 PM
Does anybody else find Bukkake's avatar offensive and racist and beyond the bounds of good taste? I thought we had got beyond that kind of demeaning caricature in the 21st century. Originally Posted by essence
Welcome to America!
What is it about austin, first tea, now Bukkake.

Does anybody else find Bukkake's avatar offensive and racist and beyond the bounds of good taste? I thought we had got beyond that kind of demeaning caricature in the 21st century. Originally Posted by essence
That's the way they roll. They're the first ones to complain about people being overly sensitive to racial issues and immediately bitch about people pulling "the race card", yet they're the first ones to judge people by the color of their skin.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What is it about austin, first tea, now Bukkake.

Does anybody else find Bukkake's avatar offensive and racist and beyond the bounds of good taste? I thought we had got beyond that kind of demeaning caricature in the 21st century. Originally Posted by essence
Well, we at least agree on this topic, Nonsense.
That's the way they roll. They're the first ones to complain about people being overly sensitive to racial issues and immediately bitch about people pulling "the race card", yet they're the first ones to judge people by the color of their skin. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Who the fuck is "they"? That is one of y'all. icuminpeace is a fraud. nice try fuckers
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Not to be falsely accused of not knowing something that I posted. This is actually an American actress named Jane Trcka who used to be in the Air Force. enjoy and a nice ass shot.
IFFORDB - Run out of arguments that you start insulting people? You're fucking hilarious. I can see your head explode every time you read something you don't agree with. I wish I could see your face, I'm sure it's priceless.
Not to be falsely accused of not knowing something that I posted. This is actually an American actress named Jane Trcka who used to be in the Air Force. enjoy and a nice ass shot. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

The scary thing about this woman is that if you were to cornhole her
And she sneezed or farted...... You'd lose "little JD".
You should only venture in after the DayQuil and way before dinner.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-28-2012, 10:02 AM
What is it about austin, first tea, now Bukkake.

Does anybody else find Bukkake's avatar offensive and racist and beyond the bounds of good taste? I thought we had got beyond that kind of demeaning caricature in the 21st century. Originally Posted by essence

Sadly, spend any time in the DFW airport listening to people and you will realize there are still people who very much believe that way. And are proud to spout it off even in public.

They are a minority, but the plantation south does live in the minds and hearts of some folks.