Megyn Kelly Destroys Dick Cheney On Fox TV Interview

lustylad's Avatar
I'd like to bone Megyn Kelly though..... Originally Posted by timpage

Timmytard admits it - there's nothing hotter than a smart, strong, confident, sexy conservative babe...

As for the rest of you libtards, raise your hand if you would rather bone Rachel Maddow...
LexusLover's Avatar
That's his lie and he's sticking to it! That's why he's LexiLiar! He never lets the facts stand in the way of the lie he wants to tell! Originally Posted by bigtex
So you didn't actually see the interview.

Thanks for admitting it at least, but carry on with your self-deception.
So you didn't actually see the interview. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did I say that or are you speculating?

See ya!
LexusLover's Avatar
Did I say that or are you speculating? Originally Posted by bigtex
Well ... you got a choice ... either you didn't see the interview and you are mouthing off again, or you did see the interview and you're lying again.

You pick.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Timmytard admits it - there's nothing hotter than a smart, strong, confident, sexy conservative babe...

As for the rest of you libtards, raise your hand if you would rather bone Rachel Maddow... Originally Posted by lustylad
Yeah, that's what this is about, IBJunior.

Glad you've presented the thinking man's viewpoint... duhhhhrrrr!
Well ... you got a choice ... either you didn't see the interview and you are mouthing off again, or you did see the interview and you're lying again.

You pick. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lexie, you don't have to watch it. Tune in later someone will tell you what they said, and what they meant.
Cheney always reminded me of the Penguin on Batman, lol. I don't see where this interview rattled him one bit though. Megyn Kelly came out swinging from the start saying Iraq was all his fault and Bush. His reply had the tone of more or less" Fuck You Bitch".

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Cheney is so bent, depraved and narcissistic that nothing ever rattles fucking what? Not getting rattled doesn't have shit to do with the truth. Lots of completely insane irrational stupid people don't get rattled. What does that have to do with him being right or wrong?

The fucking gall is unbelievable. The single man on the planet probably most responsible for getting us into this mess, getting almost 4,500 US service men and women killed in combat while he spent his war lying to get one draft deferment after another so he didn't have to hump a ruck, spending a trillion dollars on that shithole country in a stupid war with no defined objectives and thus, no way to "win" other than stay there forever.....but, now he offers criticism from the cheap seats and tries to drag his cunt daughter along in order to try to jump-start her already dwindling career.

He ought to have tried to gracefully fade away after 2008 but he has to keep trying to put some window-dressing on the complete fucking disaster he basically created and executed.

He's a first-rate douchebag.
is so bent, depraved and narcissistic that nothing ever rattles fucking what? Not getting rattled doesn't have shit to do with the truth. Lots of completely insane irrational stupid people don't get rattled.

He's a first-rate douchebag. Originally Posted by timpage
This fits President Obama to a "T".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This fits President Obama to a "T". Originally Posted by Jackie S
Brilliant comment, dipshit.

Fits half of the assholes on this board, in fact!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Cheney is so bent, depraved and narcissistic that nothing ever rattles fucking what? Not getting rattled doesn't have shit to do with the truth. Lots of completely insane irrational stupid people don't get rattled. What does that have to do with him being right or wrong?

The fucking gall is unbelievable. The single man on the planet probably most responsible for getting us into this mess, getting almost 4,500 US service men and women killed in combat while he spent his war lying to get one draft deferment after another so he didn't have to hump a ruck, spending a trillion dollars on that shithole country in a stupid war with no defined objectives and thus, no way to "win" other than stay there forever.....but, now he offers criticism from the cheap seats and tries to drag his cunt daughter along in order to try to jump-start her already dwindling career.

He ought to have tried to gracefully fade away after 2008 but he has to keep trying to put some window-dressing on the complete fucking disaster he basically created and executed.

He's a first-rate douchebag. Originally Posted by timpage
Cheney is so bent, depraved and narcissistic that nothing ever rattles fucking what? Not getting rattled doesn't have shit to do with the truth. Lots of completely insane irrational stupid people don't get rattled. What does that have to do with him being right or wrong?

The fucking gall is unbelievable. The single man on the planet probably most responsible for getting us into this mess, getting almost 4,500 US service men and women killed in combat while he spent his war lying to get one draft deferment after another so he didn't have to hump a ruck, spending a trillion dollars on that shithole country in a stupid war with no defined objectives and thus, no way to "win" other than stay there forever.....but, now he offers criticism from the cheap seats and tries to drag his cunt daughter along in order to try to jump-start her already dwindling career.

He ought to have tried to gracefully fade away after 2008 but he has to keep trying to put some window-dressing on the complete fucking disaster he basically created and executed.

He's a first-rate douchebag. Originally Posted by timpage
+1 Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
lustylad's Avatar
Yeah, that's what this is about, IBJunior.

Glad you've presented the thinking man's viewpoint... duhhhhrrrr! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hey dumbfuck, Megyn Kelly just showed she doesn't throw softballs to anyone... and you still want to bone that 12-year-old butchy boy on the LGBT channel? Is your sad gaymo life really that miserable and pathetic?

Last chance to be fair and balanced and stop lying to yourself, assup. Do you prefer this:

Or this:

Cheney is so bent, depraved and narcissistic that nothing ever rattles fucking what? Not getting rattled doesn't have shit to do with the truth. Lots of completely insane irrational stupid people don't get rattled. What does that have to do with him being right or wrong?

The fucking gall is unbelievable. The single man on the planet probably most responsible for getting us into this mess, getting almost 4,500 US service men and women killed in combat while he spent his war lying to get one draft deferment after another so he didn't have to hump a ruck, spending a trillion dollars on that shithole country in a stupid war with no defined objectives and thus, no way to "win" other than stay there forever.....but, now he offers criticism from the cheap seats and tries to drag his cunt daughter along in order to try to jump-start her already dwindling career.

He ought to have tried to gracefully fade away after 2008 but he has to keep trying to put some window-dressing on the complete fucking disaster he basically created and executed.

He's a first-rate douchebag. Originally Posted by timpage
So what is the truth? That Bush and Cheney shouldn't have gone into Iraq,maybe so. Get this straight,modern day politicians are nothing but schlups They aren't going to do anything for our benefit but only for theirs. Obama is no different. We got to the Middle East because of Bush/Cheney and we will remain there because of Obama. When Obama leaves office you'll see Obama and Biden "window dress " all of their fuck ups.

LexusLover's Avatar
We got to the Middle East because of Bush/Cheney ..... Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Uhhhhhh .... with all due respect .... that is an incorrect statement.

U.S. "got to the Middle East" during WWII with Truman continuing the presence through Eisenhower forward to the current period of time.

The confrontation with Iraq that culminated in the "invasion" (actually and legally a "re-invasion" after a "cease-fire") of 2003 was the invasion by Iraq of Kuwait with Bush I's response based on U.N. resolutions. There is some evidence (reported) that the "dust up" over Kuwait was the consequence of a diplomatically weak statement to Iraq that led Iraq to believe that the U.S. would do nothing if Iraq invaded Kuwait.

In the sixties there was more than one "war" ongoing on the planet.

During the Reagan administration the U.S. supported Iraq in its lengthy war with Iran, which may have contributed to Iraq's misinterpretation of the diplomatic statements made just prior to the its invasion of Kuwait.

Oil, Israel, and the Suez Canal have combined at one time or another to keep our presence active in the region for almost 70 years.

Republicans: Now is the time to admit you were wrong about the Iraq War

The GOP must undo the damage to its foreign policy brand

Hillary Clinton is doing it. Glenn Beck did it too. And Dick Cheney? Not so much.

This is the season for admitting you were wrong on Iraq in 2003. And all Republicans who either regret their vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq, or who were silent on foreign policy matters back then, should take this occasion to step up and say they'll never make the same mistake twice. To them I say: Do it for the sake of your conscience, and if not that, at least for the sake of your career.

In the Obama years, Republicans have habituated themselves to being noncommittal on policy questions. They are for cutting the budget, somehow. They are for repealing ObamaCare and replacing it with, well, something. They want tax reform, but let's not get into the details now.

In some ways, this makes political sense. Don't give your opponents targets to hit. But the damage that has been done to the Republican brand on foreign policy is not repairing itself. Obama's faults and flubs in that area aren't giving the GOP an advantage either.

So say it loud and proud: Iraq is a mess. We helped to make it that way. But we have no business putting American treasure, honor, and lives between ISIS and Nouri al-Maliki.

There's no better time than now, when the die-hard hawks are urging "re-engagement." Some of you were not in national politics at the time. South Carolina's Mark Sanford once said that he was against "preemptive war." Now that he's back in Congress, he should take the occasion to shout that out. Jon Huntsman studiously refused to issue judgment on the conflict and said that America's future was not in the Middle East but in the trade routes to Asia. Even if he's not made of presidential timber, he's an experienced foreign policy hand and potential secretary of state. Time for him to step up and join the chorus of "not again."

You might ask: Why should they when they currently get the benefit of ambiguity? Consider that only six Republicans voted against the war in Iraq in the House. Some would later join them, like Rep. Walter Jones (N.C.) of "Freedom Fries" fame, who changed his mind on foreign policy and opposed the surge. He has recently been the subject of primary challenges based almost entirely on his foreign policy views. The fewer GOP congressmen who make the truth of their views known now, the easier it is for hawks to pick them off in primaries. The more they are picked off, the greater the price for standing apart from the party. A caucus of 60 House Republicans is a school of thought, a cause of six is an exoticism. Peace-making Republicans will either stand together or hang separately.

Republican lawmakers should stand up now because it is also a necessary course correction for their entire party. Democrats survived the Cold War and the charge of "losing China" by overcompensating in their militarism and their anti-communism. Even then, the foreign policy electoral advantage of Republicans was massive for four decades. But the polarity of American foreign policy politics may have reversed.

Since the end of the Cold War, Democrats have beaten Republicans in the presidential popular vote in each contest but 2004. Even though the most prominent Democrats supported the Iraq War, the foreign policy disadvantage from that debacle has almost entirely accrued to Republicans; 2006 was a foreign policy election and Republicans were turned out en masse. They only came back in the highly unusual domestic policy backlash against Obama in 2010. Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 presidential nomination over Iraq. A mistake she won't make twice.

As panelists pointed out at the recent "New Internationalism" conference held by The American Conservative and (liberal-leaning) The American Prospect, popular opinion in England and the United States held Congress and the president from committing military resources to another regime change in Syria last year. The American people want a foreign policy that protects jobs, that promotes peace and prosperity. Four out of five Americans who Pew polled say that America should spend more resources concentrating on problems at home rather than abroad.

So let's practice a little democracy at home and give the people what they want: a Republican Party that is chastened by Iraq.