Colin Kaepernick refuses to stand for National Anthem

LexusLover's Avatar
YouRong is supposed to be looking for salamanders over at Barton Springs.
YouRong is supposed to be looking for salamanders over at Barton Springs. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did he run out of Guinea pigs for his 'holes ? He hands them of as " gifts " to his " clientele " at the 'holes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Did he run out of Guinea pigs for his 'holes ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
oh the Humanity!! those poor little defenseless Guinea pigs!!

save the Guinea pigs! arrest Assup!

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-28-2016, 05:47 PM
Looks like Kaepernick is engaged to a Muslim woman who is a Back Lives Matter activist. In the off season he converted to Islam.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I see fans on facebook are burning his jersey with his number on it they bought. His team lost. Karma came quick on his dumb ass. Originally Posted by R.M.
Saluting a flag is about political correctness not love of country or patriotism because if the latter were true then most of you along with Congressional republicans would not have taken your Presidential losses in 2008 and 2012 with such bitterness till you decided to obstruct and be treasonous. Most Trump people support him because of his anti-political correctness; yet they hate anyone else who they think is politically incorrect as in this case.

Let's be clear there is a big difference between Patriotism (Kaepernick) and Nationalism (Trump Supporter). What Colin is doing is extremely Patriotic. To many of you on the far right freedom really only means the 'freedom' to walk in lock-step with your idea of nationalism, which is being nothing but a mindless drone just like the North Koreans that support Kim Jung Ung or whatever the fuck his name is. You folks are always so passionate about personal responsibility and the right of the individual freedoms but are so quick to lose your shit when someone exercises their actual freedom.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
But I have the right to inform the nfl that I am not amused. Being offended is a two way street. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

So do you stand for the national anthem on your job? If they don't play the anthem at your place of employment does that by default make your employer unpatriotic? See how things sound when you apply the reasoning equally to all? Inform the NFL if you must but based on your reasoning why dont you tell me who your employer is so that I can boycott their products and services because they don't force you to show Patriotism every morning before work.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Saluting a flag is about political correctness not love of country or patriotism because if the latter were true then most of you along with Congressional republicans would not have taken your Presidential losses in 2008 and 2012 with such bitterness till you decided to obstruct and be treasonous. Most Trump people support him because of his anti-political correctness; yet they hate anyone else who they think is politically incorrect as in this case.

Let's be clear there is a big difference between Patriotism (Kaepernick) and Nationalism (Trump Supporter). What Colin is doing is extremely Patriotic. To many of you on the far right freedom really only means the 'freedom' to walk in lock-step with your idea of nationalism, which is being nothing but a mindless drone just like the North Koreans that support Kim Jung Ung or whatever the fuck his name is. You folks are always so passionate about personal responsibility and the right of the individual freedoms but are so quick to lose your shit when someone exercises their actual freedom.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That's why your immature little boy hero denigrates blacks with the "N word" when it's convenient, right, Sissy Chap?
49ers player quarterback Kaepernick is being fined $11,000 for allegedly calling Chicago Bears defensive Lamarr Houston the 'N word'

Read more: (The Daily Mail) & (WaPo)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I know you have a wandering mind. But stick to the topic at hand. ok I B Stammering. lol
I B Hankering's Avatar
I know you have a wandering mind. But stick to the topic at hand. ok I B Stammering. lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

U B stammering and slobbering all over yourself trying to defend your savior who hypocritically uses the "N word" at his leisure, Sissy Chap.
49ers player quarterback Kaepernick is being fined $11,000 for allegedly calling Chicago Bears defensive Lamarr Houston the 'N word'

Read more: (The Daily Mail) & (WaPo)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
U B stammering and slobbering all over yourself trying to defend your savior who hypocritically uses the "N word" at his leisure, Sissy Chap, Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I think you're the biggest N-Word on this site.

Happy now
I B Hankering's Avatar
I think you're the biggest N-Word on this site.

Happy now
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You'd be the dumb-fuck jackass defending a hypocrite who uses it more than anyone in this forum, Sissy Chap.
49ers player quarterback Kaepernick is being fined $11,000 for allegedly calling Chicago Bears defensive Lamarr Houston the 'N word'

Read more: (The Daily Mail) & (WaPo)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You'd be the dumb-fuck jackass defending a hypocrite who uses it more than anyone in this forum, Sissy Chap. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Whatever you say you nappy head WHITE NEGRO
Saluting a flag is about political correctness not love of country or patriotism because if the latter were true then most of you along with Congressional republicans would not have taken your Presidential losses in 2008 and 2012 with such bitterness till you decided to obstruct and be treasonous. Most Trump people support him because of his anti-political correctness; yet they hate anyone else who they think is politically incorrect as in this case.

Let's be clear there is a big difference between Patriotism (Kaepernick) and Nationalism (Trump Supporter). What Colin is doing is extremely Patriotic. To many of you on the far right freedom really only means the 'freedom' to walk in lock-step with your idea of nationalism, which is being nothing but a mindless drone just like the North Koreans that support Kim Jung Ung or whatever the fuck his name is. You folks are always so passionate about personal responsibility and the right of the individual freedoms but are so quick to lose your shit when someone exercises their actual freedom. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Treasonous? For not supporting Obama's legislation? Thank you for proving once again what an idiot you are.

The GOP votes for what it wants and votes against what it does not want. JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS DO. That's not treason, that's politics.

As for Kaepernick, his career is circling the drain. I never heard a peep out of him when he was going to the Super Bowl. Now, that he is going to the practice squad he decides it's time to speak up?

I suppose this was some desperation move to make himself look like a martyr when San Francisco inevitably brings the axe down. He is in the same sinking boat as Mark Sanchez, but Sanchez doesn't have the crutch of racism victim to fall back on when Denver cans him.

Maybe Kaepernick is looking for some speaking job or some NFL front office job in "race relations".
I B Hankering's Avatar
Whatever you say you nappy head WHITE NEGRO Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You'd be the one openly championing the hypocritical jackass that denigrates blacks by using the "N word", Sissy Chap.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Treasonous? For not supporting Obama's legislation? Thank you for proving once again what an idiot you are.

The GOP votes for what it wants and votes against what it does not want. JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS DO. That's not treason, that's politics.

As for Kaepernick, his career is circling the drain. I never heard a peep out of him when he was going to the Super Bowl. Now, that he is going to the practice squad he decides it's time to speak up?

I suppose this was some desperation move to make himself look like a martyr when San Francisco inevitably brings the axe down. He is in the same sinking boat as Mark Sanchez, but Sanchez doesn't have the crutch of racism victim to fall back on when Denver cans him.

Maybe Kaepernick is looking for some speaking job or some NFL front office job in "race relations". Originally Posted by Revenant
But the facts as I see them now are that The Republican party has betrayed this country and has blatantly committed treason against the United States of America. I’m not sure what else you would call the Speaker of the House going behind the President of the United States’ back to invite a foreign head of state to speak in front of Congress (in a clear attempt to undermine President Obama’s ongoing negotiations with Iran), then having several members of the Republican party send a letter to Iran that essentially says the president has no power here, so any deal you make with him is useless in the long term.
That is, in my opinion, outright treason. Republicans are trying to scuttle negotiations that the President of the United States is having with another nation, and by doing so they’re potentially risking all-out war. If this were reversed and Democrats were doing this to a Republican president, Fox News and the conservative media would be losing their damn minds. So to the conservatives reading this, spare your bullshit about how this isn’t underhanded and corrupt. You damn well know you would be calling for sitting members of Congress to be arrested if this were happening to a Republican in the White House.
If that’s not treason, then what is? How is it not betraying your country to actively and willfully carry out such actions as to not only try to sabotage a sitting president’s foreign policy, but to try to embarrass him on an international stage? This showing of disrespect goes beyond the typical partisan politics we see all the time between Democrats and Republicans – this is a blatant betrayal of the office of the President of the United States by members of our Congress. I love my country more than I do my political party. No matter who’s in the White House, I would have never supported any party, or politician, who tried to undermine a president’s authority in such a way that it embarrassed the United States of America the way the GOP has with their antics.
If Republicans don’t like President Obama, that’s fine. But anyone who supports what these GOP leaders are doing should lose their right to ever claim that they love their country. Loving your country means, at the very least, respecting the system our Constitution established and defending it, even when those with whom you might disagree get elected. As much as I didn’t agree with George W. Bush, I would have never stood behind any Democrat who had tried to embarrass him internationally like Republicans are trying to do to President Obama. I would have been ashamed of them; I would have been embarrassed that I supported them; and I would have called them exactly what they were – treasonous cowards.
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