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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2014, 09:29 AM
I prefer the time back when men were men and the bills got paid on time. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Men paid your bills? Are you sure you're not gay?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
When I think of the Tea Party, it reminds me of a quote from George Carlin: " Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large group ". Originally Posted by frenchybruno18

That's how we got Barak Obama.
frenchybruno18's Avatar
That's how we got Barak Obama. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Oh so if I follow your logic, that's how we got GWB and Reagan? Ok I am cool with that.
Don't forget Bill Clinton..................but to reach back 30 years to Reagan is plain stupid; the electorate was a whole lot different back then, not dumbed down by so many immigrants and cultural misfits (you know, the natural constituency of Democrats) !

Oh so if I follow your logic, that's how we got GWB and Reagan? Ok I am cool with that. Originally Posted by frenchybruno18
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Men paid your bills? Are you sure you're not gay? Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not sure how to take your faggoty proposition but to say,"Fuck you, faggot!"
frenchybruno18's Avatar
Don't forget Bill Clinton..................but to reach back 30 years to Reagan is plain stupid; the electorate was a whole lot different back then, not dumbed down by so many immigrants and cultural misfits (you know, the natural constituency of Democrats) ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If your logic implies that the majority is always wrong, we can go all the way to Hoover for what I care, yes Hoover, another republican president with a financial crisis, can you see the pattern or you need help. Ok I will help, Bush and the financial crisis. You see, that is not too complicated. As for Clinton, it may come as a surprise to you but he is the most beloved former president with approval rating only republicans can dream of. Your comment on the natural constituency of Democrats only reinforces the stereotype that Republicans are a bunch of redneck with 1 tooth they used to open Bud's bottles and who have the brain the size a squirrel, my apologies for the squirrel. If you want to compare the 8 years of Bush with the 8 years of Clinton, be my guest. I'll sit back and eat pop corn while you try to explain how the economy under Bush was great. Even prominent republicans avoid that topic.
You misconstrue, big time.
We found out in AZ what frightens the tea turds....Gays.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets here from James Carville, marine, husband, political operative, and a proud democrat.

"Ideologies aren't all that important. What's important is psychology.
The Democratic constituency is just like a herd of cows. All you have to do is lay out enough silage and they come running. That's why I became an operative working with Democrats. With Democrats all you have to do is make a lot of noise, lay out the hay, and be ready to use the ole cattle prod in case a few want to bolt the herd.
Eighty percent of the people who call themselves Democrats don't have a clue as to political reality.
What amazes me is that you could take a group of people who are hard workers and convince them that they should support social programs that were the exact opposite of their own personal convictions. Put a little fear here and there and you can get people to vote any way you want.
The voter is basically dumb and lazy. The reason I became a Democratic operative instead of a Republican was because there were more Democrats that didn't have a clue than there were Republicans.
Truth is relative. Truth is what you can make the voter believe is the truth. If you're smart enough, truth is what you make the voter think it is. That's why I'm a Democrat. I can make the Democratic voters think whatever I want them to."

I would love to wait on this but someone idiot will say that this is a fake and it probably is but doesn't it sound like something that Carville would say? You read it and you almost believe it because deep down, you know it's true whether Carville said it or not....or did he? According to Snopes, Carville's people denies saying it but no one can find where it came from. How odd.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If your logic implies that the majority is always wrong, we can go all the way to Hoover for what I care, yes Hoover, another republican president with a financial crisis, can you see the pattern or you need help. Ok I will help, Bush and the financial crisis. You see, that is not too complicated. As for Clinton, it may come as a surprise to you but he is the most beloved former president with approval rating only republicans can dream of. Your comment on the natural constituency of Democrats only reinforces the stereotype that Republicans are a bunch of redneck with 1 tooth they used to open Bud's bottles and who have the brain the size a squirrel, my apologies for the squirrel. If you want to compare the 8 years of Bush with the 8 years of Clinton, be my guest. I'll sit back and eat pop corn while you try to explain how the economy under Bush was great. Even prominent republicans avoid that topic. Originally Posted by frenchybruno18
Wasn't FDR -- a dimretard with a dimretard Congress -- holding office during the Recession of 1937–38? Wasn't that dimretard Cleveland the president during the Panic of 1896? Wasn't it a dimretard -- Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator -- that rescinded Glass-Steagall which directly contributed to the financial meltdown in 2007? BTW, dimretards were holding the office of president when the U.S. stumbled full-tilt into WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So when are these "patriots" going to form their own political party and let America choose?

Cowards and idiots.
So when are these "patriots" going to form their own political party and let America choose?

Cowards and idiots. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Did you say something Assy Fucke?

Wasn't FDR -- a dimretard with a dimretard Congress -- holding office during the Recession of 1937–38? Wasn't that dimretard Cleveland the president during the Panic of 1896? Wasn't it a dimretard -- Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator -- that rescinded Glass-Steagall which directly contributed to the financial meltdown in 2007? BTW, dimretards were holding the office of president when the U.S. stumbled full-tilt into WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Stumbled into WW1 and WW2 that is a stretch. By the by the Gramm Leach Biliey act Was passed through congress with a overwhelming majority so blaming one person for signing it is stupid.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Stumbled into WW1 and WW2 that is a stretch. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So the Lusitania, etc., etc., etc., and Pearl Harbor were actually covert political operations planned by Wilson and FDR respectively to *ease* the U.S. into those wars?

By the by the Gramm Leach Biliey act Was passed through congress with a overwhelming majority so blaming one person for signing it is stupid. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Agreed, since there are so many fingerprints on the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, including Senators Dodd (D), Schumer (D) and Kerrey (D); plus, Larry Summers (D) and, finally, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator (D), so solely blaming W for the 2007 financial crisis is incredibly stupid.
So the Lusitania, etc., etc., etc., and Pearl Harbor were actually covert political operations planned by Wilson and FDR respectively to *ease* the U.S. into those wars?

Agreed, since there are so many fingerprints on the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, including Senators Dodd (D), Schumer (D) and Kerrey (D); plus, Larry Summers (D) and, finally, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator (D), so solely blaming W for the 2007 financial crisis is incredibly stupid. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No it was a stretch to blame a president for 1 and 2 .
You always blame the democrats for the meltdown when the banks lobbied from the '60's for repeal of Glass Segal There were millions in lobby money spent for it. All you want to do is blame the dems and to be sure to bash slick willie. However you give the republicans a pass for the same thing.