Interesting take on the 2020 election. Things do not look good for Trump

Bush lost because honest Americans wont let a known liar serve two terms. Every Republican in the last 40 years has fucked over the working man while stuffing the pockets of the rich. Trump is just carrying on that tradition. The deplorables who supported him got fucked and no wall Originally Posted by themystic
Known liar? The last three Presidents served two terms, all were known liars and scumbag pieces of dogshit
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  • 01-25-2019, 03:46 PM
They didn’t look good for Trump in 2016 either. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Evidently you can not read...this isn't 2016.

the article stated that new paradigm is that negative partisanship carries the day. Trump is in a world of trouble in 2020 as he is the incumbent.

I bet you thought the Dems would not take back the house
themystic's Avatar
Known liar? The last three Presidents served two terms, all were known liars and scumbag pieces of dogshit Originally Posted by Stockinglover
Clinton, Bush 41 & Bush 43. or were you referencing 41,43 & Reagan?
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  • 01-25-2019, 06:04 PM
One thing the article said that I agree with.

“But then again, Trump isn’t just an ordinary President” Originally Posted by Jackie S
Do you agree that the author was correct mostly on the 2018 midterm?

Do you agree with the author that Trump is a Republican?

Do you agree with the author that negative feelings for the opposition party in power motivates the out of power parties base?

Trump won with this same theory....the GOP base was more fired up than the Dems because the Dems had the incumbent in office.

In short, the 2020 presidential election is shaping up as a battle of the bases, and the Democrats’ base is simply bigger. When their demographic advantage combines with an enthusiasm advantage and heightened party loyalty fueled by negative partisanship, they hold a significant structural advantage. Turnout in 2018 was about 12 points higher than 2014 turnout and higher than any midterm in decades. Midterm turnout can sometimes trail presidential-election-year turnout by 20 points. It was just 10 points in 2018, when it hit nearly 50 percent, versus 2016. It is not infeasible that turnout in 2020 will exceed 65 percent. Presidential-cycle electorates are better for Democrats than midterm electorates are, and the third-party share in 2018 was also at its lowest levels in decades. In congressional midterms, the average third-party balloting rate in recent elections is about 3.5 percent; in 2018, it was just half that.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump's opposition in 2020 will come from within his own party. Hold me to it. Originally Posted by Lapdog

John Kasich will hold a rally in Ohio for Trump in 2020. bet on it.
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  • 01-25-2019, 09:07 PM
John Kasich will hold a rally in Ohio for Trump in 2020. bet on it. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The article already conceded Ohio to Trump. Research is your friend.
LexusLover's Avatar
Clinton, Bush 41 & Bush 43. or were you referencing 41,43 & Reagan? Originally Posted by themystic
I recognize how insignificant Obaminable is (and was), other than demonstrating his unique ability to piss off other people's money, but is there any other reason you overlooked him/her in the LIAR department ... or did you believe everything he said and promised?
LexusLover's Avatar
John Kasich will hold a rally in Ohio for Trump in 2020. bet on it. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The RNC just voted unanimously to support Trump in 2020.

Republican National Committee (RNC) members voted on Friday to throw the party’s “undivided support” behind President Trump ahead of his 2020 reelection bid as speculation continues to mount about potential primary challengers.

Now it's the Democrats' turn, along with the "Independents"!

My theory about all this early on rant about Trump and the Republicans is either (1) demoralize the the Trump supporters (2) to make the anti-Trump crowd feel better about their failed assault on Trump.....especially now that it's clear they won't be able to remove him from office or change the manner of elections to suit their fancy in time to defeat him in 2020.

Who do they have:

(a) HasBeenHillary
(b) FakeIndian
(c) ImmatureSocialist
(d) LapDanceBiden
(e) IdentityPoliticsHarris
(f) Pisslosi
(g) MooseShell
(h) _______________________
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  • 01-26-2019, 05:42 AM
The RNC just voted unanimously to support Trump in 2020.

Now it's the Democrats' turn, along with the "Independents"!

My theory about all this early on rant about Trump and the Republicans is either (1) demoralize the the Trump supporters (2) to make the anti-Trump crowd feel better about their failed assault on Trump.....especially now that it's clear they won't be able to remove him from office or change the manner of elections to suit their fancy in time to defeat him in 2020.

Who do they have:

(a) HasBeenHillary
(b) FakeIndian
(c) ImmatureSocialist
(d) LapDanceBiden
(e) IdentityPoliticsHarris
(f) Pisslosi
(g) MooseShell
(h) _______________________ Originally Posted by LexusLover

What does this have to do with my article? Would you get out of my threads with your off topic bs.

Not a fucking thing I posted had a thing to do with Hillary.

Our Moderator, properly has made it a point to keep threads on topic...before so you were the major poster who continually took threads off topic with your everything anti Clintons.

Now if you have something to say about the article I posted...please do so. If not , stfu and move along.
LexusLover's Avatar
What does this have to do with my article? Would you get out of my threads with your off topic bs.

Not a fucking thing I posted had a thing to do with Hillary.

Our Moderator, properly has made it a point to keep threads on topic...before so you were the major poster who continually took threads off topic with your everything anti Clintons.

Now if you have something to say about the article I posted...please do so. If not , stfu and move along. Originally Posted by WTF
^^^^^ That's off topic. But since you brought it up in "your thread" .... and called it "bs" ... which is apparently a serious decorum violation in the forums ... as apparently selectively enforced by "Our Moderator"! Since you haven't been banned!

Since your "buddy" posted about LIARS .... AND YOU DIDN'T WHINE ABOUT IT .....

... when I saw him posting something about LIARS ... the CLINTONS naturally came to mind!

As your buddy Bill the Predator said: "I didn't have sex with that woman!" Science nailed his LYING ASS!

BTW: Post #1 (By WTF)
Interesting take on the 2020 election. Things do not look good for Trump
Post #
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  • 01-26-2019, 06:31 AM
^^^^^ That's off topic. But since you brought it up in "your thread" .... and called it "bs" ... which is apparently a serious decorum violation in the forums ... as apparently selectively enforced by "Our Moderator"! Since you haven't been banned!

Since your "buddy" posted about LIARS .... AND YOU DIDN'T WHINE ABOUT IT .....

... when I saw him posting something about LIARS ... the CLINTONS naturally came to mind!

As your buddy Bill the Predator said: "I didn't have sex with that woman!" Science nailed his LYING ASS!

BTW: Post #1 (By WTF)

Post # Originally Posted by LexusLover
Start another thread if you want to talk about Clinton or cry about the moderator banning you.

If you have nothing to say about the topic...please leave this thread before you get pointed yet again.
LexusLover's Avatar
The RNC just voted unanimously to support Trump in 2020.

Now it's the Democrats' turn, along with the "Independents"!

My theory about all this early on rant about Trump and the Republicans is either (1) demoralize the the Trump supporters (2) to make the anti-Trump crowd feel better about their failed assault on Trump.....especially now that it's clear they won't be able to remove him from office or change the manner of elections to suit their fancy in time to defeat him in 2020.

Who do they have:

(a) HasBeenHillary
(b) FakeIndian
(c) ImmatureSocialist
(d) LapDanceBiden
(e) IdentityPoliticsHarris
(f) Pisslosi
(g) MooseShell
(h) _______________________
Originally Posted by LexusLover

Fill in the blank (h) with HILLARY! She's been campaigning! If you're offended by (a)!

What does this have to do with my article? Would you get out of my threads with your off topic bs.

Not a fucking thing I posted had a thing to do with Hillary.

Our Moderator, properly has made it a point to keep threads on topic...before so you were the major poster who continually took threads off topic with your everything anti Clintons.

Now if you have something to say about the article I posted...please do so. If not , stfu and move along. Originally Posted by WTF
^^^^^ That's off topic. But since you brought it up in "your thread" .... and called it "bs" ... which is apparently a serious decorum violation in the forums ... as apparently selectively enforced by "Our Moderator"! Since you haven't been banned!

Since your "buddy" posted about LIARS .... AND YOU DIDN'T WHINE ABOUT IT .....

... when I saw him posting something about LIARS ... the CLINTONS naturally came to mind!

As your buddy Bill the Predator said: "I didn't have sex with that woman!" Science nailed his LYING ASS!

BTW: Post #1 (By WTF)

Post #23 Originally Posted by LexusLover
"(a) HasBeenHillary" = Hillary CLINTON
LexusLover's Avatar
Clinton, Bush 41 & Bush 43. or were you referencing 41,43 & Reagan? Originally Posted by themystic
And the beat goes on! So it's okay for your buddy to inject CLINTON, but I can't comment on it after you bring up the 2020 elections ..... and Trump not doing so well .... when HillariousNoMore still wants to be President! Isn't all this Anti-Trump shit about him beating the shit out of HillariousNoMore and her Boy Toy predator BILL who was going to be the "FIRST GENTLEMAN" in the White House who would run the country while HillariousNomore laid around in a coma?

Now about calling my posts ..... "BS"? Should you tell on yourself or should I do it!
themystic's Avatar
I recognize how insignificant Obaminable is (and was), other than demonstrating his unique ability to piss off other people's money, but is there any other reason you overlooked him/her in the LIAR department ... or did you believe everything he said and promised? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No but at least he apologized when he was wrong. The coward you support might learn from that
LexusLover's Avatar
No but at least he apologized when he was wrong. Originally Posted by themystic
Do you have a link where I can see that Obaminable "apologized" for LYING about folks being able to "keep their doctor" and "keep their insurance" .... and while you're at it ..... do you have one in which he "apologized" for calling ISIS "JV" .... AND for telling Putin through channels to wait until the next election so he could be more flexible? ... The list is almost endless ... so I don't want to give you too much of a homework assignment.

Like produce his 10 years of prePresident income tax returns, all college transcripts and applications for admission, and his original birth certificate ... again ... the list could be longer!