sales 101

TXCatHerder's Avatar
This clip could be from the JD Sales Class 101. A-B-C...Always Be Closing, Ladies. Coffee is for closers!
It drives me crazy to see my PM has been received but not answered or to see there has be activity on the account and reception of my PM has not be acknowledged. Originally Posted by busternutzs
^^^^ This ^^^^

Then, if/when they do respond, they don't even answer the few simple questions that were asked in the PM. It's like your questions were completely ignored or your PM was not even read. Just responded to in a generic fashion or you're given a phone # and told to just call. I have no problem calling, but why call when we have a PM system for such questions to be answered prior to needing to make a call. If the answers to my questions aren't to my liking, there's no need to call. Not to mention, during the day while at work I'm not readily in a position to make such a call to discuss these types of things. I'm very respectable in my PM's and the questions I ask are for clarification only to see if we're a fit. It certainly is frustrating that's for sure.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Great communication skills are necessary in this hobby... I like to talk to people in and out of the hobby. You can learn so much but just listening and when you join in on the conversation is opens so many other doors to knowledge. Not only can you learn but you develop a connection which is very important here. You don't have to know each others every last story but the smallest conversation can create an amazing "friendship".

You are so right...hit the nail right on the head. The few times that I have PM'd you, which was during your last visit, you were on point. Our schedules didn't mesh (which is another sad story in and of itself lol . so we weren't able to make it happen. But I do commend you for your quick responses. Your communication skills are some of the best on here if not the best I've encountered. Which I would assume has a lot to do with your success in this hobby.
john_deere's Avatar

Your communication skills are some of the best on here if not the best I've encountered. Which I would assume has a lot to do with your success in this hobby. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
+1 bazillion.

maybe 5% of girls have nikki's communication skills, in my experience.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar

You are so right...hit the nail right on the head. The few times that I have PM'd you, which was during your last visit, you were on point. Our schedules didn't mesh (which is another sad story in and of itself lol . so we weren't able to make it happen. But I do commend you for your quick responses. Your communication skills are some of the best on here if not the best I've encountered. Which I would assume has a lot to do with your success in this hobby. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Thank you! I hope in the future our schedules can match and we may get the chance to explore each other...
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
+1 bazillion.

maybe 5% of girls have nikki's communication skills, in my experience. Originally Posted by john_deere
Ehhh 6% lol I am j.p Thank you hun
Thank you! I hope in the future our schedules can match and we may get the chance to explore each other... Originally Posted by Nikki_Sweets
You're very welcome!

Explore each other.....damn, something about the word "explore" matched up with "each other" and it coming from Nikki. Boing! lol
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
You're very welcome!

Explore each other.....damn, something about the word "explore" matched up with "each other" and it coming from Nikki. Boing! lol Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
john_deere's Avatar
HEY...this thread is about sales! get your mind out of the gutter.

i'm doing just fine in there by myself.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Exactly... What do you think we are doing here... Communication... Lol

I am trying to get him to explore my body!
busternutzs's Avatar
What is sales without a little extra incentive to make the customer want to buy? Or is that Sales 102?
john_deere's Avatar
that's why i never call girls who are always on special. if it takes a spiff to get me to buy, there must be something wrong with the product, breh.
busternutzs's Avatar
I should have clarified myself. I was speaking of the "Exploration of Each Other" not the specials. Nikki making it more tantalizing.
john_deere's Avatar
heh. she's good at that.