Gentlemen. Question about providers initiating contact.

London Rayne's Avatar
I am not disagreeing that it's a good business tool babe. I simply don't need or want it. And yes, it very well DOES keep a log of all the guys you see. How else would it know to mail them when you change the city? Hosting it outside the U.S. is smart though.
Naomi4u's Avatar
London, forgive me darling but our reviews keeps a log of almost every client we've seen. Same thing but even worse as it could be used against us in court. Not a mailing list that is located OUTSIDE of the U.S.

OP, You're running your business the right way. Only a desperate provider would contact a client out of the blue. When a lady does this, something is wrong.
London Rayne's Avatar
Granted, but those reviews are not hosted on MY website are they...nor are they on my contact list. So no, it's not the same thing lol. They are protected under a fictional tag where the board is hosted. For all I know, they could all be fake.

Naomi, do what you want to do and feel comfortable with. I have been here a lot longer than you, and I have never had to use a mailing list. It's simply my choice not to have one. You know me girl...I might see 2 guys a month at home, and when I tour the last thing I worry about is a mass mailer.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I was just making a point.

We all have our own ways of working.

I was just making a point to the op that THAT is an exception to the rule if
she chooses to go that route. Wasn't looking for argumentative banter as I already knew
you do not like such tools.
London Rayne's Avatar
Agreed. If it works better for her, she should go for it.
simpleton's Avatar
If you do send messages to dudes don't get pissed when they don't take you up on the offer. There could be a million different reason why he doesn't/can't see you. He shoulden have to explain himself. I only say this because a provider would pm me none stop. Then got pissed because I wasted her time. WTF...
Cpalmson's Avatar
From a guy's perspective, I don't mind a PM on this site (or similar sites) letting me know a touring provider will be once again in my area. That's cool with me and smart marketing by the gal. What bothers me is the out of the blue e-mails, voice mail messages or text messages that are unsolicited requests. And yes, London is correct. It comes across as a desperate plea for money. And, yes, I do think either a) how little will she take or b) will she expand her menu (i.e. Greek, CIM, etc) or c) how many other guys have felt the same way and got away with stuff I won't even mention. Which finally reinforces my decision to probably not see the girl again.
anaximander's Avatar
Yeah it's an unexpected suprise.
Thus far only my atf has done it.
I got madder at my wife for nosing my txts
than I did at my atf for doing it- crazy girl.

I know she just wants extra money.
You atf's know your guys will cut
ya'll much slack. It can complicate
things for sure. But any player worth
a damn can think on his feet and
barring lipstick on his cock or a
paternity subpoena; can talk his way out.

I shut off the ringer now.
waydown's Avatar
If a lady sent me a nicely worded 'cold call' I don't think I would mind.

"Hello Waydown, I saw your post on the itt bitty titty committee thread and saw you were in timbuktu. I visit timbuktu every other month. If you ever are inclined to see someone who fits your tastes, I would love to one day meet you."

I don't see how I could ever get mad or ticked at a message like that. Now if I didn't respond and she kept messaging me constantly, that would be a different story.
rylstone's Avatar
I've been approached via PM by several ladies who took the time research my taste in women - checking my reviews - and I find it very flattering. The last one resulted in a rather splendid hour of companionship. Works for me.
I am online 24/ tell me WHY I need a mailing list lmao! I really don't get that much business to have to keep up with them lol. I just don't use them, and never had to. Too much work to update that crap, and I don't want a log of people I see anywhere. If Eccie and TER what. The guys know where to find me, as I am sure they still know the website. I just don't like keeping info. anywhere...pc, or the phone. Too much trouble. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Just remember Heidi Fliess!
herfacechair's Avatar
I've had a former ATF contact me out of the blue. She didn't have her normal meetup place anymore. So when one of her remaining clients contacted her, and she got an meetup location, she contacted me and others to let us know of her availability.

I jumped at that opportunity, didn't know when she was going to be available again. That initial contact was appreciated.

One time, she wanted me to come over and do her a favor. Got one on the house in exchange. That was one email initiating contact that I got that I loved.

Outside of that, I've had providers contact me to talk about something I said on the forums, my signature line, or something that I put as my avatar.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Simple answer from a simple Mississippi girl...

I don't contact someone I haven't seen or conversed with out of the blue.

I do send out an email to guys I have seen or conversed with when I head toward their town.



Still Looking's Avatar
If the message starts with "HEY" I usually know what follows. Bad VODOO! But a smart provider might send out a pm saying, "I read you post, you sound very interesting!" Nothing wrong with that! Securing a number from another provider, text or cold call is just NOT well received! Never has been!

SL Disclaimer: My piss you off button is in the off mode. I am voicing my personal opinion and am not speaking for any one but myself nor am I telling anyone what they should do, or what they might choose is wrong!
  • Laz
  • 10-04-2011, 06:44 PM
If the only objective is dollars I would prefer not to get a message. However, since I place a lot of value on the friendship portion of a relationship with a provider I would always welcome messages that were to keep in touch or just chat. The providers that can do that will also end up with the money I do spend.

I have no SO to consider so for me keeping a secret is not an issue. I would talk about providers as friends not as providers.