Serious Question for our Progressive Friends

So instead of just rallying around a candidate and a party, someone tell me just what can we look foreward to with a far left liberal administration and how will their views and decisions benefit America over a GOP administration if we were to ever have one? Originally Posted by acp5762

No but instead of coming together and working for the people it will probably be business as usual with partisan politics and the gridlock that COG seems to love.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 11-20-2012, 08:13 AM
That's a good question. I'd like one of our liberal friends take a stab at a serious answer. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A strait answer will never come.
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  • Dawgs
  • 11-20-2012, 08:16 AM
No but instead of coming together and working for the people it will probably be business as usual with partisan politics and the gridlock that COG seems to love. Originally Posted by ekim008
Partisan politics and gridlock is the way it is supposed to work.
  • Laz
  • 11-20-2012, 08:52 AM
Gridlock is GOOD!. I would rather the government do nothing than do things that are bad. I like needing a super majority to pass the senate. If the idea is not good enough to get 60% to support it (without bribery) then it should not be done.
Fine let's have four more years of nothing done to resolve the problems then you wingers can have something to bitch about.If you like gridlock you are dumber than belief...
markroxny's Avatar
Honestly, I do believe that the gov works best when both sides are forced to work together. I actually think when one party has the white house and the congress they can tend to go too far. That includes my beloved Dems.

I think we have a potential for good right now with the split house and senate and the democratic president. IF AND ONLY IF...the republicans decide to work with him instead of trying to block every thing he does. The problem with Obama's first term is the republicans just wanted to block everything. That doesn't work.

This financial cliff will be a good first test since they election. I think if both sides give a little, we will get a good deal or a decent one at least.

The republicans have a lot to do to fix their brand, but I think guys like Jindal have already figured out the winning rx.

I would love to see a 3rd party emerge tho. A real one. One that is in the center. It's sad that hasn't happened.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fine let's have four more years of nothing done to resolve the problems then you wingers can have something to bitch about.If you like gridlock you are dumber than belief... Originally Posted by ekim008
Gridlock is better than letting Obama do everything he wants to do.

But you can be happy about one thing. There is no gridlock when it comes to taking away your liberty. The Patriot Act and NDAA both passed with overwhelming support from both parties.

But you can be happy about one thing. There is no gridlock when it comes to taking away your liberty. The Patriot Act and NDAA both passed with overwhelming support from both parties. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It only is getting worse for Libertarians COG; see what Reid's Senate is now doing...........without warrants !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think it only legalizes what they've already been doing. Big Brother is watching you! Don't expect the Republicans to stop this in the House. I will write my congressman, but he's a statist idiot.

And libs, they'll be reading YOUR emails, too! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-20-2012, 11:14 AM
Partisan politics and gridlock is the way it is supposed to work. Originally Posted by Dawgs

checks and balances is the way the government in meant to work, not total gridlock.

if total gridlock remains in place for 2 more years the republican house is in trouble come midterms, and I think they understand that ... same party congress/admin isnt a healthy situation regardless which party has full majority .. it very well could come down to just that. All you republican cheerleadres that want a dem house/senate/admin keep cheering for partisan gridlock .. you lost the election, plus house AND senate seats so I'd guess your political MO is working j-u-s-t fine. Dont cahnge a thing.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh, the people voted for a Republican House. In case you missed it.
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  • CJ7
  • 11-20-2012, 11:29 AM
Uh, the people voted for a Republican House. In case you missed it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

how many seats did they lose, 20 something wasnt it?

Of 216 House Republicans who ran for re-election, only 14 were defeated, a mortality rate of just over 6 percent.
Members of the tea party caucus did even better than that; only about 5 percent were defeated. (The losers included Allen West of Florida and Joe Walsh of Illinois, two especially fiery members whose constituents ran out of patience.)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They are still in control. Their votes counted just as much as Obama's. There is no need for them to capitulate simply because they lost a few races.

They will, but there is no need to.
You don't want gridlock , you want progress. America's economy is based on Capitalism. Capitalism cannot be successful if there is high unemployment and overwhelming debt. Thats America right now. Then in the midst of our economic problems the looming threat of war exists. Right now Isreal is having their conflict in Gaza. Even though at this time we aren't directly involved it still affects us. It affects all nations really. We will probaly continue to have conflicts in the Middle East. Iam just baseing this on my observations. Iam also wondering just how long it will be before we begin to hear about China and Russia getting involved in some sort of conflict and what our role might be.
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  • CJ7
  • 11-20-2012, 11:43 AM
They are still in control. Their votes counted just as much as Obama's. There is no need for them to capitulate simply because they lost a few races.

They will, but there is no need to. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I didnt say they werent in majority I said they lost seats, and unless youre an idiot (and you are btw) and stump for gridlock politics at the expense of the country, the voters will have even greater reasons to dump the republican house at midterm .... status: Trending Down.